
Sofia Kong Pizarro - MSc in marketing management
25.06.2024 - Master
How EDHEC Supports and Integrates International Students: Sofia’s Journey
France has always been a sought-after destination for higher education. Its globally renowned business schools, rich culture, and diverse student…
14.06.2024 - EDHEC
Financial Times 2024 World Ranking of master’s in finance: EDHEC moves up 3 places to 6th in the world
EDHEC has confirmed its leading position in international finance education. It is ranked 6th worldwide in the Financial Times 2024 master’s in…
« Générations 2050 » : l’EDHEC lance son nouveau plan stratégique 2024-2028
13.06.2024 - EDHEC
"Generations 2050": EDHEC launches its new strategic plan 2024-2028
On June 13, 2024, EDHEC Business School launched "Generations 2050", its new 2024-2028 strategic plan.
Rentrée 2024 : 22 nouveaux professeurs rejoindront l’EDHEC Business School
27.05.2024 - EDHEC
22 new professors to join EDHEC Business School at the start of the 2024 academic year
The pace set by EDHEC's ambitious 2020-2025 strategic plan has been maintained: 22 new professors, in addition to the more than 25 already recruited…
Guergana Guintcheva - Master Business Management Programme Director
28.03.2024 - Master
Exploring EDHEC’s Master in Management, Business Management track
Seeking a career in Business Management? Choosing the right academic path is crucial. EDHEC's Master in Management - Business Management track,…
Sofia Kong Pizzaro - MSc in marketing management
20.03.2024 - Master
Why EDHEC’s top ranked Master in Marketing Management is a crucial asset in the job market: Meet a student
In a world where marketing skills are increasingly valued, Sofia’s decision to pursue EDHEC’s Master in Marketing Management offers insights into the…
13.03.2024 - EDHEC
“Choiseul Finance de demain 2024” ranking: 9 EDHEC alumni selected
Institut Choiseul, a think tank analysing strategic global economic issues, singled out nine EDHEC Business School alumni (Master in Management and…
Orange Jeunes Talents
12.03.2024 - Master
Orange Jeunes Talents Challenge, an EDHEC team on the podium
Congratulations to Louis Roussel (MSc in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence), Auriane Dubernet (MSc in Creative Business & Social…
Global Master in Management - GETT
29.02.2024 - Master
The Global Master in Management – GETT is as much about personal growth as it is about academic achievement
Meet Eric Mortier, a student enrolled in the Global Master in Management – GETT programme, currently in his final year at UC Berkeley Haas,…
Jeremie Joyeaux - MSc in Marketing Management
28.02.2024 - Master
Uncovering the unmatched value of the MSc in Marketing Management with Jeremie
Want to learn more about our MSc in Marketing Management? Meet Jeremie Joyeaux, a student of the programme. After earning his bachelor's degree and…