

In order to better understand and analyze the aspirations, skills and behaviors of the younger generations, the NewGen Talent Centre relies on its 20 years of expertise and its network of partners to respond to the problems of attraction, loyalty and commitment of companies.

Our activities


Data Analysis

Quantitative and qualitative studies on the behavior and professional aspirations of younger generations.

Discover our publications


An observatory within higher education.


Discover our Impact skills Model


Dissemination through publications, speaking engagements, press interviews, corporate interventions, dedicated website for graduate programmes.

Press and Interventions



The NewGen Talent Centre is also:


Do you want to raise awareness among your managers or your Management Committee about new generations, build or evaluate your Graduate Programme, or conduct a study among your young recruits?




Our history

20 years of relationships with employer brands



Undisputed expertise in professional integration, particularly in Graduate programs and VIE

NewGen Loyalty Track / (a database and a site of more than 600 companies and 1300 programs)




Thousands of support for professional projects of students and young graduates

Career Centre for Life Expertise




Designing a skills development program

TI&CD : Talent Identification and Career Development Programme

They trust us:

AGIRES, APEC, BearingPoint, BPCE SEF, BPCE Solutions et Expertises financières, Business France, Caisse d’Epargne Normandie, CDEFM, CRCC, Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe, Eau de Paris, Est Métropole Habitat, FITECO, Forvis Mazars, Groupe BPCE, Havas Events, IDEX, l’Air Liquide, l’Assemblée de liaisons des notaires de France, l’Union Sociale de l’Habitat, la Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes, LISI Group, LVMH, Maersk, Maisons et Cités, Marine Nationale, Media Participations, Planet Payment, PWC Audit, PWC Société d’Avocats, Réseau DCF, RTE, Sopra Steria, ST Microelectronics, Thermofisher...


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