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A campaign to promote the French preparatory classes

A communication campaign was launched at the end of November by the CDEFM to highlight the advantages and specific nature of preparatory classes. EDHEC, which recruits 100% preparatory school leavers for its Grande Ecole programme, is backing the initiative. 

Reading time :
29 Nov 2023
Visuel Campagne Prépare toi CDEFM

Following on from the expertise developed over the last ten years by EDHEC's New Gen Talent Centre, the Prépare-toi promotional campaign has been online since 27 November. The campaign, launched by the CDEFM (Conférence des directeurs des écoles françaises de management, of which EDHEC is a member) and the APHEC (Association des professeurs des classes préparatoires économiques et commerciales), is designed to improve the way in which preparatory classes are perceived by the younger generation and to provide them with better information about this pathway on the eve of the opening of the Parcoursup platform.
Launched exclusively on Instagram and Tiktok to reach a target audience of high school students, the campaign is based on the results of a survey carried out last spring by the CDEFM and APHEC among a hundred or so students and high school pupils from all regions and all social backgrounds.
The campaign plays on the codes of youth and features testimonials from former preparatory students. "This is the first time that we have launched a joint promotional campaign of this type with all the schools and APHEC," explains Alain Joyeux, Chairman of APHEC. "We want to change preconceived ideas, promote the advantages of preparatory courses and attract new audiences, particularly young people who have little access to information and who come from backgrounds that are far removed from preparatory courses. To make this ambition a reality, we have chosen a tone, colours and illustrations that are in line with what young people are praising on social networks today". 

Labelled "#PREPARETOI", this advertising campaign capitalises on the key lessons of the study: support to succeed (thanks to teachers and classmates), a balance between work and passions, a curriculum accessible to all young people with diverse talents, disciplines to understand the world, guaranteed access to the Grandes écoles de management.


Find out more about the campaign



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