Executive Education Scholarships and Funding

Fund your executive education programme with scholarships and other financial solutions

Financing your Executive Education project represents a major financial investment, commensurate with the impact that such a programme can have on your career and future. Providing executive education scholarships and other funding solutions that best suit the circumstances of each applicant is therefore central to our tuition fee payment schemes and helps ensure that gender equality, cultural diversity, and fairness are reflected in our cohorts.


EDHEC Executive Education funding programmes and options


Ensuring that you can finance your Executive Education programme and see a return on investment (ROI), financially, professionally, and personally, is a top EDHEC Business School priority.


Why invest in Executive Education 


Lifelong learning, career development, acquisition of new skills, leadership training, or embarking on entrepreneurial adventures, are all good reasons to invest in your future through a diverse range of certified managerial or executive programmes. Embarking on Executive Education courses is a solid investment in yourself. Allow EDHEC to help you come up with a personalised financing plan so that you can make this investment a reality. 

Participating in an Executive Education programme represents an important career investment. We can accompany you in your search for the financing solution that best accommodates your profile and your professional project.

Julie Le Gouez, Executive Programme Advisor and Admissions Manager, EDHEC Business School

Julie Le Gouez

Executive Programme Advisor and Admissions Manager, EDHEC Business School

Am I eligible for financial support?


Discuss with an EDHEC advisor to find out.


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Personalised solutions for financing your programme


We will help you create a financing plan that is tailored to your needs and situation.

Financing an Executive Education programme is the first step to achieving your professional ambitions. Participants have several financing options available to them, depending on their personal, professional, and financial situations. If, for example, you are applying to an Executive MBA programme, then your employer may be willing to co-finance or even fully finance your degree. If you are already working in France, then you are likely to have a Personal Training Account (CPF) which may cover a percentage of your tuition. There are also several scholarships available that you may be eligible for.

Individual Financing Solutions


EDHEC can offer a tuition fee reduction for candidates who will personally finance their Executive Education programme:

  • Up to 20% discount on the total tuition fee amount that is personally financed (VAT included)
  • Up to 10 interest-free instalments of tuition
  • “Early-bird” discount for personally financed tuition fees that are received several months prior to the programme’s start date
  • *excludes Global MBA

Each programme offers a range of scholarship options including:


  • Women in Leadership scholarship
    To support and promote equality and gender diversity in our class and the boardroom.
  • Cultural Diversity scholarship
    To support and promote cultural diversity in each programme, this scholarship is open to dual nationals and internationals currently working and residing in France.
  • International scholarship
    For applicants who live and work outside of France. This scholarship is designed to encourage and support participants who are looking to gain a truly global vision from one of the leading business schools in France and Europe.
  • Individual Financing scholarship
    For applicants who are personally financing the programme.


If you are eligible for an EDHEC scholarship, your admissions manager will advise you on the amount and process (if applicable).

There is a range of other external scholarships and sources of financial aid for which candidates may be eligible. These include scholarships available within your home country or via the French embassy.


Am I eligible for a scholarship?

 Discuss with an EDHEC advisor to find out which scholarship you could qualify for.


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Bank Loans: preferential rates, flexibility, and simplified application processes


EDHEC has developed partnerships with a number of leading French banks (CIC, BNP Paribas, La Banque Postale, Caisse d’Épargne, Société Générale, LCL) to offer you tailored support for financing your transformational Executive Education degree. A vast majority of participants take a partial or full loan to finance the cost of the programme.


Thanks to these partnerships, you can benefit from:

  • A loan at a preferential rate with a duration of up to 9 years
  • A simplified application process for amounts of up to €25,000
  • Flexibility and personalised repayment options, such as deferred payments or early payment without penalty. 

Individual Financing Solutions

Individual Financing Solutions


EDHEC can offer a tuition fee reduction for candidates who will personally finance their Executive Education programme:

  • Up to 20% discount on the total tuition fee amount that is personally financed (VAT included)
  • Up to 10 interest-free instalments of tuition
  • “Early-bird” discount for personally financed tuition fees that are received several months prior to the programme’s start date
  • *excludes Global MBA

Executive Education Scholarships

Each programme offers a range of scholarship options including:


  • Women in Leadership scholarship
    To support and promote equality and gender diversity in our class and the boardroom.
  • Cultural Diversity scholarship
    To support and promote cultural diversity in each programme, this scholarship is open to dual nationals and internationals currently working and residing in France.
  • International scholarship
    For applicants who live and work outside of France. This scholarship is designed to encourage and support participants who are looking to gain a truly global vision from one of the leading business schools in France and Europe.
  • Individual Financing scholarship
    For applicants who are personally financing the programme.


If you are eligible for an EDHEC scholarship, your admissions manager will advise you on the amount and process (if applicable).

There is a range of other external scholarships and sources of financial aid for which candidates may be eligible. These include scholarships available within your home country or via the French embassy.


Am I eligible for a scholarship?

 Discuss with an EDHEC advisor to find out which scholarship you could qualify for.


Contact us

Bank Loans

Bank Loans: preferential rates, flexibility, and simplified application processes


EDHEC has developed partnerships with a number of leading French banks (CIC, BNP Paribas, La Banque Postale, Caisse d’Épargne, Société Générale, LCL) to offer you tailored support for financing your transformational Executive Education degree. A vast majority of participants take a partial or full loan to finance the cost of the programme.


Thanks to these partnerships, you can benefit from:

  • A loan at a preferential rate with a duration of up to 9 years
  • A simplified application process for amounts of up to €25,000
  • Flexibility and personalised repayment options, such as deferred payments or early payment without penalty. 

5 tips for financing your Executive Education programme



Depending on your financial and professional situation, you may be able to start budgeting and putting money aside months before you begin your Executive Education programme. Planning ahead will allow you to consider your options thoroughly and to ensure that you have studied what scholarships or financial aid possibilities are available to you.


Prepare a solid file that includes all key information regarding your chosen Executive Education programme, an overview of your financing options, and your reason for seeking professional transformation through this programme. You will need to present this file to any parties (such as EDHEC Business School for a scholarship, a bank for a loan, etc.) who may be able to provide support.

Consider the return on investment (ROI)

Calculating an approximate ROI will require research into potential salary evolution as a result of completing an Executive Education programme, cost of living during your programme (accommodation and transport options, etc.), and personal and professional gains such as upskilling and networking. Discover an example of ROI considerations when applying for an Executive MBA.

Be determined

No one knows better than you how important your education and financing projects are to you. Maintain your focus and exhaust all options for the successful attainment of your programme’s financing aid.

Be guided

Move forward with peace of mind by surrounding yourself with practical information and realistic advice from those around you who have already completed an Executive Education programme. And most importantly, don’t forget to contact our EDHEC admissions team for help.

How can I finance my executive education course?


Contact our EDHEC admissions team to discuss your financing options.


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Individual financing & funding solutions for every profile


Financing and funding solutions that best suit the circumstances of each applicant may vary greatly depending on applicant profiles. What works for one, may not apply to another. EDHEC is intent on helping you find a solution that will allow you to pursue your educational and professional aspirations. 

Are you currently in or preparing for a management or leadership role?

If you plan on pursuing an Executive Education programme such as an Executive MBA (EMBA) while continuing to work, you have several options to consider:

  • Negotiate with your current employer regarding your expectations of a salary increase following completion of your course. 
  • Initiate discussions with HR or upper management about the possibility of the company financing or co-financing your EMBA. 

In both cases, you need to make your Executive Education programme the focal point of negotiations, due to the benefits that the programme will bring to the organisation as a whole. Be specific, prove your current worth with numbers and discuss your future worth and evolution, and how these bring value to the company. While fewer and fewer companies are fully financing employees’ Executive Education degrees, the salary increase is often enough to bring a desirable return on investment (ROI). 

How do you convince your employer? Here are 5 tips:



Timing is everything. A company's “skills development plan” is usually put together between September and October. This is a good time to share your Executive Education project with those concerned since the annual budget is still in flux.


The go-to people within your organisation should be the HR representative who has made him/herself the most available to employees, and your manager, who will most likely serve as your closest ally.

Prepare well

Detail the benefits that the company will reap from you completing an Executive Education programme. Discuss how the course is scheduled (any time off work required). Present them with the funding sources that are available to you, showing that these will relieve them of full tuition coverage. Argue why now is the right time for it.


Underline the relevance of this project for your professional development, but also its alignment with the strategic objectives of the company you work for. Discuss how your success is linked to the success of the company.

ROI for your employer

Demonstrate the impact of your project on the return on investment it will deliver to the company. Clearly detail the win-win dimension of your Executive Education course.

Are you a self-employed entrepreneur registered in France?


If you are self-employed, registered, and living in France, you may be eligible to receive financial aid for your programme by a Training Insurance Fund known in France as the “Fond d’Assurance de Formation” (FAF) which is dependent on the nature of your activity. You often have to advance the funds to be reimbursed by the corresponding organisation at a later date. These are the Training Insurance Funds available

  • FAFCEA if you are a company director registered in the trade register of Artisans.
  • AGEFICE if you are a self-employed manager in the trade, industry, and services sectors.
  • FAF PM if you work in the medical profession.
  • FIF-PL if you work in the liberal professions.
  • VIVEA if you are a farmer.

Employed by a French company? Learn about the CPF.


If you are employed by a French company, then you may be eligible for financial support through the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF). It is a credit system financed by employer contributions. In short, your CPF account is credited annually with a sum that you can access directly from the CPF application’s “mon compte formation”. The majority of EDHEC’s Executive Education programmes, including the Executive MBA, EMBA in Healthcare (HIT), Global MBA and Senior Executive Programmes, are eligible for the CPF aid. 

*If your CPF fund does not cover the entirety of the tuition fees, you are able to supplement the amount by charging the rest to your credit card, or by applying for a grant or loan.


If you are working on a French contract and pay taxes in France, or are officially a job seeker (via the Pole Emploi), expenses incurred in obtaining a diploma or qualification can be deducted from your gross salary and wages when you file your tax return. This includes your tuition fees, but also other costs relating to the programme (food, transport, etc.), as well as interest on a loan if you have taken out a loan. To facilitate the process, make sure to keep all the documents and proof of your training and its financing.

Am I eligible for financial support?

To have your profile evaluated, simply complete this form.



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Yes, Executive Education scholarships are available for participants of an Executive MBA. When applying for an Executive MBA at the top-ranked EDHEC Business School, there are several scholarships available that you may be eligible for. 

The Women in Leadership scholarship provides a 20% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT). It has been set up to support and promote equality and gender diversity in our class and the boardroom. The Cultural Diversity scholarship also provides a 20% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT) and was created in order to support and promote cultural diversity in each programme. This scholarship is open to dual nationals and internationals currently working and residing in France. The International scholarship allows you to have a 30% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT) to applicants who live and work outside of France. This scholarship is designed to encourage and support participants who are looking to gain a truly global vision from one of the leading business schools in France and Europe. And finally, the Individual Financing scholarship provides a 15% reduction off the programme fees (excluding VAT) for applicants who are personally financing the programme. 


There is a range of other external scholarships and sources of financial aid for which candidates may be eligible as well. These include scholarships available within your home country or via the French embassy, and Executive Education bank loans. Furthermore, if you are employed by a French company then you may be eligible for some financial support through the CPF.

Executive education funding represents a major financial investment, commensurate with the impact that such a programme can have on your career and future. For this reason, top-ranking Business Schools such as EDHEC, accompany you in your search for the financing solution that best accommodates your profile and your professional project. Amongst the executive funding options available to candidates are 4 different scholarships, financial support through your Personal Training Account (CPF) if you are employed by a French company, education-funding schemes in your home country or via the French Embassy, bank loans for education, and of course the financing or co-financing of your Executive Education programme by your current employer. Furthermore, if you are self-employed, registered, and living in France, you may be eligible to receive financial aid for your programme by a Training Insurance Fund known in France as the “Fond d’Assurance de Formation” (FAF) which is dependent on the nature of your activity. If you are working on a French contract and pay taxes in France, or are officially a job seeker (via the Pole Emploi), expenses incurred in obtaining a diploma or qualification can be deducted from your gross salary and wages when you file your tax return.


When applying for an Executive MBA at EDHEC, there are several Executive Education scholarships available that you may be eligible for. The Women in Leadership scholarship provides a 20% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT). The Cultural Diversity scholarship also provides a 20% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT). The International scholarship allows you to have a 30% reduction off programme fees (excluding VAT) to applicants who live and work outside of France. And finally, the Individual Financing scholarship provides a 15% reduction off the programme fees (excluding VAT) for applicants who are personally financing the programme.

Yes, they can. If you plan on pursuing an Executive Education programme such as an Executive MBA (EMBA) while continuing to work, you can initiate discussions with HR or upper management about the possibility of the company providing professional development funding for your EMBA. Throughout your negotiations, ensure that you make your Executive MBA programme the focal point, due to the benefits that the programme will bring to the organisation as a whole. Be specific, prove your current worth with numbers and discuss your future worth and evolution, and how these will bring value to the company. Ask your company if they have any dedicated training plans that alleviate programme costs. Also find out if they have sponsored candidates in the past, to support your case. Keep in mind that even if your company refuses to sponsor your Executive MBA, you can negotiate a pay rise that would go into effect after the successful completion of your programme. This salary increase would in itself cover the cost of your Executive MBA, or of a tuition-fee bank loan, leading to a desirable return on investment (ROI) within just a few years.

Funding your Executive Education studies, such as an Executive MBA, represents a major financial investment. For this reason, top-ranking Business Schools such as EDHEC, accompany you in your search for the executive funding solution that best accommodates your profile and your professional project. Amongst the funding options available to candidates are various Executive Education scholarships, which at EDHEC offer between a 15-30% tuition fee reduction. Be sure to do research about your country’s education-focused organisations and see what education scholarships or grants are available to help finance your studies. For example in France, there is an organisation called the FONGECIF, similar to how the United States offers FAFSA for American students studying both in the United States and internationally. Individuals who work and pay taxes in France, also have access to a Personal Training Account (CPF), the Fond d’Assurance de Formation (FAF), and tax deductions via the Pole Emploi. If you’re studying abroad there are organisations that help international students like the Fulbright Commission, the United Nations, or Open Society Foundations.

Yes. In fact, having a salary allows you to present the bank with a stronger case regarding how you intend on paying back your Executive Education loan. Top-ranking business schools such as EDHEC have developed partnerships with a number of leading banks to offer Business School participants tailored support for financing their transformational projects. A vast majority of participants take a partial or full executive funding loan to finance the cost of the programme. Benefits include a loan preferential rate with a longer duration, a simplified application process, flexibility, and personalised repayment options. Before taking out a loan, don’t forget to see whether you qualify for one of the Global MBA or Executive MBA scholarships, since qualification can lead to a 15-30% reduction in tuition fees, depending on your profile.

Having a grant for Executive Education enables you to acquire a bank loan that will cover all or part of your professional development programme’s tuition. Eligibility for an Executive Education loan usually depends on the university or Business School you have chosen, the specific degree programme you plan to attend, course intensity (part-time/full-time), whether or not you have already acquired a higher education course in the past, your age and your nationality or residency status in the country in which you are applying. Top-ranking Business Schools such as EDHEC have partnered with a number of leading banks to offer Executive Education participants tailored support for financing their transformational projects. Benefits include a loan preferential rate with a longer duration, a simplified application process, flexibility, and personalised repayment options. There are also a variety of Executive Education scholarships available that can help participants fund their programmes. The EDHEC Business School, for example, provides 4 different scholarships which can reduce fees by up to 30%, for eligible applicants. 



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