
“Choiseul Finance de demain 2024” ranking: 9 EDHEC alumni selected

Institut Choiseul, a think tank analysing strategic global economic issues, singled out nine EDHEC Business School alumni (Master in Management and EDHEC International BBA), in the first edition of its Choiseul Finance de demain 2024 ranking. Divided into five professional categories, this “finance of tomorrow” ranking seeks to highlight finance professionals aged under 40 holding positions of responsibility and committed to leveraging finance in the interests of environmental, social, economic and regional/local transformation.

Reading time :
13 Mar 2024

The nine EDHEC alumni chosen by Institut Choiseul for the Choiseul Finance de demain 2024 ranking work in three of the five professional categories: Advisory & M&A (strategic and financial advisory specialists in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, asset sales or restructuring), Financing (investment professionals operating in private companies, key actors focused on reindustrialisation, innovation, economic resilience and international projection) and Fintechs & Platforms (experts in financial technology).



Institut Choiseul’s selection criteria notably included the economic weight and impact of the company in which the alumni works, together with the alumni’s function, level of responsibility and ability to exert a significant impact within their organisation. The alumni were also assessed on their ability to reconcile business performance with the social, environmental and regional/local impact of their missions, as well as the ease with which they can bring change to the financial and business ecosystem in France and Europe.



The 9 alumni selected in the Choiseul ranking: 
Guillaume Branco, Master 2013, 
Florent Garnier, Master 2009,
Vincent Grard, EDHEC International BBA 2012,
Pierre-Emmanuel Pessans-Goyheneix, Master 2007,
Ludwig Hsia, Master 2014,
Sarah Lucet, Master 2010,
Oriane Mizrahi, Master 2009,
Loan Pung, Master 2011,
Alexandre Tixier, Master 2011.



See the detail of the “Choiseul Finance de demain 2024” ranking  

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