Découvrez la première newsletter d'EDHEC-Risk Climate
Mai 2023 - "Modéliser les risques climatiques, soutenir l'action climatique"
Cette newsletter inaugurale est proposée intégralement (et uniquement) en anglais.

En octobre 2022, l'EDHEC-Risk Institute est devenu l'EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute (EDHEC-Risk Climate), reflétant l'engagement de l'EDHEC Business School à faire progresser l'intégration des impératifs de durabilité dans les activités économiques.
Sa lettre d'information inaugurale vient d'être publiée, positionnant les orientations de recherche de l'institut dans le contexte de l'urgence climatique et présentant certains des premiers résultats des efforts de recherche incubés au cours des deux dernières années.
As the editorial and the five articles proposed are entirely in English, the rest of this page, presenting the table of contents, is in English too.
Editorial: "Winter of Despair, Spring of Hope"
Frédéric Ducoulombier, Founding Director of EDHEC-Risk Climate opens the editorial for the inaugural newsletter of the Institute, with an article entitled "Winter of Despair, Spring of Hope", and introduces the team's high-relevance academic research on the modeling of climate risk and the role of finance for climate action.
Five front-breaking articles
This newsletter notably includes articles by EDHEC-Risk Climate researchers, at the forefront of the current analysis:
- Rolling the DICE at Thirty - Can Integrated Assessment Models be Made Fit for Investment Purposes?. This article by Riccardo Rebonato - Professor of Finance, EDHEC and Scientific Director, EDHEC-Risk Climate - is a discussion of breakthrough extensions of Integrated Assessment Models and their surprising results in terms of climate policy recommendations.
- The Impact of Climate Change News on Low-minus-High Carbon Intensity Portfolios. This new work, by Jean-Michel Maeso - Senior Quantitative Researcher, EDHEC-Risk Climate - and Dominic O’Kane - Professor of Finance, EDHEC and Research Director, EDHEC-Risk Climate -, applies language models to the measurement of asset price sensitivity to climate change news.
- Finance and Climate Action – Perspectives from the Sixth Assessment Report. In this article, Gianfranco Gianfrate - Professor of Finance, EDHEC and Research Director, EDHEC-Risk Climate - gives an insider’s look at the integration of the role of finance in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report.
- Multilateral Financial Institutions (MFIs) Need a Theory of Change to Deliver Better Climate Finance. Irene Monasterolo - Professor of Climate Finance, EDHEC and Director of a Research Programme, EDHEC-Risk Climate - calls on multilateral financial institutions to integrate climate risks in project assessment.
- The Proposed Extension of the EU Ecolabel to Retail Funds Needs a Rethink. In this article, Frédéric Ducoulombier - Founding Director of EDHEC-Risk Climate - details his observations on the stalled extension of the EU Ecolabel to financial products.
Some additional contents on climate finance
This inaugural newsletter also features an interview "Research is Essential to Sustaining Innovation in Responsible Investment" with Timothée Jaulin - Head of ESG Development and Advocacy at Amundi - who discusses key issues facing the investment management industry and Amundi's support for leading research initiatives on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Additionally, it provides information on EDHEC-Risk Climate’s latest research publications, events and news, and also includes a press review.
Photo de Mika Baumeister sur Unsplash