Research seminars

EDHEC professors organise dozens of research seminars a year, in conjunction with the departments and certain programmes. These provide an opportunity to present their own work, and also to discover and discuss that of researchers from all over the world, on a wide variety of subjects.

A varied programme

EDHEC Business School's research seminars are intended for all the school's professors and researchers, to enable them to welcome scientists from all over the world and also to present their own work. Held mainly on the Lille, London and Nice campuses - and by videoconference - these seminars provide an opportunity for researchers to exchange views on a wide variety of subjects.

The different sessions are identified by the following elements :

  • Business Management, at Lille (BM)
  • Finance, at Nice (FE)
  • Data Science, Econometrics & Corporate Finance, at Lille (DSECF)
  • PhD in Finance, at Nice and London (PhFE)
  • [Co-organisation] CEPR Advanced Forum for Financial Economics (CAFFE)

EDHEC has also launched a new series of monthly online conferences on "The Future of Finance", Find out more here.

Seminars 2023-2024


September 12, 2023

Enrique Schroth (EDHEC Business School) - "How do firms choose between growth and efficiency?"

London campus, PhFE seminar


September 14, 2023

Remco Zwinkels (Free University Amsterdam) - "Risk, return, and sentiment in a virtual asset market"

Nice campus, FE seminar


September 20, 2023

Ludovic Phalippou (University of Oxford) - "Limited Partners versus Unlimited Machines: Selecting Private Equity Funds with Machine Learning Algorithms"

London campus, PhFE seminar


September 21, 2023

Harjoat S. Bhamra (Imperial College London) - "Leverage Dynamics and Learning about Economic Crises"

London campus, PhFE seminar


September 28, 2023

James Choi (Yale School Management) - "Does Pension Automatic Enrollment Increase Debt? Evidence from a Large-Scale Natural Experiment"

Nice campus, FE seminar 


October 10, 2023

Kevin Bryan (University of Toronto) - "A User's Guide to GPT and LLMs for Economics Research"

Anton Korinek (University of Virginia) - "Language Models and Cognitive Automation for Economic Research"

Online, CAFFE seminar


October 18, 2023

Nicolas Bianco (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) - "Dynamic variable selection in high-dimensional predictive regressions"

Lille campus, DSECF seminar


October 19, 2023

Jamie Coen (Imperial College London) - "Collateral Demand and Liquidity Demand in Wholesale Funding Markets"

Nice campus, FE seminar


November 8, 2023

Aristide Houndetoungan (Cergy Paris Université) - “Inference for Two-Stage Extremum Estimators

Lille campus, DSECF seminar


November 8, 2023

Florian Berg (MIT Sloan School of Management) - "The Economic Impact of ESG Ratings"

Nice campus, FE seminar


November 14, 2023

Marcin Kacperczyk (Imperial College London) - "The CO2 Question: Technical Progress and the Climate Crisis"

Mathijs van Dijk (Rotterdam School of Management) - "Climate Change and Long-Horizon Portfolio Choice: Combining Insights from Theory and Empirics"

Online, CAFFE seminar


November 16, 2023

Raman Uppal (EDHEC Business School) - "Evaluating the Impact of Portfolio Mandates"

Nice campus, FE seminar


November 22, 2023

Marie Lambert (HEC Liège) - "Agency Costs of Dry Powder in LBO Funds"

Lille campus, DSECF seminar


November 23, 2023

Michela Verardo (London School of Economics) - "Firms’ transition to green: Innovation and lobbying"

Nice campus, FE seminar 


November 29, 2023

Leopoldo Catania (Aarhus University) - "A new way to Regime Switching Autoregressions"

Lille campus, DSECF seminar


December 6, 2023

Alexandre Rubesam (IESEG) - "It Takes Two to Tango: Economic Theory and Model Uncertainty for Equity Premium Prediction"

Lille campus, DSECF seminar


December 7, 2023

Danielle Zhang (Oslo Business School) - "The Future of the Past: Lasting Effects of Financial Crises on Individual Investors"

Nice campus, FE seminar


December 12, 2023

Elise Gourier (ESSEC Business School) - "Private Market Fund Factors"

Gianpaolo Parise (EDHEC Business School) - "Green Window Dressing"

Online, CAFFE seminar


January 9, 2024

Teodor Dyakov (EDHEC Business School) - "Global Production Networks"

Nice campus, PhFE seminar


January 17, 2024

Frederico Belo (Insead) - "Production-based Stochastic Discount Factors"

London campus, PhFE seminar


January 19, 2024

Federico Bandi (Johns Hopkins) - "0DTE option pricing"

London campus, PhFE seminar


February 13, 2024

Theresa Spickers (University of Amsterdam) - "Passive Ownership and the Environment"

Joel Shapiro (University of Oxford) - "Sustainable Investing and Public Goods Provision"

Online, CAFFE seminar


February 22, 2024

Arthur Romec (Toulouse Business School) - (title tbc)

Nice campus, FE seminar


March 12, 2024

Kathrin Schlafmann (Copenhagen Business School) - "Expectations and Wealth Heterogeneity in the Macroeconomy"

Peter Andre (Goethe University Frankfurt) - "Mental Models of the Stock Market"

Online, CAFFE seminar


March 20, 2024

Christophe Hurlin (IUF, Univ. Orléans) - (title tbc)

Lille campus, BM seminar


March 21, 2024

Dirk Jenter, London School of Economics  - (title tbc)

Nice campus, FE seminar


April 3, 2024

Christophe Gaillac (University of Oxford) - (title tbc)

Lille campus, BM seminar


April 4, 2024

Per Strömberg (Stockholm School of Economics)  - (title tbc)

Nice campus, FE seminar


April 18, 2024

Lukas Schmid (Marshall School of Business, Univ. of Southern California)  - (title tbc)

Nice campus, PhFE seminar


April 25, 2024

Pat Akey (Rotman School of Management, Univ. of Toronto)  - (title tbc)

Nice campus, FE seminar


May 16, 2024

Cecilia Bustamante (University of Maryland) - (title tbc)

Nice campus, FE seminar


May 22, 2024

Raman Uppal (EDHEC Business School)  - "What is Missing in Asset-Pricing Factor Models?"

London campus, PhFE seminar


May 22, 2024

Peter Nyberg (Aalto University) - (title tbc)

Lille campus, BM seminar


May 23, 2024

Philipp Krueger (University of Geneva) - (title tbc)

Nice campus, FE seminar


May 30, 2024

Marco Grotteria (London Business School) - (title tbc)

Nice campus, FE seminar