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Family Business Chair

[WEBINAR SERIES] Leading the Family Business in Extraordinary Times

L' EDHEC Family Business Research Centre launches a series of initiatives “Leading the family business in extraordinary times” aimed at providing support to family businesses and their stakeholders…
FROM  17.04.2020  TO  07.05.2020
Langue :
Temps :
12:00 -13:00

L' EDHEC Family Business Research Centre  launches a series of initiatives “Leading the family business in extraordinary times” aimed at providing support to family businesses and their stakeholders in the current crisis times.

We will share our research and expertise through a series of webinars and informative articles (in French and English) that inspire you and help you reflect on the path to follow and on the pitfalls to avoid.

Webinar #1: The family business history as a strategic resource in times of crisis 

April 17, 2020 (12.15 PM- 1 PM) - Language: French

Speaker: Ludovic Cailluet 

Family business history can be viewed as a plastic resource which can be used in different ways. It allows to rally actors internally and externally when the history of the family and the company serves as a vector for belonging and image. History can also be seen as a link with the territory and as a pillar of the strategy of influence. Finally, it can be a driving force in the exercise of family and entrepreneurial strategy.

The objective of this webinar is to understand the potential of history as a strategic asset for family businesses to tackle major turning points and deal with times of crisis.

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Webinar #2: Managing the family business human and financial resources during crisis. 

April 22, 2020 (12.15 PM- 1 PM) Language: English

Moderated by Fabian Bernhard, Rania Labaki, Elie Salameh

When crisis hit, it also comes home, increasing the level of work-family conflict. This is even more the case in the current situation where work and family boundaries are being redefined with social distancing measures. The crisis also affects the financial resources management, shifting the focus from the income statement to the cash flow statements and raising the issues of the delicate balance between dividends distribution, divestment and investment opportunities.

The objective of this webinar is to understand the implications of crisis on the human and financial resources and reflect on the options available to deal with them.

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Webinar #3: From writing to interpreting family business history to navigate crisis. 

April 30, 2020 (12.15 PM- 1 PM)  Language: English

Moderated by Ludovic Cailluet and John Seaman

Writing history or going back to history matters for family business survival. As they span many generations, they have often overcome several crisis with lessons that can be still relevant today. The triggers for writing the history in family business can range from a traumatic event to a need to leave a legacy and engage successfully with succession. The objectives of this webinar is to reflect on family business history as a source of values and lessons to be captured and handed down before they are lost. It will also provide guidance on the parts of the history and related family business emotions that need to be shared, learned and/or revisited.

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Webinar #4: The family business resilience levers in extraordinary times 

May 7, 2020 (12.15 PM- 1 PM) Language: French

Speaker: Rania Labaki et Nicolas Hollanders

The longevity and performance of family businesses depend on both financial and socio-emotional resilience levers. These businesses are distinguished by a complex system of interactions which might become unbalanced in times of crisis. How then to ensure the continuity of the family business in alignment with the common vision and values?

The objective of this webinar is to present a framework for analyzing the interactions between the family, the ownership and the business, on the basis of which companies can capitalize on existing levers of resilience or even develop new levers of resilience and prepare for the post-crisis.

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