EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute

EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute helps private and public decision makers manage climate-related financial risks and make the best use of financial tools to transition to low-emission climate-resilient economies.

«The development and promotion of new tools to quantify the economic and financial consequences of climate change and climate change action or inaction can change the perceptions and actions of public and private decision makers for the better. Likewise, assessing new ‘green finance’ policies and instruments and analysing climate-related financial regulations and standards can contribute to decisions by standard setters that will better support alignment of financial flows with climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives.»

Frédéric Ducoulombier, Director, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute



The mission of EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute is to help private and public decision makers manage climate-related financial risks and make the best use of financial tools to transition to low-emission climate-resilient economies.

Building upon the expertise and industry reputation developed by EDHEC-Risk Institute over two decades, the core ambition of EDHEC-Risk Climate is to become a leading academic reference point for long-term investors, helping them to manage the asset pricing implications of climate change.

This Institute also aims to play a noted role assisting financial supervisors and policy makers assess climate-related risks in the financial system and advising on policy and tools to mitigate those risks and optimise the contribution of finance to climate change mitigation and adaptation.



The delivery of these ambitions is centred around two long-term research programmes and a policy advocacy function.

A research programme looking at the Implications of Climate Change on Asset Pricing and Investment Management, managed by Riccardo Rebonato, PhD, Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School, and Scientific Director, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute.


A research programme looking at the Impact of Finance on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.


A policy advocacy function managed by Frédéric Ducoulombier, CAIA, Director, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute.



EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute aims to further research into climate-related financial risks and the impact of finance and financial tools on climate change mitigation and adaptation, highlighting its practical relevance and uses.

As such, the Institute not only intends to validate its work through academic publications but also to promote its applications by engaging with private and public decision makers through industry publications and position papers; articles in practitioner-oriented media; contributions to industry and policy workgroups; organisation of and participation in seminars, conferences and executive and online courses.




The faculty and permanent researchers of the Institute support the integration of climate-related issues into the curricula of EDHEC Business School degree programmes through design and teaching; supervise graduate and doctoral students in their related projects and research (notably as part of the MSc Climate Change and Sustainable Finance and the PhD in Finance; and lead the design and delivery of the online course (4 MOOCs) on Climate Change and Sustainable Investing.

It also helps leading infrastructure research centre EDHEC Infrastructure & Private Assets Institute build capacity on sectoral alignment and transition plans.

Gianfranco Gianfrate, PhD, Professor of Finance, EDHEC Business School and Research Director, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute manages the collaboration between the School and the other members of the Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment (GRASFI), the network for cutting-edge research on sustainable finance and investment. 


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