EDHEC Infra & Private Assets Research Institute

EDHEC Infra & Private Assets Research Institute is a venture of EDHEC Business School and a provider of indexes and analytics for the private equity and debt investment universe in which the majority of infrastructure assets are not publicly traded. Prices of these assets and their evolution are therefore hard to assess: to close this gap, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets offers analytics and calculated indexes that already cover 27 countries representing an investable universe of 9,000 companies.


« As part of EDHEC Business School, EDHEC Infra & Private Assets embraces the school’s agenda of “Impact future generations” and is convinced of the social value of its work.

We are the only independent provider of financial research and data on infrastructure investment, and our team is fully dedicated to our users .»


Frédéric Blanc-Brude, Director of the institute


EDHEC Infra & Private Assets provides indices and analysis to infrastructure investors, as the pricing of infrastructure assets - the majority of which are not listed on the stock market - has traditionally suffered from a lack of information. Based in Singapore and London, the Institute fills this gap with calculated indices and analysis covering 27 countries and around 9,000 companies.


To know everything about EDHEC Infra & Private Assets



EDHEC Infra & Private Assets maintains the infraMetrics™ platform: an online information system that gives access to key market indices including the infra300® and infra100™ series. InfraMetrics also includes a wealth of valuation data and analytics, risk metrics, a fund strategy analysis tool providing robust performance quartiles for any segment, strategy or vintage, and peer group analyses allowing investors to compare themselves against comparable segments of the market.


Numerous services are offered. One can access the data by purchasing a licence just as it is done with any other index provider. One can also have us make a customised solutions including custom benchmarks that match its portfolio exposures to various TICCS® segments of the market. In addition, other related services are provided such as asset valuation.


EDHEC Infra & Private Assets is the only research institute in the world with a sole focus on infrastructure investment and financing. Since 2016, EDHECinfra has produced more than 50 research publications on unlisted infrastructure equity and debt.


One George Street - 15-02. Singapore 049145
10 Fleet Place. London EC4M 7RB. United Kingdom

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03.03.2025 - EDHEC
Financial Econometrics and Market Risks Workshop: check out the programme (8 April in Lille) and register!
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EDHEC AI & Finance Workshop: check out the programme (27 May in Nice) and register!
On May 27, 2025, the EDHEC Data Science, Economics & Finance Departement org…


10.07.2024 - EDHEC publication

[#dataviz] Climate change could be very costly for those who have invested in infrastructure

EDHEC-Infra, EDHEC VOX, July 2024

17.05.2024 - EDHEC publication

Climate change: Why are infrastructure investors aware of the risk while failing to measure it?

EDHEC-Infra, EDHEC VOX, May 2024

01.05.2024 - EDHEC publication

Infrastructure Decarbonisation and Resilience Strategies: A Primer

EDHEC-Infra, EDHECInfra Paper, May 2024

01.05.2024 - EDHEC publication

Climate Risk Management Strategies: Conventional Power (TICCS® IC10)

EDHEC-Infra, EDHECInfra Paper, May 2024

16.04.2024 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Effect of stock liquidity on the economic value of patents: Evidence from U.S. patent data

International Review of Financial Analysis, April 2024



To find out more about the institute, its services, publications etc.