PhD in Finance at a glance

Join EDHEC’s PhD in Finance programme to develop your expertise and work with researchers specialising in your company’s core concerns, all without interrupting your career.

Programme duration
3 years (part-time)
London and Nice campuses


Next intake

September 2025



EDHEC Business School believes that academic research has a vital role to play in promoting innovation and raising professional standards. With a century-long tradition of serving the needs of the community, it has a long-established ‘research for business’ focus and a well-embedded educational credo of ‘professional development through research-based excellence’. The EDHEC PhD in Finance is the culmination of this ambition. 

The programme is taught by an exceptional team of international scholars who not only hold prestigious qualifications, distinctions and appointments but, more importantly, have also made significant contributions to the field of financial economics, furthering theory and impacting practices through research, consulting and executive education.

Emmanuel Jurczenko Enrique Schroth

Undertaking a PhD in Finance | EDHEC Business School

EDHEC Business School has been offering a unique PhD in Finance program since 2008.
The EDHEC PhD in Finance is a research-oriented program which trains participants to serve as the future architects of the financial industry.
The program is designed to prepare talented and hardworking individuals for challenges requiring an integrated view of the inner workings of financial markets and institutions, a thorough understanding of financial decision-making and its modeling and the ability to autonomously identify, analyse research questions to propose and implement creative solutions. 

Abraham LIOUI
Director, EDHEC PhD in Finance, Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School 


We have created this program, the PhD in Finance, for executives because we felt that there was a gap between the knowledge, the discoveries and the patterns that have been elicited in academia and the practice in the industry.
We wanted this research to be applied within the industry that has to have an impact either by innovations or by reshaping the industry broadly speaking.
The EDHEC PhD in Finance program is designed for high-level practitioners who keep their full-time jobs. Executive participants undertake this program as a personal development step towards senior positions in the financial industry or if they already hold these positions as a way to become better leaders.
It can also lead to a change of career towards academia.
People who are undertaking this program are mainly after an intellectual challenge. The PhD program offers a platform where people can think deeply about the issues that they have been facing and therefore offer solutions in the most efficient way.
The PhD in Finance program is offered in Europe from London and Nice. The program has 40 PhD graduates to date who have gone on to author over 25 publications in top academic journals and leading professional reviews.
11 graduates in academia
9 graduates run their own company
For the graduates in the industry, most changed jobs or got promoted, some teach at the Master’s level.


Neo Teng Hwee
PhD in Finance, EDHEC, Chief Investment Officer, Head of Investment Products and Solutions

Practically speaking the EDHEC program is the only program that allows professionals to actually pursue a doctorate yet at the same time maintaining a full-time job. That is because the courses are conducted on a blocked week basis. So this is a very natural decision for me.

Messaoud Chibane
PhD in Finance, EDHEC, Assistant Professor, NEOMA Business School
Formerly Global Head of Quantitative Research, Shinsei Bank


I think it's very relevant to finance professionals especially for those who have had a reasonably long experience in finance and who still maintain the willingness to learn fundamental aspects of finance. So, this combined with teachers who have very profound theoretical knowledge but are also very knowledgeable about practical
application of finance. The fit of these two utility functions makes it very relevant to financial practitioners. 
Regions of residence (executive track participants)
Asia 34%
Europe Middle East Africa 30%
Americas 33%
Australasia 3%
The programme faculty consists of world-class specialists in Finance,  risk and investment management and economic and financial modelling. It brings together EDHEC Business Schools senior economics and finance scholars and affiliate professors from top research institutions around the world including Princeton, Wharton, Oxford, Imperial College London, Chicago, Caltech and the
London School of Economics.
The programme is well balanced between courses that are related to methodologies but also to conceptual developments. So, in the first year we do cover the foundations but at the PhD level of finance. And in the following years we provide students with advanced seminars which are taught by top scholars in the world at the cutting edge of the research in several fields, be it econometrics, behavioural finance, asset pricing or corporate finance.

Vijay Vaidynathan
PhD in Finance, EDHEC, and CEO, Optimal Asset Management


I was very attracted to the PhD programme here in particular because it's a very unique combination of superstar faculty from all over the world. So, what's unusual is for example in our classes, we had faculty from Princeton, we had faculty from the University of Chicago, and these are the very top names in their field. So even if I had done a PhD in Princeton, I would not get the faculty from University of Chicago. If I
do it in Chicago I don't get the University of faculty from Princeton. So it's a very unique combination of the top international talent in terms of faculty and the interactions that are possible with these very eminent faculty. So that was what attracted me the most.

Gideon Ozik
PhD in Finance, EDHEC, and Managing Partner and Founder, MKT MediaStats


I thought the programme was fantastic. First, when I entered the programme, I had very high expectations. But when I had finished, I realised, it went above and beyond my expectations.
The workload is something that was a bit surprising. We expected a very intensive workload. However, it turned out that the work was a lot more difficult and demanding that we initially anticipated. So it’s a real PhD.
The professors that are involved in the programme are among the top in the finance world.
Number of participants enrolled: 62
Countries represented: 31
International participants: 92%
Average professional experience of executive track participants: 15 years
The PhD in Finance offered by EDHEC Business School is the foremost academic
and professional qualification for experienced practitioners. Sponsoring organisations benefit from the learning experience of their executives whose critical thinking and analytical and research skills enhanced by doctoral studies are of considerable value. The program requires exceptional dedication but the satisfaction of working at the frontier of knowledge and practices and Finance, and the career impact are ample rewards for those who make this commitment.
This program is super challenging not only academically and intellectually but also practically because people have at the same time to manage their job, their family and on top of this, an extremely demanding program.
Offered since 2008, the EDHEC PhD in Finance equips professionals with the scientific background and research skills required to advance knowledge and practices in the financial industry. 
It is delivered over three years in a format that minimises residency requirements to allow professionals from over the world to participate without interrupting their careers. The programme welcomes over sixty participants from some thirty countries and is offered in Europe (London and Nice).
EDHEC Business School has designed its doctoral programme according to international academic standards and awards a PhD in Finance degree which is covered by its AACSB and Equis accreditations.





An extraordinary platform for your professional development and for finance-industry innovation.


A strong market finance orientation

Supporting the efficient allocation of resources over time and space, the financial industry is the lifeblood of the global economy and at the forefront of developments that are dramatically reshaping the world. This fast-paced, cosmopolitan and intellectually stimulating environment attracts some of the best and most ambitious minds in science and business.

Advancing the frontiers of knowledge and practice in such a competitive environment requires professionals who are able to combine well-honed critical thinking, extensive field expertise and outstanding analytical and research skills to exert thought leadership and introduce radical innovation. The financial industry is at a critical juncture and the need for such professionals and innovation is particularly acute.
Undergraduate degrees, professional experience and an MBA only partly develop this set of top-level skills, so if you aspire to greater intellectual heights, you should consider pursuing the foremost academic and professional qualification, the PhD.



Become an autonomous researcher and lifelong innovator.


The PhD in Finance offered by EDHEC Business School is a research-oriented programme that trains participants to serve as the architects of the financial industry. The programme is designed to prepare talented and hard-working individuals for challenges that require an integrated view of the inner workings of financial markets and institutions, a thorough understanding of financial modelling and decision-making, and an ability to independently identify, analyse and research questions in order to propose and implement creative solutions.



An executive track for high-level practitioners in full-time jobs and a residential track for high-potential graduate students.


The programme has two tracks: a residential track for young professionals who want to hold part-time teaching positions at EDHEC Business School in Nice and an executive track for high-level practitioners who wish to keep working full time. Executive track participants undertake the PhD in Finance as a critical development step en route to senior positions in the financial industry or, if they already hold such position, to steer their organisation in new directions. Residential track participants typically complete their PhD studies to gain access to an academic career in a leading research or educational institution.

The programme’s core courses and electives are offered in Europe, out of EDHEC’s campuses in London and Nice.



PhD experience 

Participants profile



Follow a programme that includes core courses, electives and research workshops, and conduct research in close collaboration with our faculty.


The EDHEC PhD in Finance requires intense personal commitment and is designed to be completed in three years. Its structure includes core courses, electives, research workshops and a dissertation. Core courses provide you with sound training in financial theory and state-of-the-art analytical and research methods. Elective seminars and workshops give you exposure to the latest advances in specific fields of your choice. The dissertation allows you to work individually with programme faculty members on topics chosen for their academic and industry relevance, aligned with your research interests and professional goals.





The faculty fosters a collaborative approach to research and you will have the opportunity to interact with inspiring academics and experts.


By concentrating core courses and elective seminars in residential weeks, opening up elective seminars to PhD candidates from different cohorts, extending the online classroom for research workshops, and adapting dissertation supervision to your individual circumstances, the programme creates a rich collaborative environment for all participants and builds close working relationships between PhD candidates and faculty. 

Learn more about our participants, alumni and their publications by visiting the links below:


Participants profile

PhD alumni



Learn from an exceptional team of international scholars from top research institutions.


The PhD programme faculty comprises world-class specialists in finance, risk and investment management, and economic and financial modelling. It combines EDHEC Business School’s senior economics and finance scholars with affiliate professors from top research institutions around the world. Faculty members have an exceptional track record of publications in and editing for the most respected scientific journals in financial economics. Their educational awards and experience in PhD candidate supervision, their prestigious appointments with leading universities worldwide and their senior-level engagement with major corporations, governments and supranational organisations speak to their outstanding reputation for excellence and expertise.

Learn more about our faculty and their publications by visiting the link below: 


Programme Faculty



PhD studies have a far-reaching impact on your work and career.


The key benefits of the EDHEC PhD in Finance are its outstanding faculty, its balanced structure, its supportive research environment and its talented and diverse candidate body. These combine to create the best opportunities for you to hone your research expertise and prepare to shape the future of the financial industry.

Read alumni testimonials and explore PhD theses by visiting the links below: 


Alumni testimonials  

PhD theses



Since 2008, EDHEC Business School has offered a unique PhD in Finance programme to elite practitioners who aspire to higher intellectual achievement and want to reshape practices in investment banking, asset management and other crucial sectors of the financial industry.




Learn more


EDHEC Membership with Inquire Europe

The PhD in Finance programme at EDHEC is partner of several academic conferences such as The European Conference on Household Finance - Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), The Adam Smith Workshop in Asset Pricing and Corporate Finance, and The Annual Private Markets Research Conference. 

Since January 2023, EDHEC has become the first academic institution to join INQUIRE EUROPE - Institute for Quantitative Investment Research, as a member.








Students, professors, researchers, alumni, partners and recruiters… EDHEC is a global community driven by the fundamental objective of making a positive impact on the world and for future generations by reinventing business.

Impacting future generations.


EDHEC Business School has been offering management training and development programmes since 1906. One of the leading business schools in Europe, it delivers degree courses to more than 8,500 students and trains more than 10,000 professionals annually through its executive courses and research events.


The School’s mission is to develop talent through high-quality business education, advance knowledge, impact business practices and contribute to the social and economic debate. Research conducted by its 175 permanent faculty members and its full-time researchers drives all of these activities and is at the very core of the School’s offerings.


Lean more about EDHEC Business School: Our Mindset | EDHEC Business School

Research and entrepreneurship serving a responsible economy
EDHEC spends more than 20% of its resources on research, which lies at the heart of its business model.

Lean more: EDHEC Business School: Our Research & Innovation Resources.


Business and value creators benefit directly from the contribution of EDHEC’s research centres. Our research guides major institutions in their global business actions: the EDHEC-Risk Institute in the case of asset management, the EDHEC Infrastructure Institute when it comes to long-term investment and the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute for legal business management.

One of the top 10 European Business Schools, with three international accreditations.


EDHEC features in all of the honours lists and top rankings published globally each year. These benchmarking tools put EDHEC among the best business schools in France and beyond, for all of its programmes, be it undergraduate, Grande Ecole, masters or executive education. Our excellence and commitment to being No. 1 are confirmed by our continued placement in the lists of best academic institutions worldwide. The latest Financial Times ranking of Best European Business Schools cemented EDHEC Business School’s presence among the top 10 for the fourth year running. This ranking corroborates the success of EDHEC’s strategy: to embed applied research into relevant academic programmes.

EDHEC Business School was among the first institutions worldwide to be awarded three international accreditations (AACSB, EQUIS, Association of MBAs) for the academic excellence and professional relevance of its programmes, its strong links with the business community, its international orientation and its commitment to ongoing quality improvement.


A wide range of graduate programmes, taught fully through English.


EDHEC Business School offers a wide range of graduate programmes, taught fully through English, attracting students from a wide range of countries, cultures and academic and professional backgrounds. The diversity of the student body contributes to the richness of the learning environment, which is highly conducive to personal and professional development.
EDHEC’s international strategy sets great store in giving students real exposure to ‘difference’, be it on our campuses, through our academic exchanges or our double degree programmes.

EDHEC Alumni share values and the School’s vision of business serving society.


EDHEC Business School graduates are lifelong members of a thriving network of more than 50,000 professionals in 127 countries and every industry. This friendly and supportive community of business leaders organises events and meetings throughout the year to facilitate an exchange of ideas and networking, while supporting students in designing their career plan and helping graduates to promote their business and career. EDHEC Alumni is also a force for the dissemination of best practices, shared values and the School’s vision of business serving the greater good.


Questions in this category relate to PhD studies more generally. More specific FAQs can be found on the executive track and admissions/funding pages. 
You can also contact us by phone or email

Although rare, it is possible to apply and be admitted to our PhD in Finance programme without a master’s degree. Professional experience and advanced professional qualifications, such as the CFA Charter, would have a positive weighting on our response, along with a solid undergraduate degree and an excellent GMAT score.

You can apply for a PhD after an MBA. Because of its strong quantitative orientation, our PhD programme requires a significant academic background in economics, finance, mathematics, econometrics and stochastic modelling (Master's level).

The EDHEC PhD in Finance is three years in duration.
In the event that candidates cannot manage to complete the programme within three years, they can do so within a further two years.

Research experience is not compulsory. Providing published research papers, working in the R&D division of a company (industry research) or acting as an academic research assistant would bolster your application.

EDHEC Business School has designed its PhD programme according to international academic standards and awards a PhD in Finance degree which is covered by its AACSB and Equis accreditations. The PhD in Finance at EDHEC is an institutional degree. 




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