Diversity, inclusion and disability

EDHEC works to promote inclusion, equality and diversity through numerous specific programmes driven by its stakeholders, in association with the School’s teaching and research activities, its Foundation, networks and collectives. Historic commitments for some and new combats for others that reflect the major causes of our time.

Whether you are a future or existing student, alumnus or partner, find out about the actions of our community, the work of our chairs and our classes and programmes in favour of inclusion, equality and diversity.

Our engagements


Diversity & Inclusion

EDHEC works to promote diversity an inclusion through numerous specific programmes in association with the School’s teaching and research activities, its Foundation, networks and collectives. Historic commitments for some and new combats for others that reflect the major causes of our time.

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Equal opportunities

All talents must be able to pursue their dream and their studies. Also, EDHEC is committed via its 2020-2025 strategic plan to increasing the reception and support of high school students and students who wish to complete their course with us.


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Committed to the development of Diversity and as part of its involvement in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), EDHEC implements support and accessibility solutions for all students with disabilities.


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étudiants sur le campus de Nice

Respect for others

EDHEC is committed every day to respect for others through its student community, its dedicated programs, research, networks and collectives. This mobilization is supported by a “zero tolerance” policy against harassment.


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