(EDHECinfra) Découvrez le programme du prochain séminaire - Singapour, 22 juin 2023
Séminaire en présentiel - De 9h à 12h30, au Fullerton Hotel à Singapour

L'EDHEC Infrastructure & Private Assets Research Institute organise le 22 juin, en partenariat avec la Monetary Authority of Singapore, un séminaire à Singapore sur le thème :
Climate and social risks of infrastructure investments: lesson from Asia
- Le programme complet (9h - 12h30) est disponible ci-dessous ou sur la page dédiée
- Inscriptions : rendez vous sur la page dédiée
- Pour découvrir EDHECinfra : se rendre sur https://edhec.infrastructure.institute/
- Pour toute question : contacter [email protected]
- Lieu du séminaire :The Fullerton Hotel Singapore. 1 Fullerton Square, Singapore, 049178
The programme below is displayed in English as the entire event will be held in this language.
Introduction to The EDHECinfra Climate Risk Metrics Project
Frederic Blanc-Brude, Ph.D., Director, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets.
Transition Risks of Transport Infrastructure: The Case of the Airport Sector in Asia
Darwin Marcelo, Project Director & Fabien Nugier, Senior Research Engineer, PhD, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets.
Physical Risks of Power Generation Infrastructure: The Case of the Fossil-Fuel Energy Sector in East Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines)
Darwin Marcelo, Project Director& Qinyu Goh, Sustainability Data Scientist, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets
Assessing the impact of climate change on the valuation of infrastructure assets: Example for Gas-Fired Plants in Singapore
Bertrand Jayles, Ph.D., Senior Data Scientist, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets
Social Acceptability Risks and Public Perception: Conventional Vs. Renewable Energy Acceptability Risks in South-East Asia
Jeanette Orminski, Senior Sustainability and ESG Researcher, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets.
Photo de Tomas Williams sur Unsplash