MiM - Finance Track
EDHEC Business School has acquired a worldwide reputation for the quality of its financial education. The Master's in Management (MiM) ‒ Finance is designed to provide students with the knowledge and expertise necessary to pursue a successful international career.
Financial Times 2024
Financial Times 2024
Master in Management ranking - Financial Times 2024
Breaking News!
We are proud to announce our latest ranking
#4 Master in Management Worldwide
Financial Times 2024
Preparing you for a successful career in Finance Management
EDHEC’s Master in Management (MiM) ‒ Finance, also known as the Grande École programme, is a two-year academic programme, taught entirely in English. It will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to pursue an international career in finance.
Our flagship EDHEC Master in Management ‒ Finance programme awards graduate students and young professionals a double degree: a Master in Management and a Master of Science. Incorporating a full year of professional immersion and/or academic exchanges, the programme benefits from EDHEC’s close ties with leading companies, corporate sponsors, and academic partners: the CFA Institute, the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), Mazars, PwC, MINES Paris-PSL, Amundi, Crédit Agricole Nord de France, CA CIB and Société Générale.
The Master in Management (MiM) ‒ Finance will appeal to you if you are a motivated self-starter with strong intellectual capacity, have a primary degree in a numerate discipline, and a desire to build an international career in finance. The programme will equip you with advanced financial knowledge and technical skills valued by employers.
CFA Partner programme
CQF Institute
Established in 2014, the CQF Institute, part of Fitch Learning, is the global quant finance-focused membership organization with more than 27,000 from 90 countries, and serves as the awarding body for the Certificate in Quantitative Finance (CQF), the world’s largest professional qualification in quantitative finance. |
Preparing you for a successful career in Finance Management
EDHEC’s Master in Management (MiM) ‒ Finance, also known as the Grande École programme, is a two-year academic programme, taught entirely in English. It will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to pursue an international career in finance.
Our flagship EDHEC Master in Management ‒ Finance programme awards graduate students and young professionals a double degree: a Master in Management and a Master of Science. Incorporating a full year of professional immersion and/or academic exchanges, the programme benefits from EDHEC’s close ties with leading companies, corporate sponsors, and academic partners: the CFA Institute, the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), Mazars, PwC, MINES Paris-PSL, Amundi, Crédit Agricole Nord de France, CA CIB and Société Générale.
The Master in Management (MiM) ‒ Finance will appeal to you if you are a motivated self-starter with strong intellectual capacity, have a primary degree in a numerate discipline, and a desire to build an international career in finance. The programme will equip you with advanced financial knowledge and technical skills valued by employers.
CFA Partner programme
CQF Institute
Established in 2014, the CQF Institute, part of Fitch Learning, is the global quant finance-focused membership organization with more than 27,000 from 90 countries, and serves as the awarding body for the Certificate in Quantitative Finance (CQF), the world’s largest professional qualification in quantitative finance. |
Your Master in Management - Finance in a nutshell
The Master in Management (MiM) - Finance ranked in the top 10 worldwide in the Financial Times Master's in Finance rankings 2023, will equip you with the cutting-edge knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the top tiers of international finance. The programme's partnership with the CFA Institute underscores its relevance to the financial industry. Among other subjects, you will develop expertise in corporate financial strategy, investment banking, financial accounting, reporting and analysis, risk management, and equity and fixed-income portfolio management.
[Michelle Sisto - Associate Dean for Graduate Studies]
EDHEC made the choice about 20 years ago to really focus our financial industry and our financial programmes here on our Nice campus.
So our EDHEC Risk Institute is housed here. Our EDHEC Risk Climate Impact Institute is housed here in Nice. Our Career Centre oriented to finance is here and our masters in finance programmes as well as our PhD programme are also housed here.
So we have a really strong ecosystem of a multitude of actors working in the financial industry and academia based here on our campus.
Anyone who joins EDHEC, part of our selection process is we expect them to be an active, proactive member of our community. Not just today, but long term, particularly in finance.
We want students who will come and join us who are ready to challenge themselves, who are ready to challenge the current practices that are going on in the industry and ready to learn and be creative, looking for new ways of changing the industry in a positive way. That's part of our ethos - make an impact. We could add an adjective and say make a positive impact.
So the specialisations that we've chosen are really in line with where we see the industry moving. We want our students to be industry ready at graduation. So, they can choose amongst a wide portfolio of specialisations, accounting and finance, financial engineering with a very strong impetus on data science, on private equity, on decentralised finance, all areas where the industry is moving.
We also have a large number of students who are interested in corporate finance. That remains a very big field.
And just recently we've chosen a new specialisation, it’s a double degree that we developed with the MINES Paris PSL on climate change and sustainable finance.
[Chloé Lévy - Finance Career Centre Manager]
In terms of events, the Career Centre organises more than 60 events per year.
Some of them are generalists, like the forum held in Paris with more than 100 companies. Some of them are more specialised to master's students in finance. It could be workshops, company presentations, or recruitment events. On top of that, there are job dating events twice a year,
audit days, finance recruitment days, where recruiters come on campus to meet, interview and recruit our students. And students have the opportunity to participate in treks we organise in London, Paris and Luxembourg.
Our graduates are very successful with their placement. Actually, more than half of them already signed a contract before their graduation. Some of our top recruiters are Bank of America, Barclays, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, to name just a few.
One of our strongest assets of the career centre is that we provide students with individual meetings, individual coaching. We try to consider the long-term perspective and we set together a real proper strategy for each student. You're not just a number, right?
You're part of a community. You have individual needs, individual expectations. That's why you have to benefit from individual advice and coaching.
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
You will learn the fundamentals of finance through academic coursework and have constant interaction with business executives. This 360° degree coverage of finance will allow you to gain the technical skills you need to secure competitive internships.
Work experience is a crucial step towards employment: many students start building their career path during their internships. This experience is also an opportunity to reflect on your choice of specialisation in year 3. On completing your internships, you will have the opportunity to further specialise in one of the five MSc degrees in Finance offered by EDHEC.
You will have the opportunity to complete a Master of Science degree in an area of finance, from a choice of:
Age range: 20-29
The EDHEC Master in Management (MIM) - Grande École programme is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research to confer a recognised BAC+5 degree with the Master's Grade. This authorisation was granted following an evaluation by the National Management Programmes Assessment Commission (Commission d’Évaluation des Formations de Gestion).
The EDHEC Masters in Finance programmes have an equal impact on skills and careers. They provide business-relevant education for students seeking top-level positions in leading global financial institutions. Thanks to their close ties with major financial industry players, the EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute and Programme Corporate Partners, our programmes will help you become a leader in finance.

Laurent Deville & Emmanuel JURCZENKO
Directors, Finance Track
The core skills you need in Finance Management
Our teaching methods aim at giving you the core skills you need to succeed in a complex and competitive business environment. You will learn to deepen your analytical thinking, develop practical skills and design creative strategies for business success.
The Master offers a comprehensive approach to financial management, with core modules such as corporate finance and asset markets, climate finance, financial analysis, portfolio construction theory, etc. The programme also gives you the opportunity to choose from a wide range of electives to help you customise your Master, and achieve your professional goal: microfinance, theory of financial crises, country risk analysis…

Core curriculum
- Embraces the latest technology
- Responds to trends in the market
- Co-developed with leading business partners
Blended learning
- Tutorials
- Lectures
- Workshops
- Seminars
Applied learning
- Business games
- Case studies
- Entrepreneurship projects
Personal performance coaching
- Interviewing strategies
- Teamwork development
- Intercultural communication skills
Core modules are classes that must be taken by all students of the programme.
Business owners and managers are faced with countless decisions and control issues every day. This course is designed to help you gain fundamental insights into using cost and accounting information from operations to make everyday decisions and to plan and control the operations within business environments.
This course provides a strong foundation in the principles and practices of finance, equipping participants with the tools needed to make informed financial decisions. Students will gain an understanding of key concepts such as the time value of money and valuation, as well as techniques for evaluating capital budgeting projects. They will also develop the ability to apply this knowledge to a range of financial decisions aimed at achieving long-term objectives, and to integrate course elements effectively to solve specific financial problems.
This course introduces some of the statistical tools commonly employed by practitioners and academics working with financial data. By starting from real-world financial applications, it offers a solid understanding of econometrics allowing you to apply your knowledge beyond the problems and examples analysed. An introduction to basic programming in “Python” is provided at the beginning of the course. The tools learned in this course will constitute the necessary basis to understand the topics of more advanced courses such as: Advanced Econometrics, Machine Learning and Data Science.
This course develops the basic principles of portfolio construction and asset pricing and introduces to the fundamentals of risk and performance measurement in an asset-management context.
You will be able to build investment portfolios, conduct an empirical analysis of investment strategies and evaluate risk and performance measures. You will implement different data-gathering techniques and methodologies to build investment portfolios. You will learn how to estimate and test asset pricing models, as well as to test the efficiency of financial markets and to assess the performance of portfolio strategies. To take this module, you will need to have taken the corporate finance and asset markets course, or equivalent. A knowledge of the fundamentals of linear algebra and a basic knowledge of Excel are also mandatory.
This course trains you to read, analyse and interpret financial reports and financial accounting data. It provides you with an overview of financial accounting concepts and practices, including a corporate balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, equity statement, and disclosure notes. It will show you how to read, prepare, analyse and interpret financial reports and financial accounting data in a globalised environment according to International Financial Reporting Standards and also how to perform intercorporate investments and consolidations. In the second part of the course, students will learn how to value companies using the most widely used approaches in the financial community (discounted cash flow (DCF) and comparables).
Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC) is a 10-hour, self-paced e-learning course that gives you an interactive introduction to the financial markets. BMC consists of five modules ‒ economic indicators, currencies, fixed income, equities and getting started on the Bloomberg Terminal ‒ interweaving Bloomberg data, news, analytics and television.
Derivatives play a key role in transferring risks in the economy. They are commonly used in investment as well as corporate financial management. This course offers a first exploration of the world of derivatives securities such as forwards, futures, swaps and options, to provide you the grounds for a solid understanding of how these instruments trade, how they can be valued and how they should be used.
This course introduces the key analytical tools and concepts in Corporate and Business Strategy, focusing on strategic decision-making. Students will learn how to assess both external and internal environments to inform strategic analysis and use financial analysis to support strategy recommendations. Additionally, students will develop skills to make strategic decisions aimed at building competitive advantage, while applying frameworks such as Industrial Organisation, Resource-Based View (RBV), and Transaction Cost Theory (TCT) to address corporate strategy decisions, including vertical integration, diversification, internationalisation, and mergers and acquisitions.
This course explores the main corporate governance mechanisms and their influence on the real-world activities of publicly traded corporations, with a focus on issues such as the separation of ownership and control, the role of the board of directors, executive compensation, and shareholder activism. Students will gain an understanding of various corporate governance approaches, structures, and practices, while critically evaluating their theoretical and practical effects. By the end of the course, students will be able to apply advanced corporate governance principles, identify the causes of governance failures, and propose solutions to prevent them. Additionally, they will adopt a systems thinking approach and develop strategies for transforming organisations towards desirable futures.
Assessing national and international macroeconomic developments is critical to business and investment decisions. You will gain a basic but solid conceptual framework for understanding the relationships between key macroeconomic variables and the rationale and effects of macroeconomic policies.
Emerging platforms and decentralized technologies provide new ways to transfer value, aggregate and analyse information, improve connectivity and reduce the costs participating in financial activities. At the same time, however, these new technologies pose a major challenge for industry incumbents faced with increased competition from innovative startups and established BigTech companies alike. After completion of this course, you will be able to understand the technological innovations and challenges the financial services industry faces with the emergence of fintech startups and the move of large tech companies into finance.
This course introduces students to the latest advances and innovations in the financial industry through presentations by renowned industry and academic experts. Students will explore long risk premia across major asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real assets, while gaining an understanding of the complexities involved in measuring private equity fund performance. The course also covers critical global issues, including climate challenges and biodiversity risks, and their impact on economic activity and asset prices. Additionally, students will delve into the challenges of applying machine learning in finance, with a focus on return prediction, and explore the connections between blockchain technology and traditional currency markets.
The course is designed to leverage the advanced facilities offered by VBA programming in Excel to solve common financial problems related to portfolio management, investment strategies and option pricing in an efficient and robust way.
This course provides the students with the basic concepts of Fixed Income Derivatives trading and pricing.
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of commercial real estate investment and finance in France, equipping students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Students will gain insights into the specific characteristics and challenges of real estate within corporate finance and the fund industry, with a focus on asset classes, investors, and markets such as office and logistics sectors in France. They will acquire technical skills in real estate valuation using DCF (Discounted Cash Flow) and IRR (Internal Rate of Return) modelling. By the end of the course, students will be able to analyse and evaluate real estate investments and develop strategies in uncertain environments, while also gaining an understanding of sustainability's impact on the real estate sector.
This course aims to equip students with a deep understanding of country risk by teaching them to identify, classify, and assess the economic, financial, and political factors that influence it. Students will learn to evaluate and calculate key country risk indicators and summarise data effectively. By the end of the course, they will be able to present a comprehensive analysis of country risks, including baseline views and recent developments, and identify the primary downside risks along with potential worst-case scenarios. Additionally, they will adopt a systems thinking approach and develop strategies to navigate uncertainty in both developed and emerging markets.
The objective of this new course is to understand Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and the blockchain technology driving this revolution in Finance. The course will focus on studying the benefits and limitations of blockchain technology compared to traditional centralized Finance.
Corporate players and financial investors are considering acquisition opportunities as part of their growth or investment strategy. Transactions are very frequent in our financial and economic environment but the route from identifying a target to completing a transaction and making it successful is paved with many risks and challenges. The objective of the course is to focus on understanding the several steps of the Deal Continuum and approaching powerful due diligence exercise before making any investment decision. A specific focus on ESG aspects of a deal will be made.
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of financial exclusion on a global scale and explores the various forms of microfinance, such as microcredit, mobile banking, and microinsurance. Participants will learn about the recent history of international development and financial inclusion, as well as the key criteria and metrics used in impact investing to analyse the microfinance sector. By the end of the course, students will be able to understand the operational aspects of running a microfinance institution or fintech in emerging markets and perform both qualitative and quantitative financial analyses from the perspective of impact investors.
As you will soon have the opportunity to manage projects and teams, this course familiarises you with the study and the practice of leadership, i.e., the art and science of influencing and motivating people. You will have the opportunity to reflect on your personal leadership style and learn tips and tricks on how to effectively lead others. Through the assignments, you will also focus on self-leadership.
This course focuses on enhancing individual contributions to drive collective success and developing strategies to achieve optimal results. Students will learn the significance of respect in all interactions—whether with oneself, teammates, opponents, or authority figures—as a foundation for group harmony and success. They will also understand the value of competitiveness, continuous improvement, and goal attainment. Furthermore, students will develop skills in time management, ensuring regular attendance and effective use of time for training and decision-making, and relationship management, emphasising emotional intelligence, empathy, and leadership. Additionally, they will learn to design strategies in uncertain situations.
The main objective of the course is to provide you with a detailed understanding of the links between growth and finance. The different lectures provide a solid conceptual framework for describing how financial systems influence savings and investment decisions, and hence growth. The relationships with income distribution are also discussed.
This course introduces students to the concepts of cognitive biases, heuristics, and nudges, providing a foundation for understanding how these psychological factors influence decision-making. Students will explore the applications and impacts of behavioural finance across both private sectors—such as marketing, financial markets, and talent management—and public sectors, including financial regulation and environmental policy. Additionally, the course aims to equip students with the ability to recognise cognitive biases in their daily lives, enabling them to make more informed and rational decisions.
This course aims to help students validate the knowledge and competencies gained through their associative engagement. Students will gain an understanding of the key challenges involved in student associative activities and be able to articulate the knowledge acquired through their engagement. Additionally, students will recognise and value the professional skills, both business and soft skills, developed through their experiences. By the end of the course, they will be able to present a structured and persuasive argument about their involvement in an association during recruitment interviews for internships or jobs.
The objective of the course is to provide you with: General overview of the objectives, methodology for performing consolidation and analysis cross border transaction from a tax angle, and finally, knowledge and comprehension of the issue of the consolidation and main constrains related to international tax Environment.
This course equips students with the skills to assess current and future macroeconomic conditions, crucial for decision-making across various sectors. Students will learn to identify the most relevant macroeconomic indicators, particularly for financial markets professionals, and understand both the insights these indicators provide and their potential limitations. The course will cover the dynamics of business cycles and the interactions of key economic players, such as central banks, governments, and corporations, and how these interactions influence economic and financial conditions. Additionally, students will develop the ability to assess long-term economic drivers of countries or regions and apply systems thinking and strategy design in uncertain environments. Sustainable development goals will be integrated into this framework, ensuring students consider these aspects in their economic assessments.
This course aims to prepare students to become key decision-makers in the information age, focusing on the governance and management of information systems within corporate environments. Students will gain an understanding of the critical concepts needed to manage information systems, including emerging technologies such as AI, quantum computing, and cybersecurity. They will also learn to distinguish between managing and governing these systems. Additionally, participants will develop the ability to apply the Cobit methodology in various organizational contexts and establish a foundation for further research in the field of information systems.
This course provides students with a foundational understanding of banking audit in alignment with IFRS and International Audit Standards. Students will learn how commercial and retail banking activities are reflected in financial information, while becoming familiar with key vocabulary and concepts related to banking audit. Additionally, they will develop skills to assess risks arising from a bank's operations and to define and implement audit strategies, particularly for credit activities in commercial banks. The course also introduces the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) environment and its implications for auditors.
This course is designed to prepare highly motivated students for success in the CFA Level I exam by mastering the core concepts and skills covered in the CFA curriculum. Students will gain expertise in financial mathematics, probability, and statistical analysis, and learn how to calculate and interpret bond prices, yields, and various yield curves. They will also become proficient in derivatives pricing, the uses of derivatives, and the application of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Additionally, students will develop the skills to construct optimal portfolios and understand different approaches to portfolio risk management, as well as recognize key behavioral biases that affect investors.
This course is designed to help students maximise their chances of success on the CFA Level 1 exam, focusing on core financial concepts and ethical standards essential for investment professionals. Participants will learn to understand and interpret financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, and how to calculate and interpret key financial ratios. The course also covers corporate governance, capital budgeting, and the weighted cost of capital, as well as tools and concepts related to equities, bonds, and financial markets. Students will calculate stock values using models like the Dividend Discount Model (DDM) and will study the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice to ensure they can make ethical decisions that uphold integrity and professionalism in finance.
Each seminar focuses on a particular topic.
This course is designed to give you the basic skills you need to properly use the computers on campus. You will learn how to use Windows and the French keyboard, Blackboard, Aurion and the basics of Excel and Matlab.
Once you have mastered the basics of Excel, this online course will offer you a whole new range of tools to enhance your performance and allow you to create dynamic user-oriented interfaces. Your overall understanding of Excel’s mechanics will be greatly enhanced.
The course aims to develop your managerial skills using an action-learning and blended classroom approach.
Specialise in the final year of the Master in Management - Finance track
In the final year of the Finance programme, you have the opportunity to follow one of our 5 specialisations of excellence, taught entirely in English on the Nice campus.
These specialisations will enable you to master the essential managerial skills and tools required for a top-level career in Finance, whatever sector of activity you are aiming for.
Master advanced quantitative finance in this highly selective programme, gaining expertise in capital markets to excel in quantitative trading & structuring, portfolio management, risk management, and hedge funds.
Lead the transition to a low-carbon economy with cutting-edge expertise in finance and climate science through this prestigious double degree from EDHEC and Mines Paris-PSL.
Develop advanced financial skills to thrive in international accounting, reporting, and auditing, positioning yourself for leadership roles in top-tier global firms.
Harness analytical and leadership skills to drive financial success, manage risk, and handle complex transactions in investment banking and corporate finance.
Launch a global finance career by mastering corporate finance, investment strategies, and gaining CFA-aligned expertise to thrive in today’s competitive financial markets.
Discover the Climate Finance Research Hub
Welcome to EDHEC's Climate Finance Research Hub, your gateway to cutting-edge research and expert insights into climate finance. As a pioneer in the field, EDHEC leverages over 20 years of expertise to provide actionable solutions for professionals navigating the financial challenges posed by climate change.
"The Future of Finance" - EDHEC Speaker series
The objective is to address the most recent advances in the financial industry and discuss how finance can be a powerful tool to address key economic and social challenges.
Discover Finance experts from around the world!

Hamid Boustanifar
Hamid Boustanifar
Academic Director for the MSc in Corporate Finance & Banking

Dennis Davy
Dennis Davy

Inge De Clippeleer
Inge De Clippeleer
Leadership Development Chair Affiliate Researcher

Geert Demuijnck
Geert Demuijnck

Laurent Deville
Laurent Deville
Financial Economics Track Director

Gianfranco Gianfrate
Gianfranco Gianfrate
EDHEC Climate Institute Research Director

Daniel Haguet
Daniel Haguet

Mario Hernandez Tinoco
Mario Hernandez Tinoco

Abraham Lioui
Abraham Lioui
EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute Affiliate Member

Teaches financial & managerial accounting, advanced financial accounting topics, financial statement analysis, and international finance topics to undergraduate and graduate students

Lionel Martellini
Lionel Martellini
EDHEC Climate Institute Senior Advisor

Julia Milner
Julia Milner
Leadership Development Chair Research Associate

Florian Pelgrin
Florian Pelgrin
Florian Pelgrin, PhD is a professor at the faculty of Data sciences, Economics, and Finance.

Riccardo Rebonato
Riccardo Rebonato
EDHEC Climate Institute Research Director and Senior Advisor

Mirco Rubin
Mirco Rubin

Enrique Schroth
Enrique Schroth
Director of the PhD in Finance Program

Gohar G. Stepanyan
Gohar G. Stepanyan

Pascale Taddei Valenza
Pascale Taddei Valenza
M'assurer de la qualité des recrutements des vacataires et des cours.

Nikolaos Tessaromatis
Nikolaos Tessaromatis
Gain intense academic and international experience at EDHEC
Studying abroad will deepen your exposure to the political, economic and social dynamics that influence today’s business world.
This global insight can greatly improve your management practices and your intercultural awareness. The knowledge and experience gained while studying abroad will set you apart on the international recruitment market and give you skills that will last a lifetime.
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As a Master in Management student, you can avail of one of EDHEC'S double-degree agreements with a leading international university, instead of your second year at EDHEC.
The list of global academic partners can be accessed here.
MIT Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts If you wish to graduate with a competitive advantage in the US financial career market, the EDHEC double-degree agreement with MIT Sloan School of Management is the obvious choice. |
Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley In addition to their EDHEC Master in Management, some students have the opportunity to earn a Master of Financial Engineering degree at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley. |
Athens University of Economics and Business MiM Finance students will be offered the opportunity to study the MSc in International Shipping, Finance & Management at Athens University of Economics and Business (AMBA accredited). |
EDHEC exchange programmes are prime opportunities to explore new subjects, develop your international reach and conduct a professional project. You can opt to do a short-term exchange during your professional immersion year.
Our list of global academic partners can be found here.
The Stanford Summer Session/International Honors Program (SIHP) combines top-notch teaching with cultural, social and geographical activities. As an EDHEC Master 1 student you can study on the Palo Alto campus for eight weeks. A wide range of courses is available, in topics from innovation and data management to verbal communication and economics. On completing the required courses, you will receive a Stanford SIS Certificate.
Join a unique hands-on 1-semester development project abroad within a well-established NGO or Non-Profit organisation, focusing on the paramount fields of solidarity and environment.
Through this transformational experience, you will unleash your potential as you actively contribute to meaningful causes, embrace the chance of making a real difference, immerse yourself in vital projects that impact lives and the planet. Upon completion of your Global Impact Project, you will earn an EDHEC Global Impact Project certificate and fulfil your international obligation.
EDHEC Global Impact Projects are supported by the Unesco Chair.
EDHEC’s mission has been to educate future international business leaders through business-relevant academic research and training. We want to help businesses to grow, contribute to the future of young people, meet international challenges in the training field, and develop new academic, scientific, and economic projects.

Richard Perrin
Executive Director for International Relations
Admission & fees for the master in management - finance
The MiM – Finance aims to give you the in-depth knowledge and cutting-edge skills valued by employers in the international financial industry. Over two years of academic programmes and a year of professional immersion and/or academic exchanges, you will earn a Master in Management degree and have the opportunity to complete a Master of Science degree in a specialist financial topic. The programme benefits from close ties with leading companies and the support of corporate sponsors and academic partners.
EDHEC seeks talented candidates from diverse backgrounds, with a history of strong academic achievement and demonstrated potential for growth and professional success.
- Minimum three-year bachelor’s degree (any type of engineering or business/finance background)
- Acceptable English proficiency tests/certificates (TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS)
- TOEFL Internet-based ≥ 92
- TOEIC ≥ 850
- IELTS ≥ 6.5
- Cambridge Test of English > 175
- Strong GMAT or GRE or TAGE MAGE or CAT* official test score report (CAT* for Indian students only) or CFA Level II
- CV
- Letter of motivation
- Academic transcripts
- Two letters of recommendation
- Online video interview
► English native speakers or those holding a degree taught in English (minimum three years) are eligible for an English Test waiver.
We accept valid GMAT scores achieved through either the classic or new Focus edition equally. Scores will be assessed using the percentile tables published by GMAC.
Please note that if you are holding a French degree, with a visa Bac+3 from the French Ministry of higher education, you have to apply through the Concours AST2.
Your application file will be processed by the Admissions Team and sent to the Selection Committee for appraisal. The Selection Committee takes place on a rolling basis from October to June. We would advise you to apply early to make your application stand out.
You will be informed by email of the progress of your application, including the final decision.
- If you are a new user, you must create an account/sign up.
- If you already have an account (EDHEC candidate student), please go directly to step 5 by clicking on the "apply online" button. It means you are already in the system, so do not need to "create an account".
- After creating your account, you will receive a validation email. Click on the link provided in this email to activate your account.
You will then receive a confirmation email containing your personal login and password.
Once you register or if you already have an active EDHEC account, access the online application form and enter your login details.
EDHEC International admissions process
Here is everything you always wanted to know about EDHEC's admission process.
Wherever you come from, a dedicated admissions manager will be there to guide you all the way through your application.
If you want, our admissions manager can arrange your individual consultation session and talk to you.
And if you need more info to make your final decision. You can get in touch with current students or EDHEC's Alumni.
First come, first served. There's a rolling admission process until June.
More questions? EDHEC has strong scholarship schemes to help excellent students reach their dream school. Do ask for details and eligibility.
It doesn't stop there. Our international students office will help you with the French administration process and accommodation. Plus your admission manager remains available once you're on campus.
So let us guide you all the way through. Don't hesitate to contact us now.
- To avoid losing your information during the application process, please do not refresh your current page or go back to the previous one without first saving your application.
- You can complete your application in several stages. As long as you save your entries, the information will not be lost.
- Before going to the "payment" tab, please check that you have not forgotten any element of your application file and that all the information you have entered is correct. Further modifications will not be possible after payment has been made.
- Application fees must be paid online.
- After validation, your application will reach the final stage and no reimbursement will be possible, even in the event of your withdrawal.
- If you encounter any technical problems during the completion of your online application, please email: [email protected].
Important: Please use only ONE email address to submit your online application and to communicate with the Admissions Team.
EDHEC's free GMAT simulation test will help you evaluate your current level and hopefully set you off to prepare to take your official GMAT exam.
- FEES: €43,000* (EU students) / €49,450* (non-EU students)/ plus a supplement of €4,500* for the MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance
- Tuition fees; including academic exchanges and double degrees (certain double degrees may require additional fees)
- Access to the EDHEC Career Centre with personal career coaching during your studies and for the duration of your professional life
- Access, as a matriculating student, to on-campus facilities (incubator, learning centre, sports facilities, etc.)
- Lifetime access to the EDHEC Alumni community
- Administrative fees
*Tuition fees are provided for information only and are subject to change
The International Students Office – a team you can trust
Moving to a foreign country can be daunting, so it’s reassuring to know that the International Students Office (ISO) is there to help. The ISO welcomes more than 3,000 international students annually, helping them to settle in France and lending them support in daily life. It organises orientation events and multicultural seminars to welcome them to the EDHEC campuses in Lille and Nice. The team guides students through administrative procedures before their arrival and during their stay and answers any questions they may have about French systems (medical and home insurance, banking, resident permits, etc.).
Finding you a home from home
Once officially enrolled, we will help you to find suitable accommodation, either in an EDHEC residence or privately owned accommodation. The International Students Office is on hand to provide you with a list of apartments, halls of residence and other types of housing that fit your criteria. You can even ‘visit’ them virtually on our new Housing website. Our team will do everything they can to make arrangements with the owner and secure your booking. They can also arrange to pick you up from the airport on your arrival (where possible) and take you directly to your new home. The International Students Office also organises orientation events and integration seminars to welcome international students to the EDHEC campuses.
Untangling the red tape
EU nationals
European Union students can live and study in France as long as they have a national ID card. No passport or visa are required.
Non-EU nationals
Before arriving in France, students from outside the European Union must obtain a student visa from the French embassy in their country of origin or residence. Non-EU students must also have a valid passport from their country of origin.
One of the requirements for most visa applications is proof of accommodation in France. EDHEC's International Office is familiar with the visa formalities for most countries and will provide you with the necessary paperwork to complete. If you are concerned about your visa application, you can contact the International Office, provided you have already checked the relevant pages in the Welcome Guide and contacted your local embassy.
Parlez-vous français ?
EDHEC offers complementary French courses to all international students enrolled in our MSc programmes. Our French classes span all levels of ability, from complete beginner to advanced language skills. The goal is to support your assimilation into French culture and give you the linguistic foundations ‒ grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing and comprehension ‒ to express yourself in French.
- Class size: 10‒25 students per group
Contact hours:
- MIM 3 hours per week (30 hours per semester + 6 hours of group projects)
- MSc 2h a week (15 hours per semester)
Instructor qualifications: Courses are delivered by an officially accredited French language teaching institution.
International Student Office | EDHEC Business School
[Music] Title: “International Student Office”
I just got accepted at EDHEC business school. Now I need to organise my arrival and find
accommodation. Luckily the international students office helped me all along this process.
All good, I'm ready. It is now time to reach France. On arrival, three key moments are organised to help me settle in: the welcome session, the services fair and the integration day.
I get a lot of practical information on different topics such as health insurance, public transportation, life in the city, and so on.
I met representatives from different EDHEC departments and partners during the service fair.
I participate in group activities, meet new friends and discover the campus.
Throughout the year, I visit ISO whenever I need assistance in my daily life in France.
Time flies, my experience at EDHEC is coming to an end. The international student office has been of great support before and during my stay, and it will remain available even after my departure.
Thank you to the International Students Office - Camilla Garcia Biel
[Music] A big “Thank you” to the International Students Office.
Camilla Garcia Biel. MiM Business Management student. Class of 2022.
So my name is Camila Garcia Biel. I'm a 26 year old international student from Peru, I'm doing the MiM track which is a three-year-long programme. The first year, you start with basic courses, with administrative courses. Then there is a year for professional immersion, and then I specialised in strategic finance and commercial intelligence. The most important thing is that out of all the business schools in France, EDHEC was the only one to come to Lima and actually meet the prospective students. After that I was completely sold. As soon as I knew that I was gonna come here, I was enrolled et cetera.
The first contact you have is with the international student office and they absolutely help you with everything. Starting with the visa process, with the housing process... They also help with anything you really need.
So arriving in France, what surprised me, for very good like very positive, was the international environment that I experienced living in the residence and coming to school. I was immediately in contact with people from different countries that I had never seen. And what scared me a little bit, was that the French level that i had before coming and the French level needed to be here. The gap was obvious, but people, especially in Lille, were very nice when I was trying to communicate with them. Even if i was using some english words or even some spanish words, they were really nice.
The reason why I chose France as my home, is that it's the perfect balance from a latino point of view of the latin culture and the european culture. In the daylight you can see the difference and in the nightlife you can see the similarities. Differences and similarities that, at the end, really helped me develop myself as a person. And I think that's something that every international goes through and learns from. My first memory at EDHEC, it's the full day as i call it. It's the first day that we gather in the main hall and then we have outdoors activities, and then we eat together, they introduce us to the programme, they introduce us to the school. Being able to experience the location and the classes and the buildings, which are amazing, it's like a reality shock but a very positive one.
So if i had the all the amazing team from the ISO or the international student office members in front of me, the first thing that i would say would be definitely "thank you"!
Thank you, and thank you... Thank you for your help, thank you for your patience, thank you for your time. They really make the difference in the transition. The job that they're doing in that assistance, it's beyond what I've heard from other friends from other schools, from even other countries. For example, during the pandemic, they were very active and they helped us. And they sent us links for call centres, in case you needed to talk to someone, like psychological call centres and nutritionists, like they really take care of us in a very global aspect. I would just say thank you many times. The international office helps us because for example, they organise different cultural nights. The school has a lot of associations and many of them work with international students, for example ,there's one called "Open Up" and they organise trips for international students. There are many ways to feel not or not feel homesick, and at the end of the course, it's a very amazing place to make amazing friends and that also helps.
[Music] Make an impact. EDHEC logo
When is the programme application deadline?
Applications for the September 2025 are open until June 2025.
Do you accept scanned documents?
Yes, you can make scanned colour copies of the documents required
Should the application file and the two recommendation letters be typed or written by hand?
Letters of recommendation must be on official letterhead, signed and/or stamped (official stamp from the School/University or the Company). Your referees can use our recommendation template or they can choose to write their own letter using the Company/School’s official letterhead. Letters of recommendation that don’t follow the above requirements will not be accepted.
Will the International Admissions’ Team contact my referees to request letters of recommendation?
EDHEC will not contact your referees. You must ask your referees to send their letters to you directly and you will need to upload the letters directly on your application (documents tab).
Will I have an interview with the Programme Manager?
Students that apply to our MIM or MSc programmes will not have a direct interview with the Programme Manager unless the Programme Director deems it necessary.
How is the online interview conducted?
Once your online application is completed and validated by your recruitment manager, the International Admissions Team will send you a link to conduct your online video interview in English. It comprises six questions on your motivation, your interest in the programme and your previous experience (professional, group work, etc.). There are no right or wrong answers. You will have a practice session before you start the actual interview. Once you have completed the interview, it will be sent, along with your application file, to the Selection Committee.
Can I apply for more than one programme?
- Yes, you can apply for two programmes. A separate motivation letter is required for each programme.
- Motivation letter template
What are the minimum scores expected?
- TOEFL Internet-based ≥ 92 (/120)
- TOEIC ≥ 850 (/990)
- IELTS ≥ 6.5 (/9.0)
- Cambridge Test of English ≥ 175
What is the EDHEC institutional code for TOEFL?
- The code is 0663.
Can I apply for a waiver?
English native speakers or those holding a degree taught in English (minimum three years) are eligible for an English test waiver.
As a reminder, aptitude tests* are required for some programmes and optional for others. Please see the “admissions requirements” for your programme of choice.
Students must assign EDHEC as one of their score recipient institutions at the end of their test.
MSc & Global MBA Double-Degree: 3QQ-WQ-62
MIM Global Economic Transformation & Technology: 3QQ-WQ-06
Master in Management, Business Management: 3QQ-WQ-05
Master in Management, Finance: 3QQ-WQ-36
Master in Management, Data Science & AI for Business: 3QQ-WQ-34
MSc in Creative Business & Social Innovation: 3QQ-WQ-60
MSc in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence: 3QQ-WQ-82
MSc in Entrepreneurship & Innovation: 3QQ-WQ-77
MSc in Global & Sustainable Business: 3QQ-WQ-16
MSc in Marketing Management: 3QQ-WQ-47
MSc in Strategy, Organisation & Consultancy: 3QQ-WQ-84
LL.M. in Law & Tax Management: 3QQ-WQ-26
MSc in Corporate Finance & Banking: 3QQ-WQ-73
MSc in International Finance: 3QQ-WQ-98
MSc in Financial Engineering: 3QQ-WQ-69
MSc in Accounting & Finance: 3QQ-WQ-04
EDHEC Master in Management: 6564
EDHEC Master of Science: 6563
*(GMAT/GRE/TAGE MAGE/CFA level II (for finance programmes only)/CAT official test score report for Indian students only)
Is an aptitude test compulsory?
Please see the “admissions requirements” for your programme of choice. In general, aptitude tests are required for the Master's in Management Grande École programme.
Can I add an unofficial GMAT score report to my application?
You will get an unofficial score report immediately after taking your exam. You can send it to the Recruitment Office as an additional supporting document when applying. This document will be accepted provisionally as part of your application. The official report will be required to confirm your place.
Is there any help for students with regard to campus housing?
Once officially enrolled, you will receive help to find suitable accommodation, either in EDHEC residences or in privately owned apartments. EDHEC's International Students Office (ISO) is familiar with the visa formalities of most countries and will provide you with the necessary paperwork for completion. Should you have any concerns about your visa application, you can contact the ISO, provided you have already checked the relevant pages in the Welcome Guide and contacted your local Embassy. One requirement for most visa applications is proof of accommodation in France. Again, the ISO is on hand to provide you with a list of apartments, halls of residence and other types of housing, depending on your criteria. You can even "visit" them virtually on our new housing website. The team will do everything it can to make arrangements with the property owner and secure your booking. It can also pick you up from the airport on the day of your arrival (where possible) and take you directly to your new home.
When must my tuition fees be paid?
Within 2 or 3 weeks depending on the admissions period.
How does financial aid apply to the tuition fees?
Financial aid applies to the second and third instalments of the MSc programme fees and to the second, third and fourth instalments of fees for the MIM programme.
What is the EDHEC Career Centre?
- The Student Career Centre is dedicated to helping students find a job or an internship.
- 60,000 internships and 33,500 job offers are posted on EDHEC’s dedicated jobs board every year.
Complementary French courses are offered to all international students enrolled in our MSc programmes. Our French classes cover all learning levels, from complete beginner to advanced language skills. The goal is to support your integration into French culture and give you the linguistic foundations ‒ grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing and listening ‒ to express yourself in the French language.
- Class size: 10-25 students per group
- Contact hours:
- MIM 3 hours per week (30 hours per semester +6 hours group projects)
- MSc 2 hours per week (15 hours per semester)
- Instructor qualifications: Courses are held by an officially accredited French language teaching institution.
Prepare your career in Financial Management
Boost your employability
Understanding and developing the attributes and skills employers require is key to employability. This is why the EDHEC Career Centre offers a programme specifically designed to help master’s students map out and achieve their career goals ‒ the EDHEC Career Booster. The programme looks at students' specific needs, wants and goals when it comes to professional development and matches them to job-market requirements. Eighty percent of our EDHEC Career Services for students are tailored to individual needs and career goals.
Career paths you can pursue after the Master in Management - Finance
- Financial Analyst: the job of a financial analyst is to gather and analyse data to help companies make better decisions and maximise financial performance.
- M&A Analyst: when companies are considering buying or merging with another company, the Mergers and Acquisitions Analyst comes into play. Their role is to analyse data on the target structure (market share, financial statements, competition, etc.) to help their employer make the final decision.
- Trader (Derivatives, Fixed Income, Equities, FX, Commodities, Cross-Assets): a trader’s job is to buy and sell financial instruments in order to make a profit. They decide when to buy or sell by analysing market trends.
- Sales (Credit, Structured Products, Fixed Income): their job is to sell financial products to potential or existing clients. They can specialise for example in structured products, credits, fixed income securities, etc.
- Private Equity Analyst: they work in private companies, where they find and analyse investment opportunities. They provide advice based on research, financial modelling and risk management to assess the potential returns of the investment.
- Quantitative Analyst: they support investment decisions by using mathematical and statistical models to analyse financial data, manage risk, forecast market trends, etc. They also develop trading strategies.
- Climate Risk Manager: these professionals specialise in the risks associated with climate change. Their job is to assess, manage and mitigate the risks and potential impacts of climate change on business activities and investments.
- Risk Analyst: the job of these professionals is to gather and analyse data to assess and mitigate risks. Their conclusions are based on statistical models and their expertise.
- ESG Analyst: this environmental, social and governance (ESG) expert analyses a company's environmental and ethical practices. They take into account ESG factors such as carbon efficiency, equal opportunities, business ethics, etc.
- Financial Controller: their role is to oversee the financial operations of an organisation to ensure the accuracy of records. They make sure that all financial documents comply with the regulations.
- Auditor: as an external auditor, their job is to verify the accuracy and integrity of financial records and to detect any inaccuracies or fraud. Internal auditors, on the other hand, focus on monitoring the efficiency of the internal processes.
- Wealth Manager: their clients are high-income individuals. They help them achieve their financial goals by advising them on how to invest their assets, prepare for retirement and reduce their taxes.
- Assistant Portfolio Manager: they assist a portfolio manager by performing various tasks such as research, market analysis and investment recommendations. They also monitor the performance of the portfolio.
Through a four-step programme that includes self- and 360-degree assessment, you will get to know yourself better, identify your strengths, key attributes and areas for development, and map out your career goals and job-search strategy. You will benefit from year-round, individual career advice from dedicated counsellors, external experts and coaches, both on campus and remotely, as well as personalised coaching based on our in‑house assessment.
Through voluntary and mandatory career training, workshops, CV clinics and assessment centres, you will hone your skills and learn to master the most competitive recruitment processes. As an MSc student, you will benefit from customised training by industry, market and function, in addition to individual mock interviews, including technical interviews and case practice. EDHEC Career Centre also offers a fully online career development programme that allows you to train at your own pace, in line with your goals.
EDHEC Career Centre organises more than 120 events annually, focusing on industry-specific insights or jobs, market trends and companies. It also organises four company trips to Dublin, London, Luxembourg and Paris. You will have access to exclusive internships and job offers.
- 60,000 internships and 33,500 job offers posted on EDHEC’s dedicated jobs board every year
- 40% international mobility in our master’s degrees
- 400+ companies involved in our events every year, 20% of them international
- 100+ corporate partners
- 300+ regular recruiters
Our Career Centre provides the following services:
- Individual career counselling (on campus, by phone, via skype) with internal and external counsellors
- Help to define your career goals and search strategy
- CV and cover-letter editing in English and French
- Career training and workshops (CV, cover letters, application forms, interview skills, networking, social media, personal branding, etc.)
- Graduate programmes
- On-campus events
- Off-campus events
- Website with a wealth of career resources
- Placement reports
- The Teaching Factory concept
* Finance functions break down as follow:
- 47% Corporate Finance (M&A, Private Equity, Coverage, ECM/DCM, Project Finance, Real Estate, Leverage Finance, Private Debt, Venture Capital, Infrastructure)
- 24% Market Finance (Asset Management, Hedge Fund, Wealth Management, Sales, Structuring, Trading)
- 16% Audit & Transaction Services (Financial Advisory)
- 9% Finance, FP&A, Accounting (Management Control)
- 4% Risk Management & Other (Compliance, Operations)
All EDHEC students join our esteemed Alumni Association from day one and benefit from all of the advantages this brings. The Alumni Association comprises 55000 graduates in 140 countries. This friendly and supportive community of business leaders organises events and meetings throughout the year to facilitate contacts, exchanges and networking, while supporting the students in charting their career plans and helping graduates to promote their businesses and career. EDHEC Alumni is also a hub for disseminating best practices, shared values and the school’s vision of business for the good of society.
How to finance your Master’s?
As part of its strategic plan to "Impact Future Generations", EDHEC has committed to enabling talented students to pursue their studies through a diverse and transparent scholarship scheme. The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs also offers a large number of grants and scholarships, and there are numerous bodies worldwide supporting the study of international students wishing to embark on a master’s programme. Below is a comprehensive overview of the scholarships, grants and loans available.
Scholarships and financial aid can be critical factors when it comes to embarking on a master’s programme, so we aim to make the process as simple as possible. All candidates who are accepted are automatically considered for an EDHEC scholarship. The decision of the Scholarship Committee will be conveyed by email in tandem with the admissions decision. No additional documentation is required, other than for scholarships marked with an asterisk (*).
The EDHEC Academic Excellence Scholarship offers high-potential candidates up to a 50% reduction on their tuition fees. The scholarship supports high-profile candidates based on the excellence of their academic profile, extensive experience and/or extracurricular activities.
Application deadline:
- 9 June for MSc
- 23 June for MiM
A select range of country and sector-specific scholarships are also available:
- EDHEC Women in Finance and Data Science Scholarship ‒ up to 50% reduction on tuition fees
- EDHEC Women in Business Scholarship ‒ up to 50% reduction on tuition fees
- The EDHEC Julie Moon Scholarship for Korean Women is offered to 2 Korean Women students (Master in Management or Master of Science) and covers up to 25,000 €.
Deadline: 15 May - EDHEC Cultural Diversity Scholarship ‒ up to 40% reduction on tuition fees
- The EDHEC Make an Impact Scholarship* is open to Master in Management and Master of Science applicants and covers up to 35% reduction on tuition fees.
- How to apply: Students who wish to apply for the EDHEC Make an Impact Scholarship must submit an essay of 500 to 800 words along with their application, detailing their career plan. The essay should describe their prior experience, explain how the Master of their choice will contribute to their career plan, and detail their personal motivation for making an impact on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) throughout their career.
- The EDHEC High Impact ‒ Future Chinese Alumni Scholarship* is a co-sponsored scholarship with the EDHEC China Alumni Club. It awards 10 Chinese students who plan to make an impact on the EDHEC China Alumni community up to 50% reduction on their tuition fees.
- Who can apply: Chinese students who have been accepted into an EDHEC Master's programme with high scores from the Selection Committee.
- How to apply: Students who wish to apply for this scholarship should write an essay describing their prior experience, explaining how the Master of their choice will contribute to their career plan. Applicants to this scheme will be invited to participate in an online interview.
- Deadline: 15 May.
EDHEC scholarships cannot be combined.
- The EDHEC-French Embassy Co-Financed Scholarship in India is a joint initiative of EDHEC Business School and the Embassy of France in India. This scholarship is offered to two Indian students (two 50% scholarships for MiM Programmes) with excellent academic backgrounds and clear career objectives.
- Who can apply: Indian students who have been accepted into EDHEC's Master in Management programmes with high scores from our Selection Committee.
- How to apply and application deadline: Students must complete their application by 15 May and, if accepted, confirm their place by 31 May.
- More information: Please contact EDHEC Country Manager for India Nilesh Gaikwad at [email protected].
Through strong, established partnerships with local and international bodies, EDHEC has secured a number of grants and financial aid to help talented students embark on their dream academic programme.
- EDHEC, exclusively for e-fellows.net students and Master’s Day participants
- Colfuturo (Fundación para el Futuro de Colombia)
- Fundación HonduFuturo
- Fundación Mexicana Para La Educación, La Tecnología y La Ciencia (FUNED)
- Bourse Banco de México – FIDERH (Fondo para el desarrollo de Recursos Humanos)
- Bourse 'AVENIR' Scholarships from the French Embassy in Spain
What is the EIFFEL Scholarship?
- The EIFFEL Scholarship programme offers financial support of more than €1,000 per month to high-calibre international candidates. EIFFEL also offers financial support of around €1,200 per month to high-achieving international candidates. The scholarship is financed and managed by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.
- Applications for the EIFFEL Scholarship need to be submitted to EDHEC by 1 December. To apply for an EIFFEL Scholarship, you will first need to be accepted onto one of EDHEC’s master’s programmes and confirm your place no later than the end of November. You can do this by paying a deposit equivalent to the first semester’s tuition fees. Students can only apply for EIFFEL through one academic institution and that institution applies on the student’s behalf once they are enrolled. The results are usually published by Campus France by March/April the following year. Students who are not awarded an EIFFEL scholarship are generally offered a EDHEC Excellence Scholarship instead, but the two cannot be combined.
The EIFFEL Scholarship offers financial support of around €1,200 per month to high-achieving international candidates. The scholarship is financed and managed by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.
Who can apply:
Any students under the age of 25 with track record of academic excellence:
- A GMAT score of 650 or above (GRE accepted)*
- *Please note that this is not mandatory for programmes not requiring a GMAT test
- Acceptable English proficiency tests/certificates (TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS)
- TOEFL Internet-based ≥ 92
- TOEIC ≥ 850
- IELTS ≥ 6.5
- Cambridge Test of English > 175
- Excellent academic records (GPA)
- Strong motivation and clear objectives
- Awards, previous scholarships, achievements, etc.
Deadline: Completed applications must be submitted to EDHEC by 1 December
More information:
EIFFEL and EDHEC scholarships cannot be combined.
The Eiffel Scholarship | EDHEC Business School
[Music] Title: “Eiffel Scholarship”
Speaker: Sahil Dholakia – Eiffel Scholarship Awardee.
Melanie, can you tell me about the Eiffel scholarship?
Speaker: Melanie Colmart - International Recruitment Manager
Hi Sahil. Congratulations on this achievement. The Eiffel excellence scholarship is a programme established by the French ministry for Europe and foreign office. Its goal is to attract the top foreign students into French Business Schools for master programmes. It is highly selective and only the best students with excellent GPAs and profiles are eligible. The Eiffel scholarship awards you a monthly allowance, round-trip plane tickets between your home country and France, health insurance, and cultural activities. So Sahil, you were awarded this scholarship. Can you tell me more about the process?
Yes Melanie. The international admissions team selected my profile for the scholarship and
I had to provide them with some extra documents so they sent my whole profile and the documents to the scholarship team. Can you please give some tips for the Eiffel scholarship?
Yes I will. So first I would like to remind you that the Eiffel programme is a very exclusive scholarship for over a thousand applicants per year; only a few hundred are the lucky awardees. Secondly, you can only apply through an institution. So the first step for you, would be to apply and get admitted to EDHEC. Then before December 1st, our deadline, you need to send all your documents for this scholarship as one pdf. So for the documents, we will ask you for: your cv, your full academic transcripts, a GMAT or GRE and an english proficiency test and the most important part your motivation letter. This is a way to help you stand out for the selection committee and here are a few tips for you. First you need to be sure about your goal, you need to express why the programme, and the scholarship in particular, will help you achieve your dreams. Second, your personality. This is a way to show the committee who you are and why you should be chosen and if you have any extra link with France, this is a way also to give it. So Sahil you went through this process, do you have a few tips for future students?
Okay, so for the applicants I would like to say. Firstly, apply as soon as possible and most preferably before December. Because the earlier you apply, the higher the chances are for you to get selected for the scholarship. And secondly, I would like to say the Eiffel scholarship is the most renowned scholarship in Europe and especially in France. So it is also a big highlighted part of my CV. So yeah exactly, and for the applicants, I would like to say just apply as soon as possible and all the best to you guys.
- French Embassies around the world offer a number of scholarships to excellent students.
More information: Please contact the Cultural Service of the French Embassy in your country
- Campus France is a French national agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility. It manages CampusBourses, a grant search engine that is an essential tool for financing your education in France.
For more information, please see the CampusBourses grant search engine.
Student Aid British Columbia ‒ EDHEC School Code: QWDA
- Becas Chile ‒ Chilean governmental initiative (part of the Programa Formación de Capital Humano Avanzado); you must specify EDHEC when submitting your application
- Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship (for Hong Kong and Macau students)
- The China Scholarship Council (CSC) (affiliated with the Ministry of Education)
- Liikesivistysrahasto Foundation ‒ contact: [email protected]
- CROUS ‒ Bourse sur critères sociaux
- Fongecif ‒ EDHEC has particularly close ties with Société Générale, BNP Paribas, LCL and HSBC
- Apply to: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. (DAAD), Referat 312, Postfach 200 404, D-53134
- BAföG (for MiM programmes)
- LPDP Scholarship (Public Service Education Fund Management Institution)
- The French Embassy in Romania
- Nicolae Titulescu Scholarship programme from the Romanian government
- National Scholarship Programme by Slovak Republik
- The French Embassy in Slovakia
- French government scholarships in Slovakia
- Javni sklad Republike Slovenije za razvoj kadrov in stipendije ‒ excellence scholarships
- Bourses d'excellence pour étudiants slovènes
- French government scholarships from the French Institute of Slovenia
- For students from Galicia: Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza ‒ call +34 91 563 07 99
- Franco-Thai Scholarship Programme
- Royal Thai Government Scholarship Program (offered by OCSC)
- Serge Bellanger Business Student Scholarship
- Scholarships from the CEA (Cultural Experience Abroad)
- Fulbright US student programme
- API Study Abroad Scholarships
- Rotary Foundation Scholarships
- National Society of Hispanic MBAs (to legal permanent residents of Hispanic origin)
- Hill & Ponton scholarships for US veterans
- Bourse d'Excellence from the French Embassy
- The France Excellence scholarship programme of the French Embassy in Vietnam
- Prodigy Finance for loans to international postgraduate students attending top universities (not applicable to Master in Management students): more information
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for American citizens only: more information
- Graduate PLUS Loans: more information (part of FAFSA)
- Lendwise (alternative to Prodigy Finance): education loans in GPB, for tuition fees only: more information.
Want to ace your GMAT?
EDHEC's free GMAT simulation test will help you evaluate your current level and hopefully set you off to prepare to take your official GMAT exam.
Evaluate my profile
Our dedicated team of International Recruitment Managers and Country Managers are here to help you in your application process and check your eligibility for your preferred programme and help identify which scholarship you might be eligible for.
Programme Insights
How Finance became my passion | EDHEC Business School
Speaker: Angelina Shepleva, Master in Management - Finance track at EDHEC Business School.
I'm Angelina and I'm from Russia. I was born in Saratov. It is a large city in the Southeast of the European part of Russia. Saratov is not only a major cultural, economic and political centre of Russia but it's also famous for being the place where the first astronaut, Yuri Gagarin, landed after his first trip to space. This of course didn't make me want to become an astronaut but it made me strong, it made me ambitious, it made me curious about lots of things.
At the beginning, I started my senior year in humanities and when I finished school, I decided to get my Bachelor's degree in Law in Saratov’s State Legal Academy. so I decided to stay in my hometown. But a year later, I realised that I wanted to pursue my studies in International relations and I decided to take my Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and International Relations in Moscow State Institute of International Relations. When you start in political science, you learn how power is distributed, why events happen, and what is happening in the world. So it helps me to analyse all the issues and all the problems from different angles. I did my first scholarship in the legal Department of the Bank Uralsib, and this was the place where I realised that I was more passionate about the financial side of things, linked to the corporations, to the financial analysis and evaluations.
I was inspired by the work of my other colleague from the financial Department and I realised that I was more passionate about finance. So then I did two internships in finance in order to confirm whether I was really passionate or not. And I did my internship in accountancy and then in audit. Then I decided to choose the institution that was famous for finance. That was EDHEC, which is ranked as one of the best universities in the world for finance. And so I decided to start the application process and to apply for EDHEC.
Now I'm here at EDHEC, studying finance. I'm surrounded by the best students in the world who are ambitious, who are curious, and so for me it is a new challenge. And I love taking challenges. This Master in Finance has already given me a lot of opportunities but especially its career centre services. The career centre organises a lot of networking sessions with various biggest banks in the world and with largest financial institutions in the world. They give us opportunities to meet the employees that work there. They can share with us their experience and sometimes we can do the interview with them. In September, when I just integrated EDHEC, I was so impressed by the level of the organisation, that I realised that this was really where I am supposed to be. It just hasn't just prepared me for the career in finance but it also prepares me for any challenges to tackle in this world.
Student talk: our MiM in Financial Economics | EDHEC Business School
[Music] Title: “Student Talk
Speaker: Nouhailia Shimi. Master in Management - Finance
Hi everyone, my name is Nouhailia Shimi.
I'm 22 years old and I'm a student at EDHEC Business School.
My journey first started six years ago, when I first decided to join al Al Akhawayn university for a BBA. One year prior to my graduation, I also decided that I wanted to continue learning finance via master's but which school, which programme, which language, which country...? I had no idea. So I had a heavy heavy list of all the options I could apply to. Very quickly I realised that, to do very concise and good applications, I had to filter out my choices. So I went fishing on the internet, all the information, and rankings and advice I could find. Very quickly France stood out, mainly because in the Financial Times rankings, its business schools were ranked at the top of the lists.
Thereafter, one business school also triggered my interest: EDHEC. The alumna said the experience was exciting, inspiring and very very insightful. The Financial Times ranked its MSc in Financial Market in the top five of masters worldwide. And also its motto said "make an impact" and it's something that really really triggered my excitement. I started to prepare for the GMAT and write motivation letters and prepare for my recommendation letters, and I applied. A few weeks later, my plan A: EDHEC , had sent me its acceptance letter with an excellence scholarship. I was very very happy. Today I'm still very very happy to be part of such an institution. EDHEC gave me great friends, international exposure, a very healthy environment, and mainly lots and lots of ambitions. Today I work as a full-time intern in the frame of my gap year at Amundi asset management. Alongside motivated and smart managers at the poll of structuring and research, in the release states industry. I learn every day how to structure funds, do fundamental research, and learn how the real estate industry works. Now if I had one advice to give to any student who wants to apply to EDHEC Business School, it would be to believe in yourself. Be true to yourself, be honest about your motivations. EDHEC, I think, doesn't want to see a copy-paste in each application. You want to see different people, different personalities, different motivations, different ambitions. They want to have a class of diverse people, diverse brains, all motivated and inspired to continue their path in the corporate world and in the business world. So trust yourself, and show them who you are, in each step of your application. That was all from me. Thank you
FAQs of the Master in Management - Finance
The Master in Management – Finance is a double degree programme that gives graduates the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in a host of careers in the financial industry. Graduates are awarded a Master in Management and a Master of Science degree. The course comprises a two-year academic programme, plus a year of professional immersion and/or academic exchanges with partner universities. The Financial Times ranks the Master in Management – Finance in the top five Masters in Finance Worldwide (2022). This programme provides a strong foundation for subsequent finance careers, including an understanding of corporate finance and financial markets. The curriculum includes case studies and group projects to enhance your problem-solving abilities and organisational decision-making skills.
Read more about EDHEC's Master degree in Finance for a successful career plan
The Master in Management – Finance double degree gives you the in-depth knowledge and cutting-edge skills sought after by firms in the financial industry. You can pursue a vast array of careers in business and finance, for example, portfolio manager, wealth manager, equity analyst, fixed-income strategist or financial director. Ranked in the top 10 Masters in Finance Worldwide by the Financial Times (2024), this dual degree sets you apart from the competition in the highly competitive financial industry jobs market.
The EDHEC Master in Management is a top-ranked, two-year academic programme designed for students seeking to increase their general management skills. Also known as the Grande Ecole programme, it awards you a double degree: a Master in Management and Master of Science. After the first year of your master’s degree, you can gain a full year’s professional experience or undertake an internship and a six-month exchange at a partner university, before completing the second year of your master’s programme.
Our Master of Science degrees are specialised programmes targeted at students who wish to acquire new knowledge in a specific field or further strengthen their existing expertise. If you are a student on the Master in Management programme, you can also earn a Master of Science degree in the second year of your programme, when you choose your specialisation.
Yes, you can. You do not have to have a degree in finance to study for the Master in Management – Finance, but we do require you have at least a three-year primary degree in a numerate discipline, for example, engineering, maths, science or accounting.
Three years in total. You will have two years of academic studies plus one year of professional immersion/academic exchange with one of our partner universities around the world.
Financial management consists in organising, planning and controlling the finances of a structure such as a company, an association, etc. It can be summarised as management applied to finance. It is a strategic department in a company, since it has several objectives, such as maximising profits, monitoring cash flow and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations.
To do this, financial management specialists plan the company's budget: how much money will it take to achieve the objectives? They set the budget and allocate money where it is needed. They make sure that the company has enough funds to pay for day-to-day activities, such as buying raw materials, etc. They also ensure that there is always extra money available to deal with unforeseen problems or to fund new business opportunities.
Risk management is also an important part of financial management. There are many ways in which a company can be exposed to risk (natural disasters, credit risk, etc.) and financial managers need to assess it and propose measures to mitigate it or find new investment opportunities. After completing the Master in Management - Finance, you will have all the skills and experience you need to start your career.
The Master in Management - Finance will also teach you about quantitative finance.
Quantitative finance is the use of mathematical models and large volumes of data to assess investment opportunities and study the price of financial instruments and its evolution...Quantitative analysts are often called “quants”. To become one, you need advanced knowledge in mathematics and finance.
The Master will help you achieve your professional goals in quantitative finance.
Will the Master in Management- Finance track be worthwhile? In today’s rapidly changing globalised world, this degree stands out as a career accelerator to conclude your studies with. The programme will equip you with the financial expertise you need to excel in a variety of leadership roles such as manager in finance.
Finance is a strategic sector that requires an advanced understanding of many complex concepts such as corporate financial strategy, investment banking, financial accounting, risk management or equity and fixed-income portfolio management. These competitive skills will help you gain access to prestigious positions in world-class companies, such as mergers and acquisitions analyst, private equity analyst, auditor, wealth manager etc. The curriculum will enhance your analytical mind, and your ability to apply your knowledge in real-world, high-stakes situations.
In addition, the globalised nature of the finance sector offers exciting opportunities for students who want to start an international career. Financial markets operate on a global scale and with advanced specialised skills, you will have the potential to work as a finance executive in various financial capitals of the world, such as London, New York or Singapore.
Through EDHEC Business School’s Master in Finance, you will develop your international profile. We offer the possibility to earn a double degree with one of our prestigious partner schools abroad (MIT Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley or Athens University of Economics and Business). You will also have the opportunity to participate in an exchange programme with one of our partners around the world.
The Master in Finance will prove worthwhile thanks to its impact on your future career. You will be prepared to tackle high-stakes challenges and lead organisations in their decision-making in a global context. You will play a pivotal role in the financial leadership that shapes the business landscape. The many opportunities available to you on a global scale make this the best choice to prepare for a successful career in finance.
If you are considering what to do after your bachelor's degree, you may be wondering what the difference is between a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Master in Finance Management. The difference lies in the programme objectives and in the target audience.
A MBA is a degree designed for professionals with years of work experience who want to develop their management skills. A typical MBA covers topics such as marketing, operations management, strategic management, etc. and provides a holistic view of business operations. In addition, some of these programmes also offer a specialisation, including in finance, allowing participants to tailor their education to their specific interests.
A Master in Finance, on the other hand, is more specialised and caters mostly to an audience of students who want to continue their studies after completing a three-year undergraduate programme, such as a Bachelor’s degree. In this programme, you will discover advanced topics such as cost accounting, economics of climate change, fintech, macroeconomics or financial analysis & valuation. If you want to reach top positions in a company, a MiM in Finance will accelerate your career.
The duration of the programmes is usually the same: both last around two years, although some institutions offer a slightly longer curriculum. For example, EDHEC Business School’s MiM - Finance Track, like our other Masters in Management, lasts three years. This duration has been selected to help you develop a deeper understanding of finance with two academic years. The year between your Master 1 and your Master 2, is entirely dedicated to professional immersion. It ensures that your knowledge will be complemented by practical experience in a company where you will learn alongside seasoned professionals.
The Master of Finance is the most appropriate choice for students like you who have a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in engineering, finance or business, and who wish to build new skills upon pre-existing foundations.
Both programmes aim to provide a competitive edge in the job market.
Pursuing a Master in Finance Management certainly presents its challenges. However, EDHEC Business School’s programme is designed to be accessible and is efficiently structured to help you develop your financial expertise in a global context.
The prerequisites for joining the programme ensure that all students start with a solid baseline. We welcome candidates from a variety of backgrounds, but it is expected that you have at least a three-year Bachelor’s degree (or any equivalent), demonstrating a track record of strong academic achievement. Of course, the programme will be easier for you if you have previously gained competence with numbers and analytical skills. As the programme is taught entirely in English, fluency is essential to ensure that you can fully engage with the course content.
The curriculum is carefully designed to help you enhance your skills progressively. The first year is dedicated to fundamentals through academic coursework and constant interaction with business executives. You will develop a 360° understanding of finance that will enable you to secure an internship in the following year.
The second year is dedicated to application in a real business environment. During your internships, you will be exposed to many aspects of finance. This is the perfect environment to reflect on your goals and decide which specialisation to choose.
In your third year, you will choose from the following specialisations:
- Climate Change & Sustainable Finance, in partnership with Mines Paris - PSL
- Financial Engineering
- Corporate Finance & Banking
- Accounting & Finance
- International Finance
This step will help you acquire the most advanced skills in the sector, allowing you to tailor your learning journey to your goals and personal interests.
While the Master in Finance Management requires dedication and can be challenging, EDHEC Business School has designed the programme to be accessible and to build your skills gradually and effectively. Our aim is to help you develop a top professional profile and achieve your career goals in a global context.
To apply for the Master in Finance Management at EDHEC Business School, candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Hold a three-year bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in a numerate discipline (e.g., engineering, mathematics, science, or accounting).
- Demonstrate strong academic performance and intellectual capacity.
- Be motivated self-starters with a desire to build an international career in finance.
Yes, there is a Master's degree in Financial Engineering offered at EDHEC Business School. This programme is designed for those with a quantitative background or prior training in finance. It provides in-depth knowledge of financial concepts, analytical tools, and risk management. The curriculum includes core courses, electives, and specialisations in areas such as quantitative trading and alternative assets. The degree prepares students for careers in trading, asset management, and financial markets. Understanding of financial markets and regular analysis of data are crucial components of this programme.
For more information, visit EDHEC MSc in Financial Engineering.
The MSc in Financial Engineering at EDHEC Business School is a rigorous postgraduate diploma aimed at individuals with a quantitative background or prior finance training. This programme covers core financial concepts, including stocks, bonds, derivatives, and alternative investments. Students learn analytical tools and risk management techniques, preparing them for careers in trading, asset management, and financial markets. The curriculum includes core courses, electives, and specialisations in systematic trading, quantitative investment solutions and alternative assets. Understanding financial markets is fundamental to this programme.
A Master in Accounting & Finance is a postgraduate diploma that combines advanced accounting principles with comprehensive financial management strategies. This programme is designed to equip students with expertise in financial reporting, cost management, budgeting, and financial analysis. It prepares graduates for leadership roles in accounting and finance by providing a thorough understanding of key accounting concepts, financial markets, and strategic decision-making. This degree is ideal for those seeking to excel in various financial sectors and achieve business success.
For more details, visit EDHEC's Master in Accounting & Finance.
Discover how EDHEC’s Master in Management, Finance track equips you with academic excellence and practical experience to master the future of finance and unlock career opportunities.
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