Respect for others at EDHEC Business School
EDHEC promotes the respect for others through the student community, the specific programmes driven, the research activities, networks and collectives. Mobilization supported by a “zero tolerance” policy against harassment.
Out in the field, these various actions aim to strengthen respect for gender, the acceptance of disabilities, the fight against harassment and discrimination, whether related to sexual orientation, social origins or religion, whether you are future or current students, alumni, professor, participant, collaborator or partner.
A student community in action

All EDHEC association presidents signed in 2020 the charter of engagement for student responsibility in the fight against sexism and discrimination, introduced by the national office of management school students (BNEM), in partnership with the Conference of French prestigious Grandes Ecoles (CGE).
Beyond this symbolic and foundational act, all presidents work to set up new initiatives to further their commitment on this subject.
- All EDHEC student associations have appointed their own Inclusion and CSR officers.
- “Sentinel Students” are at your service in our various programmes. These students are trained with this issue and are here to help and guide you through your steps, in complete confidentiality.
- Student events are organized on a regular basis in order to mobilize the student community around these issues.
- Since 2014, EDHEC brings together companies and student associations for the Handi Day, an event that demonstrates to one and all that difference does not rule out ability. Original initiatives are proposed by the student associations to raise awareness among the EDHEC community.
LEARN MORE about EDHEC BUSINESS SCHOOL's actions in favor of diversity and inclusion
Dedicated classes and programmes to raise awareness among students
Right from their first year at the School, EDHEC students are confronted with issues related to respect for others, respect for gender, acceptance of disabilities, the fight against harassment and discrimination through dedicated classes integrated into our programmes. These initiatives do not just work on raising awareness, but also give each individual the knowledge and practical tools to function in both their career and personal life in a way that leads to a more inclusive environment.
Involving students in considering how to fight discrimination
In association with the Student Engagement and Diversity unit, students set up a think tank around the initiatives that need to be put in place to better fight discrimination. The aim is to provide recommendations applicable on all campuses.
Classes and projects to acquire knowledge and develop thinking
All BBA students attend classes geared towards diversity and inclusion to help them identify different types of discrimination, whether linked to gender, sexual orientation, social origin or religion. The Human Resources track deals specifically with these topics and goes into detail on inter-group relations, stereotypes, harm, group norms and male-female equality within companies.
The 1st Springboard for Diversity and Inclusion brings together more than 600 students from the Grande Ecole Programme each year to co-build impactful and creative solutions with partner companies to respond to issues of diversity, inclusion and respect for others.
Taking action against harassment
EDHEC applies a zero-tolerance policy to all forms of harassment. Our teams are specifically trained to understand, prevent and react against violence, whether sexual, racist or homophobic in nature.
Reporting platform for victims and witnesses
Because the first step is to free the voice of victims, EDHEC has set up an anonymous reporting platform dedicated to the fight against harassment in partnership with legal and medical experts ready to act.
This multilingual platform is available to all students. Its role is to listen in these cases of harassment, but more generally to support all the students daily whatever the difficulties encountered.
Putting a stop to harassement
EDHEC Business School is committed against harassment. Witness or victim, you have the possibility of depositing the account of the facts encountered on our anonymous platform.
Gender-based and sexual violence: we can help you
EDHEC offers you, in parallel with its reporting platform, the opportunity to meet in person trained staff to help you.
If you need help or if you want to help someone by chatting with an interlocutor on campus, or for any information, please contact the Student Life Service:
LILLE CAMPUS: Ségolène Binet (S2-138) or Alexandre Caron (S2-145)
NICE CAMPUS: Lydia Nicollet (office 201).
OTHER CAMPUSES: [email protected]