Career Services

Get ready to land your career

Your Career Centre

As a student of EDHEC Business School, your future holds plenty of exciting choices and opportunities. Your professional career is a challenging and stimulating journey that starts with your first internship or your first job. Our mission is to help you understand all your possibilities, make the right choices and achieve your career goals.

Online Career Centre

A personalized career centre for EDHEC students, with privileged access to career services and exclusive job offers.


Access your online Career Centre

Alumni Career Centre

EDHEC Global MBA Career Services

Placement Reports

Read through the placement reports of our Master's, Finance specialized and BBA students and discover our top recruiters by sector.


Download all the Placement Reports

Sectors of activity of EDHEC graduates

EDHEC Career Booster

The understanding and development of the attitudes and skills required by employers is key to employability. This is why the Career Centre offers a programme specifically designed to help Masters students define and achieve their career goals. This programme takes into account specific needs and objectives of students according to their stage of professional development and matches them with the requirements of the employment market.


Download our brochure

Career counselling sessions

per year

Identify your career objectives

  • Employability self-assessment to help discover your natural ability and inclination to mobilise four key attitudes (authenticity, co-creation, agility, and global awareness)

  • 360-degree assessment to identify your strengths and areas for development to adapt to the requirements (and the situation) of the market
  • Individual career advising with dedicated counsellors and external experts and coaches, all year round, on-campus and remotely
  • Personalised coaching following our in-house assessment centre


Participate in career training

  • Mandatory career training: applications, networking, interviews, assessment centres (pitching, case presentations, group dynamics), virtual interviews…

  • 2 Mandatory assessment centres for M1, M2 and MSc

  • Customised training by industry, markets, and functions

  • Individual mock interviews, including technical interviews and
    case practice

Career training sessions

per year

Companies involved in our events

every year

Develop your career opportunities

  • +120 Mandatory and voluntary events with industry-specific insights or focus on specific jobs, market trends and companies

  • EDHEC-specific job board + access to external job boards identified as key in helping our students secure internships and jobs abroad

  • Diversity & Inclusion events: Women Networking, Handi-Day…

  • Pédagogical Challenges: Open Innovation, néGO!


Alumni support

EDHEC students benefit from the network of alumni, with more than 4,000 volunteer graduates and 22 professional clubs to advise them about their professional projects or even mentoring to benefit from the expertise of graduates from all over the world.


Alumni services

CareerSMART ® Programme

Étudiants devant un ordinateur

EDHEC’s innovative MBA CareerSMART® programme provides personalised career support every step of the way during and after the MBA, and gives participants maximum exposure to different industries and roles.  With CareerSMART®, aspirants develop the skills and insights they need to evolve, transform and succeed.


Discover CareerSMART®


With individualized monitoring of projects, EDHEC entrepreneurs has been supporting for 10 years now those who want to start a business, guiding them from the initial idea to its completion, giving them access to more than 200 experts and welcoming them in one of its incubators.


EDHEC Entrepreneurs