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(EDHECinfra) Découvrez le programme du prochain séminaire - Singapour, 22 juin 2023

Séminaire en présentiel - De 9h à 12h30, au Fullerton Hotel à Singapour

Temps de lecture :
7 juin 2023

L'EDHEC Infrastructure & Private Assets Research Institute organise le 22 juin, en partenariat avec la Monetary Authority of Singapore, un séminaire à Singapore sur le thème :

Climate and social risks of infrastructure investments: lesson from Asia



The programme below is displayed in English as the entire event will be held in this language.


Introduction to The EDHECinfra Climate Risk Metrics Project

Frederic Blanc-Brude, Ph.D., Director, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets.


Transition Risks of Transport Infrastructure: The Case of the Airport Sector in Asia

Darwin Marcelo, Project Director & Fabien Nugier, Senior Research Engineer, PhD, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets.


Physical Risks of Power Generation Infrastructure: The Case of the Fossil-Fuel Energy Sector in East Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines)

Darwin Marcelo, Project Director& Qinyu Goh, Sustainability Data Scientist, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets


Assessing the impact of climate change on the valuation of infrastructure assets: Example for Gas-Fired Plants in Singapore

Bertrand Jayles, Ph.D., Senior Data Scientist, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets


Social Acceptability Risks and Public Perception: Conventional Vs. Renewable Energy Acceptability Risks in South-East Asia

Jeanette Orminski, Senior Sustainability and ESG Researcher, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets.


Photo de Tomas Williams sur Unsplash

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