The commitment of EDHEC faculty is to an adaptive approach, combining experiential, collaborative, innovative and responsible engagement to nurture students' agility and personal and professional achievement.



EDHEC Business School's professors and the various contributors to the programmes on our campuses and online, design every day a pedagogy that is both global and inclusive, respecting singularities and diversity of approach. Included more broadly in the student experience offered by the school, this pedagogy is based above all on interaction and collaboration, and a central place given to "learning by doing" which engages students in concrete exchanges on the realities of business. Creativity, critical and constructive thinking, and self-assessment are just some of the components of an approach transmitted and implemented by the teachers. Whether you are a student in a Bachelor's degree, a Master's degree, a Grande Ecole programme or an Executive Education programme, EDHEC is committed to an adaptive approach that fosters agility and personal and professional fulfilment in our students.



Pedagogical innovation is considered as one of the essential components of EDHEC's strategy. The objective of the pedagogical innovation laboratory, "EDHEC PiLab", is to meet students' expectations and their need for the digital skills required by their future employers by supporting professors in their pedagogical innovations (online or blended courses, innovative animation formats, etc.). The student experience is the keystone of all these innovations: living these years of training together but taking into account the context and personality of each student. Thanks to blended learning, EDHEC gives students and professors the opportunity to teach and learn differently. With the support of the IT department and thanks to new fluid and scalable technological solutions, they are redesigning more flexible physical spaces to serve the teaching process



The school's signature, "Impact future generations", translates into programmes based on learning-by-doing. Based on the theories of active learning, the aim of this approach is to involve the student and make him or her the actor of his or her learning. Through this dynamic, the student is able to develop critical thinking, creativity and self-evaluation. This way of learning helps students to become engaged actors in their environment.


The development of real-life case studies, simulations, the "Open Innovation" and "Challenge Nego" seminars, the BBA SIP projects integrating projects centred on one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals decreed by the United Nations, the Pre-Master's Climate Fresco, etc. are all opportunities for students to reflect on and seek impactful solutions to societal problems.



The PiLab supports teachers throughout the year in 3 dimensions:

  1. Using technology and educational spaces effectively  
    Practical guides and tutorials
    Training for new teachers
    Sessions to discover new tools
  2. Supporting the creation and running of courses
    Digital scripting, filming of educational videos, assistance in creating online activities (homework, peer evaluation, virtual classes, etc.), support during lessons, etc.
  3. Supporting the development of digital teaching methods
    Teacher certification, experience sharing workshops, workshops, ...



The educational content is available permanently and on all devices on the EDHEC learning platform.

EDHEC is developing a multi-channel approach based on phygital solutions for both courses and student support.


Digital Learning Experience Manager, Lille Campus
Instructional designer, Nice Campus
LMS expert, Nice campus
Instructional designer, Nice Campus
Multimedia Engineer, Lille Campus
Multimedia Engineer, Nice Campus
LMS Expert, Lille Campus
Pedagogical Engineer, Lille Campus