Executive Degree Programmes

Transform your career with EDHEC Executive Education programmes for managers and future leaders.

Benefits and objectives of EDHEC’s Management Development and Senior Executive Programmes


We offer a unique learning environment that promotes the acquisition of technical skills and personal and professional transformation.


Develop your soft skills, amplify your confidence, acquire fresh insight, and significantly increase your international and diverse business network. Your professional transformation will be just as significant. With EDHEC’s Executive Master Business & Management or Advanced Management Programme (delivered in French), you will gain 360° business acumen and management strategy skills, develop leadership proficiency, understand global market perspectives and increase your employability.

Managers today must master a constantly evolving business world. They are required to succeed in taking responsibility for a team while also driving its performance, making this job both exciting and demanding. Thanks to our advanced knowledge of the business world and its demands, we offer you the opportunity to develop your skills and management acumen, within a stimulating and innovative pedagogical environment.

Martine Caffiaux, Programme Director, Management Development Programme & Management Development Certificates, EDHEC Executive Education

Martine Caffiaux

Programme Director, Management Development Programme & Management Development Certificates, EDHEC Executive Education

The Advanced Management Programme (AMP) for Senior Executives, offers an innovative pedagogy, high-level academic input, and custom-made personal and professional development coaching. These enable participants to decipher business issues, strengthen their leadership skills, increase their employability, benefit from a professional network of 57,000+ alumni, and experience a unique and transformational journey...to chart their own course

Maïlys Vicaire, Co-directrice des programmes pour dirigeants de l’EDHEC

Maïlys Vicaire

Co-director, Advanced Management Programme for Senior Executives, EDHEC Executive Education


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Financial Times 2024

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Financial Times 2024

Parcours Dirigeants - EDHEC’s Advanced Management Programme for Senior Executives (in French)


EDHEC’s Advanced Management Programme is an invaluable part-time programme taught in French, for senior executives and experienced professionals who strive to acquire the strategic skills to lead their organisation’s success.


Leading in a fast-changing business environment


The business management modules will give you the strategic skills necessary for making complex decisions, creating value, leading teams, and managing conflict. You will learn to prepare for change strategically and lead the change successfully.


The courses are based on present-day realities, the knowledge gained is directly implementable, and the programmes are feasible for all.


A comprehensive personal and career support programme


EDHEC’s Advanced Management Programme includes comprehensive individual support and leadership development accompaniment. The participants are guided towards a successful personal and professional transformation as senior managers are expected to manage positive organisational shifts within a company. The programme is run by a team of qualified coaches who all have extensive managerial experience acquired from working in major and influential international groups.


Meet decision-makers, important business leaders, and anticipate tomorrow’s trends


Led by business leaders, experts, and board members, AMP ‘Open Mind’ conferences offer an excellent opportunity for reflection and discussion on future challenges and the impact that these challenges have on people and organisation management. Based on diverse experiences that are far removed from daily concerns at times, the testimonials enable the participants to explore the values of organisations and to draw conclusions that are directly exploitable within a business.

EDHEC’s Advanced Management Programme for Senior Executives

In-depth courses, business simulations, company visits, discussions, and teamwork


Insightful seminars organised by business leaders, provide in-depth coverage of managerial topics to take the participants’ personal development and their grasp of key business management issues to another level.

Executive Master Business & Management (in French)


Transform your management skills and capacities in an innovative and stimulating learning environment. EDHEC’s Executive Master Business & Management helps you steer your leadership transformation while mastering new responsibilities and skill sets.


The EDHEC Executive Master Business & Management is designed to help you develop your management skills and capabilities through a comprehensive part-time programme, taught in French, that combines high-quality academic teaching with hands-on action learning.

The Part-time programme for managers is available in 2 different formats. It is taught in our Lille or Paris campuses and includes a choice of electives as well as a consulting project, to allow you to personalise your programme according to your needs and preferences.

Business and Management Foundation Courses


Learn to lead change and improve your team’s performance.


EDHEC Executive Master Business & Management gives you effective tools for building a strategy and action plan, managing a project, and creating value within the current legal framework. Adopt the right managerial behaviours and generate financial performance with your team’s support, and develop the human capital you have been given. You have the option of in-person, in-group attendance, or participating in the programme via e-learning.


Individual and group coaching


Throughout the EDHEC Executive Master Business & Management , a coach will provide you with tailored support to help you fine-tune your career plan. There are up to 4 coaching sessions, depending on the format you choose.


The course also includes a range of teamwork exercises such as case studies, situation analyses, and business simulations. The exercises are consolidated by the views and comments of the other participants.


Two days are dedicated to professional development, and frequent spot checks will help you to identify the skills and expertise acquired as well as the progress you have made.

Consulting Project


The consulting project in EDHEC Executive Master Business & Management involves finding solutions to a challenging situation that a company is facing, working as a team..
The consulting project allows the participants to put into practice all the learning acquired during the course and to come up with substantiated recommendations for a real company that is encountering a specific problem.

Action learning


The EDHEC Executive Master Business & Management uses a range of action-based techniques to promote the immediate transfer of knowledge and the concrete application of skills acquired during the course. These include real-life business case studies, business simulations, and immersion courses to experience new managerial practices first-hand.

EDHEC’s Action-based teaching techniques to promote the immediate transfer of knowledge

Business meetings often take place within a similar circle of people to the ones you are surrounded by on a daily basis at work. Individuals may work within a similar field to yours and in a company that isn’t too different in scope and size. As a result, your interactions with business leaders from diverse backgrounds and industries are limited. A great advantage of attending an Advanced Management Programme is the diversity and international reach of its members, as well as the wide range of industries they come from. Everyone contributing to the course means that the AMP allows us to significantly extend our field of knowledge. A year of ‘intellectual sustenance which helped us to grow significantly.

Valérie Huche, Administrative and Financial Director, Leader Groupe / Leader Intérim, EDHEC Advanced Management Programme alumna, 2015

Valérie Huche

Administrative and Financial Director, Leader Groupe / Leader Intérim, EDHEC Advanced Management Programme alumna, 2015

By the time I had completed this course, I had gained a more strategic and global business view. Today, this benefits me both in my interactions with my peers and during my exchanges with clients. The Management Development Programme allowed me time for personal and professional reflection. I have grown from this experience, both in terms of hard skills acquired and from a more human and relational point of view.

Franck Tholliez, Key Account Manager, Hauts-de-France, Champagne-Ardenne, Schneider Electric, EDHEC Advanced Management alumnus, 2012

Franck Tholliez

Key Account Manager, Hauts-de-France, Champagne-Ardenne, Schneider Electric, EDHEC Advanced Management alumnus, 2012

EDHEC Executive Programmes for managers and senior executives


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Testimony on the Parcours Dirigeants - Advanced Management Programme | EDHEC Business School

EDHEC Business School

Corinne Dubos
Advanced Management Programme
Associée Vae Solis Corporate

English version (subtitles)

I needed to find some breathing space in my career which was fairly linear.
I was really intrigued by EDHEC’s AMP programme for several reasons. Firstly because it’s well-balanced between classes and the absolutely incredible experiences that the programme offers. You’re there on the campus for two half days every fortnight and, independently of those half-days, there are seminars that can run from 3 days to 8 or 10 days.
The AMP is both a completely unique personal experience that is enriching, transformative and extraordinary, and also a real collective adventure.
We shared things during this year in a spirit of unity, camaraderie, mutual aid and support. 
After doing this programme, I felt a certain respect among the participants and when you say you’ve done it at a prestigious business school like EDHEC that triggers a bit of envy among quite a few of my colleagues.
And there comes a time when there’s a sort of tipping point and then you suddenly start feeling the benefit which is incredible, in terms of management when you gain a form of fluidity because you’ve learned to look at things from a distance and from higher up, so it’s a lot more seamless. And I’m also getting a lot of satisfaction from it, by carrying out my assignments and leading my team, so all of that is extremely positive.

Make an impact
EDHEC Business School


Version française (voice)

J’avais besoin dans mon parcours professionnel, qui était assez linéaire, d'une respiration. 
J'ai été vraiment séduite par le programme AMP de l'EDHEC pour plusieurs raisons. D'abord parce qu'il est extrêmement bien équilibré entre les cours et les expériences absolument incroyables qu’il propose, puisque vous êtes là sur le campus deux demi-journées tous les quinze jours. 
Et puis indépendamment de ces demi-journées, il y a donc ces séminaires qui peuvent aller de trois jours à huit ou dix jours. 
L’AMP, c'est une expérience personnelle tout à fait unique, enrichissante, transformante, extraordinaire, mais c'est aussi une aventure collective. On a partagé cette année vraiment dans un esprit de camaraderie et d'entraide, de soutien.
Le fait de dire que j'ai suivi ce programme, je sens à la fois chez les gens une forme de respect, et puis c'est vrai que de dire qu'on l'a fait à l’EDHEC, dans une grande école de commerce, cela fait envie à pas mal de mes collègues qui ont eux aussi envie de s’y mettre.
A un moment, il y a une forme de bascule qui s'opère et d'un seul coup on commence vraiment à sentir les bénéfices qui sont incroyables. à la fois au management, on gagne une forme de fluidité parce qu'on a pris de la distance et de la hauteur donc c’est beaucoup plus fluide. On retrouve aussi énormément de plaisir à produire ses missions et à conduire son métier.  Tout ça est extrêmement positif.

Make an impact
EDHEC Business School


Our professional diploma programmes use a range of action-based techniques to promote the immediate transfer of business skills and knowledge. Experiential learning includes real-life business case studies, business simulations, and immersion courses to experience new managerial practices first-hand. The programmes enable participants to acquire the strategic skills necessary to lead organisations to success, improve one’s strategic agility, sharpen managerial acumen, and develop one’s professional network by being a part of a diverse and international group of experienced managers and senior executives.

There is no right answer as it depends on what you are looking for.
The part-time 10 to 16 month long professional diploma programmes are designed to be transformational in the sense of managerial upskilling and the development of leadership capabilities but also in terms of career development. They combine high-quality academic teaching with hands-on action learning. These experiential learning experiences include real-life business case studies, business simulations and field trips as well as immersion seminars to experience new managerial practices first-hand. 
Certificate courses on the other hand are much more targeted towards specific strategic subjects, intensive, and shorter in duration. EDHEC Executive Education offers a range of short certificate programmes for managers, directors, and senior executives.  The average duration is 5 to 11 days and blends theory and discussion with action learning. 

The well-known EDHEC Executive Diplomas increase employability in leadership positions. These diploma courses enable managers and senior executives to acquire the strategic skills necessary to lead organisations to success, improve their strategic agility, sharpen their managerial acumen, and develop their professional network by being part of a diverse and international group of experienced leaders.


Open days

EDHEC Global MBA - Discovery Day

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EDHEC Business School, Nice Campus
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