Get ready to drive sustainable
transformation in the building sector
Hosted by the EDHEC Chair for Foresight, Innovation and Transformation, the Foresight and Sustainability Day will be centered around the future of buildings and living with a horizon of 2040.
Enjoy inspiring keynotes, network with leading building experts, future oriented experts and 350 EDHEC finale year student.
Take part to the Award Ceremony of projects developed between our 350 students and our 15 industry partners: VELUX, Somfy, DAW, ARDEX, Rexel, Adeo, E.ON, JLL, Italcementi, TARKETT, STRABAG, BOUYGUES CONSTRUCTION, DANFOSS, INCEPT.
13:00 - 13:30 CEST Registration
13:30 - 14:45 CEST Future of Buildings Open Workshop
Keynotes and Scenarios toward a sustainable Future, Debating and cross-disciplinary knowledge-sharing
15:00 - 17:00 CEST Future of Buildings Awards
Keynotes, Student pitches from MSc in Strategy, Organization & Consulting Master and from MSc in Marketing, Award Ceremony
17:00 - 19:00 CEST Cocktail & Networking