Management in Innovative Health Chair

Bristol Myers Squibb and EDHEC have signed a long-term partnership in the course of 2022 to help accelerate innovation in the field of e-health. The highlight of this collaboration is the creation of a joint research chair "Management in Innovative Health", mobilising their knowledge and expertise to better understand the consequences of the digital revolution on the healthcare ecosystem and to advance e-health for the benefit of patients.


Active in the field of health teaching and research, EDHEC Business School has chosen to change scale and accelerate its commitment to connected health by joining forces with Bristol Myers Squibb, one of the world's leading biopharmaceutical companies. Since its creation, the company has been at the forefront of scientific and therapeutic progress, mainly in serious diseases such as cancer, and is committed to a global approach focused on the patient's care pathway. For EDHEC, this collaboration resonates with the priorities of its 2025 plan "Impact Future Generations", which encourages cross-fertilisation between scientific research and the industrial world.

  • July 2022 - To download the press release (in French) announcing the creation of this Chair, follow this link

Présentation de la Chaire EDHEC Management in Innovative Health | EDHEC Business School

Loïck Menvielle, Directeur de la Chaire Management in Innovative Health
Aujourd'hui, on parle de plus en plus d'une médecine prédictive, d'une médecine participative, d'une médecine personnalisée. Et tous ces éléments vont être directement travaillés par cette chaire de recherche. Bien évidemment l'objectif étant de structurer à la fois sur les usages en santé connectée, c'est à dire ici la compréhension du comportement des patients à l'égard des objets connectés en santé, des applications mobiles, et plus largement aussi d'ouvrir le débat en termes de recherche sur les problématiques de chaîne de valeur en santé. Il s'agit donc ici de rentrer sur ce débat public pour pouvoir apporter au niveau scientifique des réponses vis à vis de l'ensemble de ces problématiques.

Emmanuel Métais, Directeur général de l’EDHEC Business School
Aujourd'hui, ce qui nous intéresse dans le fait que la technologie est en train de révolutionner la société, c'est que cette technologie va changer nos vies, mais elle va également avoir un impact profond, finalement, sur l'être humain, sur nos pratiques, sur notre vie, sur nos pratiques de santé, bien entendu. Et ce lien entre la technologie et l'être humain est quelque chose qui nous passionne profondément. Pouvoir l'étudier avec une grande entreprise, un leader mondial pharmaceutique comme l'est Bristol Myers Squib est finalement un enjeu déterminant pour l'EDHEC.

Michael Antioco, Doyen du corps professoral et de la recherche
Les centres et les chaires aujourd'hui sont des lieux de rencontre, des lieux de rencontre entre des chercheurs qui sont spécialiste dans leur domaine et des dirigeants, des managers qui font face à des problématiques auxquelles ils souhaitent obtenir un certain nombre de réponses. L'idée du centre et de la chaire, in fine, est de co développer des solutions à des problématiques qui sont identifiées d'un point de vue académique et d'un point de vue pratique.

On a vu apparaître dans le domaine du médical de nouveaux entrants. Ces nouveaux entrants, par exemple, le métavers, constituent peut être le devenir de la santé ou du moins, en tout cas, pour certains de ses aspects. Il est donc intéressant aussi d'aborder ces nouveaux outils qui vont être peut être à l'origine d'une modification de l'Internet, d'une modification des rapports que nous entretenons, déjà entre nous, mais également appropriés au domaine du médical. Tout ceci fait sens et donne une profondeur extrêmement intéressante. Dans cette logique, on peut comprendre et appréhender le fait qu'il puisse exister des bénéfices quant à l'usage de ce type d'outil. En revanche, on voit aussi apparaître certains méfaits. Le fait de plonger des individus dans un univers virtuel peut éventuellement aussi avoir des impacts au niveau de leur santé mentale. Il est donc extrêmement intéressant de comprendre ces différents leviers, différents freins et motivations à l'adoption de ces technologies, mais aussi, au travers des futurs travaux de cette chaire de recherche, c'est se poser la question de la data. Cet élément est quand même extrêmement important lorsqu'on l'approprie et on l'associe au domaine de la santé, tout simplement parce que cela constitue des données personnelles.

Et l'éthique n'est pas loin, au final, de ces différentes thématiques, mais c'est l'objectif aussi d'ouvrir un débat de société sur l'importance de l'éthique et de différents concepts comme les enjeux de respect de la vie privée, les enjeux d'éthique by design et de privacy by Design qui doivent constituer ici les fers de lance de cette nouvelle transformation du digital dans le domaine de la santé.

(News) Results of the 2nd wave of the connected health barometer

As part of the Management in Innovative Health chair, Bristol Myers Squibb and EDHEC Business School have commissioned the Ipsos polling institute to carry out a survey of French people's perceptions of connected health. Following the first wave, conducted in November 2022, a second wave was carried out in early February 2024 among a representative national panel of 1,000 French people aged between 18 and 74.



Loick Menvielle

EDHEC Professor, Director of the Chair

Research topics: Online patient communities, uses of connected health, serious games.


Olga Kokshagina

EDHEC Associate Professor, Chair Associate Researcher

Research topics: Health innovation, patient-centred care, co-design, health value.


Denis Dauchy

EDHEC Professor

Research topics: Commercial strategy in healthcare, transformation of business models.


Kumar Ranjan

EDHEC Professor, Chair Affiliate Researcher

Research topic: Emerging health technologies.


Lena Griset

EDHEC Teaching Assistant, Chair Affiliate Researcher

Research topics: Digitalisation in healthcare, influencer strategies on social networks.


Julia Kulkova

Senior Consultant

Research topics: Biomaterials and biomedical design, innovation in healthcare, strategic leadership in healthcare, anticipating and influencing medical trends


Déborah Halimi Gerbi

Lead expert in health and pharmaceuticals within the Chair

Research topics: Value in healthcare, innovations, organisational approach, connected health.



The "Management in Innovative Health" chair is dedicated to advancing knowledge and practice on the impact of digital technology on healthcare, the emergence of e-health and the uptake of connected health devices. With the democratisation of digital technology, connected medicine is becoming a key element. This transformation of the medical sector raises ethical questions, but it is crucial to examine the uses and adoption of these technologies by patients and all healthcare stakeholders. It is important to study the transformation of the healthcare field and the challenges that will ensue. Personalised, precise and participatory medicine offers a wide range of possibilities, redefining the power dynamics in healthcare.


Health Value Chain

The chair aims to make a scientific and academic contribution to the concept of the healthcare value chain and the various associated strategic approaches. The value chain seeks to understand the different stages and players involved in the delivery of healthcare.

The chair's research focuses on clarifying the sources of value creation, from design to continuous improvement of the care pathway.

In an ever-changing healthcare sector, the value chain is becoming more complex, with many players involved, from patients to digital technology companies. The chair studies the challenges of collaboration, organisation and innovation in this ecosystem, particularly in the fields of service innovation (technological, organisational, managerial, etc.) and healthcare.

Through its various theoretical and managerial contributions, the chair is committed to promoting initiatives focused on creating value for patients.


Value based Healthcare

There are many sources of innovation in the world of healthcare. Whether through disruptive therapies, new digital technologies or innovative organisational systems, all these advances aim to improve patients' lives or solve specific problems. What added value do these innovations offer and how do users perceive them? The chair therefore focuses on the study of value in healthcare, integrating all the players in the healthcare system.

More specifically, through its work, the chair seeks to understand the different facets of value in healthcare that are influenced by new digital solutions and artificial intelligence. It also aims to shed light on the human, organisational and technological challenges faced by players in the healthcare system in delivering optimal patient care.

Some of the research focuses on the experience of patients and healthcare professionals, taking a close look at how the various monitoring indicators established can help to improve value in healthcare.

At the same time, the team involved is analysing the care pathways of cancer patients, who are benefiting from an approach focused on health value, particularly through more personalised pathways. Cancers represent public health challenges, and the approach adopted to overcome them can also inspire the development of care methods in other medical fields.


Patient Empowerment

The chair focuses a significant part of its research on this area, which underlines the importance of interactions between new healthcare technologies, adaptation and adoption practices, and patient empowerment.

The team is working to identify the sometimes complex dynamics between connected health uses, their adaptation by healthcare professionals and patients' understanding and adoption of connected objects. The aim is to analyse how these processes interact and influence the quality of care, the effectiveness of medical treatments and, more generally, the improvement of individual health and well-being.

The chair investigates Patient Empowerment, encouraging patient autonomy through access to information and active participation in their care. It examines how new technologies can promote a better understanding of illness, involvement in medical decisions and proactive health management.


The "Management in Innovative Health" chair is structured around three major axes: research, teaching and dissemination of acquired knowledge. The chair capitalizes on the synergies between EDHEC's professor-researchers and Bristol Myers Squibb's ecosystem of experts and patient communities. The central objective is to advance knowledge and practices in terms of the impact of digital technology on healthcare provision, the emergence of e-health and the use of connected health devices.


The Chair publishes notably the EDHEC-Bristol Myers Squibb barometer by Ipsos on "the adoption of connected health tools by patients", aimed at providing healthcare stakeholders with new data on the changing behaviour of the French with regard to digital health solutions, with a particular focus on the use of AI and data.


30 January 2023 - As part of the Management in Innovative Health chair, Bristol Myers Squibb and EDHEC Business School have commissioned the Ipsos polling company to carry out a survey on the French people's perception of connected health. The first wave, carried out in November 2022 among 1,000 people aged 18 to 74, revealed new analyses in terms of information, education and reassurance regarding the use of connected health.



One of the key aspects of this collaboration is the training of students and the development of skills in the field of health management. Thanks to the support and expertise of the Bristol Myers Squibb teams, EDHEC has been offering a series of educational modules dedicated to health issues since the start of the 2022 academic year (Executive Education and then initial training).


In keeping with its "learning by doing" approach, the school also offers its students courses, consulting projects and business cases based on issues specific to the sector. For example, Global MBA students are asked to develop marketing strategies in the health sector or to propose innovative approaches to developing value for patients. For their part, EDHEC students in initial training take part in an immersive challenge "#ExploreForCancer" devised by Bristol Myers Squibb to showcase the progress already made thanks to immunotherapy and to support French public research in the field of cancer.


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06.03.2025 - EDHEC publication

Femmes et santé numérique : une médecine vraiment inclusive ?

Management in Innovative Health Chair, EDHEC VOX, March 2025

06.01.2025 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

The impact of influencer power on consumers’ higher education brand trust: France & Canada compared

Management International, January 2025

06.09.2024 - EDHEC publication

E-santé : les enjeux de la transformation numérique du système de santé

Management in Innovative Health Chair, EDHEC VOX, September 2024

02.09.2024 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Stand-alone or run together: artificial intelligence as an enabler for other technologies

International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Volume 30, September 2024, Pages 2082 - 2104

15.07.2024 - EDHEC publication

3 questions à Loïck Menvielle sur le Baromètre 2024 de la santé connectée

Management in Innovative Health Chair, EDHEC VOX, July 2024