Discover the programme
EDHEC is proud to launch the 2nd edition of it's Sustainability Week, organized in collaboration with EDHEC student associations.
A week full of events to raise awarness of societal and environmental issues and inspire action while having fun.
Open to all students and staff. Come and join us !
Lille - Nice - Paris
Monday, the 20th
Vegetarian day 🥙
Did you know that a vegetarian meal emits on average 14 times fewer GHG emissions than a meal with red meat?
EDHEC and API are committed to offering you a 100% vegetarian day: come rediscover your favorite recipes at the Garden.
🕙 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
📍 The Garden
🎯 Students and staff
Workshop: Identifying and Understanding the Mechanisms of Domestic Violence
Discover the workshop "Identifying and Understanding the Mechanisms of Domestic Violence," intended for employees, providing insights and actions against domestic violence.
By registration.
✨ the Diversity and Inclusion Chair
🕙 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
📍 S4-171
🎯 Staff
Conference : Transforming Marketing for Sustainability
Join us for an inspiring talk with Clara Millard Dereudre, author of Shifting the Marketing Mindset: A Toolkit to Drive Sustainable Transformation.
✨ MSc sustainable ang global business
🕙 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
📍 Amphi VIP
🎯 Students and staff
🇬🇧 in English
Activity: Composting, what is it? 🪱
To discover what happens to EDHEC's food waste and learn all about the magic of composting, join Les Alchimistes and ask them all your questions.
✨ Les Alchimistes
🕙 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
📍 The Garden
🎯 Students and staff
Forum: Alumni Networking
A forum bringing together EDHEC alumni currently working in sustainable finance and impact venture capital.
A great opportunity to discover finance careers from a new, more responsible perspective while networking !
✨ Develop
🕙 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
📍 Cathedral Hall
🎯 Students
🇫🇷 🇬🇧 in French and in English
Film-debate & Popcorn 🏳🌈🍿🎬
The Diversity & Inclusion chair invites you to participate in a film debate on the theme of LGBTQIA+ identities. During this session, we will screen the film "Rafiki" by Wanuri Kahiu, and offer a moment of discussion after the viewing, in the company of the association SOS Homophobie.
By registration.
✨ the Diversity and Inclusion Chair
🕙 6 p.m.
📍 Auditorium
🎯 Students and staff
🇰🇪🇬🇧 original version : in English and Swahili
🇫🇷 subtitles : in French
Tuesday, the 21st
SEED: The Responsible Entrepreneurship Forum
The Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship Day (SEED) is a day dedicated to social entrepreneurship, highlighting companies and startups from MEL and Paris. It explores various fields such as inclusion and (re)integration, sustainable food, environmental awareness, and sustainable fashion.
Come meet innovative initiatives with a positive impact on society and the environment!
✨ Develop
🕙 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
📍 The Garden 🐜
🕙 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
📍 Cathedral Hall
🎯 Students and staff
🇫🇷 🇬🇧 in French and in English
Workshop: 2 Tonnes
The 2 Tonnes workshop is an immersive workshop that allows you to simulate your carbon footprint and project yourself into a low-carbon future. Intended for employees, come discover how to act individually and collectively to achieve the Paris Agreement goals.
By registration.
✨ EDHEC * 2Tonnes
🕙 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
🎯 Staff
Workshop: VSS, Act and End It!
The VSS, Act and End It! workshop is a card game created and led by the Diversity and Inclusion Chair to raise awareness among employees about the fight against sexist and sexual violence in organizations.
By registration.
✨ The Diversity and inclusion chair
🕙 1:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
📍 E403
🎯 Staff
Tasting: Organic and Non-Alcoholic Wines & Spirits 🍷
Dionysos, EDHEC's oenology association, invites you to a unique tasting of non-alcoholic wines and spirits in collaboration with Sanzalc, a Lille-based wine merchant.
This free tasting is an opportunity to discover surprising alternatives in a friendly atmosphere.
By registration.
✨ Dionysos and Sanzalc
🕙 6:30 p.m.
📍 E406
🎯 Students and staff
Wednesday, the 22nd
FAR: Responsible Associations Forum
The Responsible Associations Forum (FAR) is a day dedicated to promoting social and environmental initiatives presented and highlighted by EDHEC student associations and MEL associations. Come discover numerous impactful projects around art and culture, circular economy, inclusion, biodiversity, food...
Delicious desserts await you!
✨ Develop
🕙 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
📍 Salle des Pas Perdus and Cathedral Hall
🎯 Students and staff
🇫🇷 🇬🇧 in French and in English
Bike repair workshop 🚲🛠
Your bike has a problem? Have you been putting off this repair for weeks?
Come and learn how to repair your bike for free with the Bus à Biclou association!
Don't hesitate to give us information about the repairs to be carried out.
✨ Bus à Biclou
🕙 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
📍 coming soon
🎯 Students and staff
Workshop: Identifying and Understanding the Mechanisms of Domestic Violence
Discover the workshop "Identifying and Understanding the Mechanisms of Domestic Violence," intended for students, providing insights and actions against domestic violence.
By registration.
✨ The Diversity and Inclusion Chair
🕙 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
📍 E402
🎯 Students
Webinar: with the Financial Markets Authority (AMF)
Come discover how the AMF regulates the financial sphere to promote sustainable economic stability: fighting greenwashing, supporting the energy transition, applying new standards, with Mr Jérôme Reboul.
By registration.
🕙 5:30 p.m.
📍 101A, 101B and online
🎯 Students and staff
🇬🇧 in English
Thursday, the 23rd
Workshop: VSS, Act and End It!
The VSS, Act and End It! workshop is a card game created and led by the Diversity and Inclusion Chair to raise awareness among employees about the fight against sexist and sexual violence in organizations.
By registration.
✨ The Diversity and inclusion chair
🕙 9a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
📍 E403
CSR fair
The CSR fair is an opportunity to discover sustainable careers and also internal projects or initiatives related to the environmental, societal, and ethical issues of the school's partner companies.
After round tables, come individually discuss with the various companies about job types related to inclusion, diversity, and sustainable development, as well as the skills needed to achieve them.
✨ Career Center
🕙 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
📍 Salle des Pas Perdus and Cathedral Hall
🎯 Students
Workshop: 2 Tonnes
The 2 Tonnes workshop is an immersive workshop that allows you to simulate your carbon footprint and project yourself into a low-carbon future. Intended for employees, come discover how to act individually and collectively to achieve the Paris Agreement goals.
By registration.
✨ EDHEC * 2Tonnes
🕙 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
🎯 Staff
Short film screening 🎥
Prix de Court and Develop invite you to a screening of short films focused on social and environmental themes! All short films were candidates at the European Cinema Festival.
By registration.
✨ Prix de Court
🕙 5:30 p.m.
📍 Auditorium
🎯 Students and staff
Friday, the 24th
Workshop: Fresque du climat
During this collective intelligence workshop, participants reconstruct the cause and effect links of climate change, and then explore the actions to be taken in a personal and professional context.
By registration.
✨ EDHEC * la Fresque du climat
🕙 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
📍 online
🎯 New staff
Bucolic campus stroll 🦔🦜🦉
(Re)discover our campus: learn to identify our fellow creatures and the simple actions to take to attract wildlife to your gardens.
✨ League for the Protection of Birds
🕙 12 p.m.
📍 Welcome desk
🎯 Students and staff
Campus EDHEC Lille
24 Av. Gustave Delory
59100 Roubaix
Monday, the 20th
Conference: Presentation of the 4MyPlanet project ⛵🪸
Concerned by the state of the oceans, Alexia Barrier founded the 4MyPlanet association in 2010, the aim of which is to raise awareness about protecting the oceans and nature while collecting scientific data for the study of the oceans.
By registration.
✨ Alexia Barrier, professional sailor and skipper, founder of the 4MyPlanet association.
🕙 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
📍 002A
🎯 Students and staff
Tuesday, the 21st
Workshop: VSS, Act and End It!
The VSS, Act and End It! workshop is a card game created and led by the Diversity and Inclusion Chair to raise awareness among employees about the fight against sexist and sexual violence in organizations.
By registration.
✨ The Diversity and inclusion chair
🕙 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
📍 030
🎯 Staff
Workshop: 2 Tonnes
The 2 Tonnes workshop is an immersive workshop that allows you to simulate your carbon footprint and project yourself into a low-carbon future. Intended for employees, come discover how to act individually and collectively to achieve the Paris Agreement goals.
By registration.
✨ EDHEC * 2Tonnes
🕙 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
📍 503
🎯 Staff
Wednesday, the 22nd
Vegetarian day 🥙
Did you know that a vegetarian meal emits on average 14 times fewer GHG emissions than a meal with red meat?
EDHEC and API are committed to offering you a 100% vegetarian day: your favorite dishes revisited in a vegetarian version!
🕙 12 p.m.-2 p.m.
📍 The Terrasse
🎯 Students and staff
BPI Conference: Entrepreneurship and Climate
"Entrepreneurship and Climate: A Winning Duo to Enhance Your Project's Potential" with Carine Verola, Climate Plan Coordination Officer – Alpes Maritimes, Corsica, and East Var and Loris Pompouye, Financing Studies Officer
In the current climate context, integrating new environmental challenges into your business project seems essential! Come discover the "green" prerequisites to adopt to be supported and financed.
By registration.
✨ Bpifrance
🕙 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
📍 01AB
🎯 Students and staff
Thursday, the 23rd
How aware are you on climate change and ethical business practices?
Join our exciting movie quiz event on climate change and ethical business practices! Test your knowledge, have fun, and stand a chance to win prizes!🍪
✨ Kantia Marinda
🕙 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
📍 The Terrasse
🎯 Students and staff
🇬🇧 in English
Workshop: 2 Tonnes
The 2 Tonnes workshop is an immersive workshop that allows you to simulate your carbon footprint and project yourself into a low-carbon future. Intended for employees, come discover how to act individually and collectively to achieve the Paris Agreement goals.
By registration.
✨ EDHEC * 2Tonnes
🕙 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
📍 503
🎯 Staff
Conference : Climate information granularity and projections of physical risk impacts on economic outputs: a spatial momentum has started
With Nicolas Schneider, Senior Research Engineer – Macroeconomist (EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute)
From large-scale climate simulation processing to projecting economic responses, we deliver a brief presentation on why more granular information on physical risk impacts across time and space means a better adaptability to future shocks by industries. Moving forward with investors, we highlight that the 'spatial' momentum must be caught. We take the Mediterranean basin as an illustrative case-study to describe our stepwise approach.
By registration.
✨ EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute
🕙 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.
📍 to be confirmed and online
🎯 Students and staff
🇬🇧 in English
Friday, the 24th
Workshop: Fresque du climat
During this collective intelligence workshop, employees will reconstruct the cause-and-effect links of climate change and then explore actions to take in personal and professional contexts.
By registration.
✨ EDHEC * la Fresque du climat
🕙 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
📍 online
🎯 New staff
Campus EDHEC Nice
393 Prom. des Anglais
06200 Nice
Monday, the 20th
Workshop: 2 Tonnes
The 2 Tonnes workshop is an immersive workshop that allows you to simulate your carbon footprint and project yourself into a low-carbon future. Intended for employees, come discover how to act individually and collectively to achieve the Paris Agreement goals.
By registration.
✨ EDHEC * 2Tonnes
🕙 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
📍 exec 3
🎯 Staff
Tuesday, the 21st
Animation: Vegan Pastry Tasting 🍪
Did you know that it takes 1000 liters of water to produce 1 liter of cow's milk, while only 48 liters of water are needed for 1 liter of plant-based milk?
As part of Veganuary, come and taste delicious vegan pastries: good for the planet, your health and animal welfare!
✨ Land&Monkeys
🕙 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
📍 coworking space
🎯 Staff
Wednesday, the 22nd
Webinar: with Financial Markets Authority (AMF)
Come discover how the AMF regulates the financial sphere to promote sustainable economic stability: fighting greenwashing, supporting the energy transition, applying new standards, with Jérôme Reboul.
By registration.
🕙 5:30 p.m.
📍 online
🎯 Staff and students
Thursday, the 23rd
Conference: Facing the Environmental Crisis: Fear, Powerlessness, Anger, Hope... What to Do with My Emotions?
Ecological awareness can feel like a big slap. Some call it eco-anxiety, others eco-consciousness. The essential thing is to know that eco-emotions are legitimate; it's a healthy reaction to the major challenges we face. Moreover, eco-emotions enable ACTION!
By registration.
✨ Linka
🕙 Participatory conference: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
🫒 Cocktail : 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
📍 EDHEC Paris campus: 16-18, Rue du 4 septembre 75002 PARIS
Friday, the 24th
Workshop: Fresque du climat
During this collective intelligence workshop, employees will reconstruct the cause-and-effect links of climate change and then explore actions to take in personal and professional contexts.
By registration.
✨ EDHEC * la Fresque du climat
🕙 9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
📍 online
🎯 New staff
Workshop: VSS, Act and End It!
The VSS, Act and End It! workshop is a card game created and led by the Diversity and Inclusion Chair to raise awareness among employees about the fight against sexist and sexual violence in organizations.
By registration.
✨ The Diversity and inclusion chair
🕙 2 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
📍 exec 3
🎯 Staff
Campus EDHEC Paris
16-18 Rue du 4 septembre
75002 Paris
Campus EDHEC Lille
24 Av. Gustave Delory
59100 Roubaix
Campus EDHEC Nice
393 Prom. des Anglais
06200 Nice
Campus EDHEC Paris
16-18 Rue du 4 septembre
75002 Paris