French Recruiters

Your Talent Sourcing

In today's fiercely competitive world, recruitment is key to the success of any organization. At EDHEC, through our tailor-made services and events, we help you attract, identify and recruit the best talent to meet the needs of your organization.



Our Services

In order to promote effective recruitment, meeting your expectations, EDHEC Business School provides you with a range of services and events that will allow you to meet a large potential of French and international talents, around your specific needs. .

  • Promote your employer brand
  • Meet your future collaborators
  • Exchange around tailor-made events
  • Take part in our CSR events


Access our recruiters services

Become a Partner

Benefit from privileged access to our dedicated resources and personalized support to recruit your future talents.

Our recruiting events




The forum is a great platform to connect and recruit best talents across various programmes and disciplines.


Find out more

Job Dating Online

étudiants sur ordinateur

A virtual event bringing together 1,500 French and international students, where you can spot the best talents.

Finance Career Days

Finance Career Days

A 2-day event that bring together recruiters and our best talent from finance.


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International Career Day

International Career Day

Meet, network, interview and hire from our 1500+ students and young graduates from 65+ nationalities.

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Graduate Programme Day

International Career Day Networking

A dedicated event to showcase your graduate programmes. Connect with our high-potential students who are motivated to join a graduate programme.


Find out more (in french)

Finance Recruitment Day

Networking EDHEC

Meet our passionate and globally mobile finance students and organise on-campus interviews, networking events and presentations.


Industry Career Days

Présentation en amphi à l'EDHEC

An Industry specific recruitment event.
Industries covered: FMCG, Retail, Finance, Audit, Consulting, High Tech, Industry, Pharma, Entertainment, Law & Tax...


Ambassador Day

Présentation en amphi à l'EDHEC

Launch your ambassador program and recruit at EDHEC, the student or association that will represent you throughout the year.


Luxury Week

luxury days

An event for the companies in the luxury sector to promote their brand and showcase their job opportunities.


Company Treks

étudiants EDHEC

Host a group of pre-selected students at your company to provide them an insight about your organisation and jobs.



Share & Coffee

Share and coffee

Meet our students to share your career opportunities and have a convivial exchange.


Master Class or "Lunch & Learn"

Recruiters Conference

Come and meet our students to share your expertise and enjoy a privileged educational moment.


Experience Day

EDHEC Networking

Give our students an immersive experience. Build this meeting according to your desires: VIP conference, workshops, launch of educational cases, recruitment sessions...


One hour / One company

Présentation à l'EDHEC

One hour to present your company, its internship and first job opportunities in amphitheater.


Tailor-made recruitment session

EDHEC Networking

Let us organize your recruitment sessions on our campuses.


Diversity and Inclusion Challenge

parc campus de Lille

Raise awareness among Pre-Masters students of the issues of diversity and inclusion to help them strengthen their inclusive behaviors.


Find out more

Open Innovation Challenge

Challenge Open Innovation

A unique learning model in collaboration with students and major companies.


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Negotiation Challenge

Challenge néGO!

Help our students develop their negotiation skills and competencies.


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Disability Day

Handi Day


Since 2014, EDHEC has been organizing this event in collaboration with companies and student associations, which aims to raise student awareness.



Conference Women In Finance


Come and share your thoughts, your commitments on these topics (gender, disability, multi-generational, multi-cultural and LGBT+) during a dedicated half-day.


Forums & Recruitment



The forum is a great platform to connect and recruit best talents across various programmes and disciplines.


Find out more

Job Dating Online

étudiants sur ordinateur

A virtual event bringing together 1,500 French and international students, where you can spot the best talents.

Finance Career Days

Finance Career Days

A 2-day event that bring together recruiters and our best talent from finance.


Find out more

International Career Day

International Career Day

Meet, network, interview and hire from our 1500+ students and young graduates from 65+ nationalities.

Find out more

Graduate Programme Day

International Career Day Networking

A dedicated event to showcase your graduate programmes. Connect with our high-potential students who are motivated to join a graduate programme.


Find out more (in french)

Finance Recruitment Day

Networking EDHEC

Meet our passionate and globally mobile finance students and organise on-campus interviews, networking events and presentations.


Industry Career Days

Présentation en amphi à l'EDHEC

An Industry specific recruitment event.
Industries covered: FMCG, Retail, Finance, Audit, Consulting, High Tech, Industry, Pharma, Entertainment, Law & Tax...


Ambassador Day

Présentation en amphi à l'EDHEC

Launch your ambassador program and recruit at EDHEC, the student or association that will represent you throughout the year.


Luxury Week

luxury days

An event for the companies in the luxury sector to promote their brand and showcase their job opportunities.


Company Treks

étudiants EDHEC

Host a group of pre-selected students at your company to provide them an insight about your organisation and jobs.



Employer Brand Events

Share & Coffee

Share and coffee

Meet our students to share your career opportunities and have a convivial exchange.


Master Class or "Lunch & Learn"

Recruiters Conference

Come and meet our students to share your expertise and enjoy a privileged educational moment.


Experience Day

EDHEC Networking

Give our students an immersive experience. Build this meeting according to your desires: VIP conference, workshops, launch of educational cases, recruitment sessions...


One hour / One company

Présentation à l'EDHEC

One hour to present your company, its internship and first job opportunities in amphitheater.


Tailor-made recruitment session

EDHEC Networking

Let us organize your recruitment sessions on our campuses.


Pedagogical Challenges

Diversity and Inclusion Challenge

parc campus de Lille

Raise awareness among Pre-Masters students of the issues of diversity and inclusion to help them strengthen their inclusive behaviors.


Find out more

Open Innovation Challenge

Challenge Open Innovation

A unique learning model in collaboration with students and major companies.


Find out more

Negotiation Challenge

Challenge néGO!

Help our students develop their negotiation skills and competencies.


Find out more

CSR events

Disability Day

Handi Day


Since 2014, EDHEC has been organizing this event in collaboration with companies and student associations, which aims to raise student awareness.



Conference Women In Finance


Come and share your thoughts, your commitments on these topics (gender, disability, multi-generational, multi-cultural and LGBT+) during a dedicated half-day.


A team at your service

A team of 6 people within the Careers & Employer Engagement department is dedicated to partnerships and relations with employers.


Corporate Relations Manager
Corporate Events Manager
Apprenticeship Tax Manager
Key Account Manager
Key Account Manager
Key Account Manager