The EDHEC Family Business Centre in partnership with the Louvre Endowment Fund will be holding a conference about Family Business Philanthropy accross generations at the Louvre in Paris on the 22nd…

Temps de lecture :
22 Mar 2018

The EDHEC Family Business Centre in partnership with the Louvre Endowment Fund will be holding a conference about Family Business Philanthropy accross generations at the Louvre in Paris on the 22nd of March.

The Conference aims at inspiring the family business members in engaging or pursuing their philanthropic activities, in a way that contributes to the family harmony, business sustainability and the well-being of the communities around them.


1.30 PM – 2 PM


2 PM – 3 PM


Guided Tour at the Louvre Museum

“The Family Representations in the Louvre Art Collections”

3.15 PM – 4.15 PM


Welcome Speech and Keynote by Igor de MAACK

“A Family Philanthropic Journey : Triggers and Consequences on the Individual, Family and Community Levels”

4.45 PM –  6 PM


Interactive Workshops

“Best Practices and Challenges of the Family Philanthropic Process”

6 PM –  7 PM


Academic Keynote by Rania LABAKI and Closing Note

“Bridging Research Insights with Practice: Towards Family Strategic Philanthropy”

7 PM – 8 PM

Networking and Cocktail Reception


Family businesses play a central role in the world’s economy contributing significantly to employment and to the GDP. Almost 80% of the world’s largest family businesses engage in philanthropy practices[1], ranging from the traditional philanthropy in terms of contributions to the communities and charitable giving to the more recent form linked to social impact investing.

What makes family business philanthropy intriguing and complex at the same time is the interconnectedness of the family and the business and its perpetuation over the long-run.

The prevailing perspectives on corporate philanthropy are predominantly rational and focus on the executive level of decision-making. Etymologically, philanthropy means “love of mankind”, including as such an important emotional component.

When it comes to family businesses, it becomes crucial to look into the emotional elicitors of the philanthropic activity and include other stakeholders in the process of philanthropic engagement such as employees and the potential successors. It is also important to look into the relation of philanthropy with succession to ensure the family business continuity.

This conference stands as an exclusive meeting point between family business members to address this expanded perspective on philanthropy.



The conference starts with an exclusive art guided tour at the Musée du Louvre to learn about the family representations in the Louvre Art Collections.

Through an inspirational keynote speech, Igor de Maack will share with us the philanthropic journey that the family followed over generations, the triggers and consequences of philanthropy on the family, business, personal and community levels.

Participants will be invited to interactive workshops to share experiences and best practices on the philanthropic process and raise questions that are of particular relevance for both the senior and the next generation.

An academic keynote by Rania Labaki (EDHEC Family Business Centre), will highlight key learnings based on research about the models of family philanthropy across continents, the diversity of existing practices and their pitfalls, and the future perspectives towards strategic philanthropy. An overview of the Louvre Endowment Fund history and current activities will allow to reflect on a modern governance perspective of family philanthropy.



Among relevant issues, the conference will explore through keynotes and workshops:

  • Intergenerational perceptions of philanthropy
  • Heterogeneity of philanthropy practices
  • Philanthropy steps and engagement of the family in the process
  • Motivations and obstacles to becoming philanthropists
  • Relative importance of values
  • Philanthropy as a vehicle to succession
  • Impact of philanthropy on the personal, family, business and communities levels.


Igor de MAACK

Igor de Maack was born in Paris in 1975. He is a portfolio manager at DNCA Finance SA, a French leading asset management company, since 2007. Prior to this, he held many roles in the financial world, most notably as senior vice president of equity capital markets at Lazard-IXIS between 2005 and 2007. He studied at Saint-Louis de Gonzague School and Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) where he graduated with a Master's degree in international tax. He began to support the Louvre Endowment Fund in 2016 with his wife Laure. They created a dedicated fund within the Louvre Endowment Fund, the Nininoé Fund, named in reference to their three children’s names, which supports restorations of Louvre’s artworks.



Rania LABAKI, Ph.D

Rania Labaki is Director of the EDHEC Family Business Centre and Associate Professor of Management at EDHEC Business School, where she teaches and conducts research at the intersection of the fields of finance, entrepreneurship and family business. Rania serves as Board member of IFERA, Scientific Council member of FBN France, Advisory Committee member of WIFB and New York City Family Enterprise Centre (NYCFEC). She is Editor of Entrepreneurship Research Journal and Editorial Review Member of academic journals on family business. Rania holds a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from the University of Bordeaux and is recipient of several international awards recognizing her contributions to the family business field.




The conference is intended exclusively for family business members. Limited seats are available. 

For registration: Click here

For more information, contact us: [email protected]

[1] According to a study by EY and Kennesaw State University (2015)

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