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Discover the 22 new EDHEC Professors

Sept. 30, 2024 - This year, EDHEC Business School is welcoming twenty-two new Professors, based in Lille, Nice and Paris. Find out more about their research, careers and commitments...

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30 Sep 2024
Discover the 22 new EDHEC Professors

Fully in line with the new “Generations 2050” plan (2024-2028), these recruitments, from all over Europe, aims at strengthening the school's research and teaching departments in a number of key areas: climate finance, biodiversity and ecosystem accounting, responsible entrepreneurship, well-being, sustainable marketing practices… Meet our new professors!


11 women and 11 men join EDHEC Business School this year, representing 16 nationalities. They all hold PhDs from leading European and North American institutions. They bring to 187 the number of professors and researchers who work daily to enhance the school's reputation, while sharing the values of independence, ethics and academic excellence.


"Our dedication to cultivating a diverse and innovative faculty aligns with EDHEC's mission to be at the forefront of addressing global challenges for current and next generations. By bringing together international and multidisciplinary expertise, we strengthen our research community and prepare our students to tackle these challenges effectively. For over a century, we have demonstrated our ability to drive and implement meaningful, sustainable progress that benefits the scientific community, learners at large, and businesses alike."

Michael Antioco, Professor - Dean of Faculty and Research.


Those 22 new professors join one of the 5 research and teaching departments and, additionally, could take part in the future to one of the 13 centres and chairs. Impact research is at the heart of the school's strategy: EDHEC devotes 20% of its current total budget - or €20 million a year - to research, making it one of the top 10 business schools in Europe. As part of the “Generations 2050” strategic plan, new objectives are already on the table, as EDHEC has set itself the goal of recruiting around 15 new professors a year over the next four years.


In the meantime, find out more about the research, careers and commitments of our new professors below!

Georges Akiki (France, Lebanon) – Lecturer


Georges Akiki holds a PhD from University of Côte d’Azur. Before joining EDHEC, he was a Teaching Assistant in the Marketing Department. His research interests encompass national culture, religiosity, and relationship marketing, with a particular focus on the banking sector. His primary research goal is to understand the complex dynamics of national culture and religiosity and examine how these factors influence consumer behavior. Additionally, Georges Akiki is involved in writing case studies on marketing strategies and international marketing. He teaches international marketing and sustainability in marketing.


Hayyan Alia-Thorey (France, Syria) – Senior Lecturer


Hayyan Alia-Thorey holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Franche-Comté and an Advanced Master's in Microfinance from Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). He is mainly interested in Managerial Accounting. He teaches courses in both managerial and financial accounting and is engaged in business case writing and gamification. Prior to joining EDHEC, Hayyan Alia-Thorey was an Associate Professor at Lille Catholic University for four years. Before that, he held the same position at Dijon Burgundy School of Business from 2015 to 2020. In addition to teaching, he has contributed to academic research with publications in the fields of microfinance and community currencies.


Jeanne Amar (France) – Assistant Professor


Jeanne Amar holds a PhD in Finance from Aix-Marseille University. Before joigning EDHEC, she was a Maître de Conferences at University of Côte d’Azur. Her research activities in corporate finance focus on two main topics: sovereign wealth funds and corporate climate management practices. Her work has been published in several journals, including International Business Review, Ecological Economics and Journal of International Financial Markets.


Paolo Antonetti (Italia) - Professor


Paolo Antonetti holds a PhD from Cranfield School of Management. He is interested primarily in stakeholders’ responses to crises, brand transgressions, service failures and other negative marketing events. His research examines how organizations can respond constructively and persuasively to such negative, disruptive events. Other related domains include CSR and Consumer Ethics. Paolo Antonetti has published in leading international journals including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Service Research and the Journal of Business Ethics. He is Marketing and Ethics section editor for the Journal of Business Ethics and editorial board member for several international journals. His teaching interests focus on Sustainable Marketing, Marketing Management and Service Marketing.


Tuba Bakici (France, Turkey) – Associate Professor


Tuba Bakici holds a PhD from ESADE Business School. Her research focuses on human-computer interaction, technology innovation, and sustainable IT. Recently, she has concentrated on sustainable digital consumption and human-AI interaction, building on her work in Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)-funded research projects. Over the past 15 years, she has contributed to numerous regional, French and European Commission-funded projects centered on these subjects. Tuba Bakici’s research was authored or coauthored in a wide range of international journals such as the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Information Technology & People, or Computers in Human Behavior.


Youcef Bousalham (France, Marocco) – Associate Professor


Youcef Bousalham holds a PhD in Organizational Science and Masters in Organizational Science (MPhil.), Mass Retailing Management (MSc.) and Project Management (MSc.). He studied in France, Canada, UK and China, and has been Visiting Researcher at Cardiff BS, Lund University and ESG UQAM. His area of research focuses on organizational culture, alternatives organizations, sustainability and CSR. His research has generated more than 30 intellectual contributions published in books, conferences, specialized press, and international journals like Organization and the Academy of Management Proceedings. Youcef Bousalham has received academic distinctions from the Academy of Management (Atlanta 2017), the International Association of Strategic Management (2020) and the CIESS (2010).


Francesco Cannas (Italia) – Assistant Professor


Francesco Cannas holds a PhD and an LLM from the Vienna University of Economics and Business. He has held various academic and professional positions in different countries. He is admitted to the Italian bar and his areas of research encompass value-added tax (VAT), indirect taxes, international taxation, and taxpayer rights. His work is published in leading international journals, including the World Tax Journal, Intertax, European Taxation, EC Tax Review, World Journal of VAT/GST Law, and International VAT Monitor. Francesco is often invited to speak at conferences and lectures in both academic and professional settings.


Radmila Chapuis (Germany) – Lecturer


Radmila Chapuis holds a PhD from University Paris 2 Panthéon Assas. She is a quadrilingual Professor of Law with teaching expertise in all spheres of business law. She lectures courses in French and English in notably tax law, European business law, intellectual property law and financial law. Currently, her research areas focus on intellectual property law and more particulary on the legal situation of domain names in blockchains. She has a significant experience in lecturing law at public universities such as Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis and University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas.


Sophie Clot (France) – Associate Professor


Sophie Clot holds a PhD from the University of Montpellier. Before joining EDHEC, she was a tenured Associate Professor at the University of Reading. Her research focuses on the design and adoption of solutions including the associate financial tools to meet the SDGs, while taking into account human behaviour and risk preferences. She has received funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Global Challenges Research Fund and she has been involved in various other multi disciplinary research programmes  (UK Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020, European Institute of Innovation & Technology). Sophie Clot’s teaching expertise unfolds in climate economics, sustainable development, business economics, behavioural economics and financial regulation.  In the past, Sophie worked several years for international organisations in areas such as microfinance and conservation finance.


Sylvain Colombero (France) – Associate Professor


Sylvain Colombero holds a PhD from both Mines ParisTech and Copenhagen Business School, and holds an Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) from the University of Strasbourg. His research mainly focuses on institutional theory, bricolage and business model in fields ranging from patrimonial architecture, new technologies and creative industries sectors. His works have been published in various international journals from Journal of MGMT Studies to Research in the Sociology of Organizations or Journal of Business Models. He currently teaches Strategic Analysis, Supply Chain Strategy and Information Systems MGMT.

Serena D’Hooge (Belgium) – Assistant Professor


Serena D’Hooge holds her PhD from Ghent University, after which she became a postdoctoral researcher in Marketing Management at Rotterdam School of Management. She teaches Brand and Communication Management, Customer-Centric Brand Management and Understanding Consumers and Markets. Her research primarily explores the automaticity of learning/conditioning processes that shape brand associations, as discussed in her recent publication on the Continuous Trinity Model of brand associations in the Journal of Consumer Research.


Tinghua Duan (China) – Associate Professor


Tinghua Duan holds his PhD from the University of Edinburgh. His research interests are climate finance, ESG and corporate governance. He has presented his work in major finance conferences, such as the AFA Annual Meeting, SFS conferences, the FIRS Conference, the ABFER Annual Conference and the China International Conference in Finance. His papers have been published in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Business Ethics and many other leading journals in Finance and Business. He has won the 2023 Best Corporate Finance Paper Award (FMA Europ. conference) and the 2021 Best Asset Pricing Paper Award (Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment Conference).


Mouna El Mansouri (Morocco) – Assistant Professor


Mouna El Mansouri holds her PhD from ESSEC Business School, where, prior to joining EDHEC, she was a lecturer. She also holds a part-time MBA from Ecole des Ponts obtained during her years of practice in the banking industry, and worked as assistant professor at Ecole de Management Léonard de Vinci. Her research revolves around the flipside of emotions and proactivity -i.e cognitive functioning, emotional states, and well-being. She is also interested in the positive consequences of so-called negative emotions and negative consequences of so-called positive emotions. Her research has been published in the Journal of Applied Psychology and Human Resource Management.


Viacheslav Iurkov (Ukraine) – Associate Professor


Viacheslav Iurkov holds a PhD from BI Norwegian Business School. Prior to joining EDHEC, he was affiliated with Grenoble Ecole de Management and the University of Groningen. In his research, he primarily focuses on the impact of interorganizational relationships on firm behavior and performance, including sustainability - and innovation - related outcomes. At EDHEC, Viacheslav Iurkov teaches Strategic Management, Strategic Alliances and Partnerships, and Business Simulations. He was a finalist for several best paper awards (SMS, EIBA, RIBC). His research has appeared in leading academic journals, such as the Journal of International Business Studies and the Journal of World Business, among others. Viacheslav is a member of the Editorial Review Board of the Global Strategy Journal and Long Range Planning.


Alena Kostyk (Russia) – Associate Professor


Alena Kostyk received her MBA from Michigan State University and her PhD from New Mexico State University. Her work focuses on consumer behavior in digital, technology-enhanced environments, and research methodology. She has published in academic outlets such as the Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, and European Journal of Marketing among others. She also co-authored a practice-oriented book on VR marketing and worked with a number of European organizations on implementing their digital and XR marketing initiatives. Prior to academia, she spent nearly 10 years working in the private sector.


Mashiho Mihalache (Japan) – Associate Professor


Mashiho Mihalache holds her PhD in International Strategy from Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), the Netherlands. Her research focuses on how different types of organizations - large MNEs to social enterprises - utilize their international environment to enhance firm performance such as green innovation. She is also researching multiple identities within individuals who work in MNEs and how firms can enhance their well-being and work satisfaction. She has published in international journals such as Human Resource Management, Management International Review, Organizational Dynamics and Decision Sciences.



Yanina Rashkova (Belarus) – Assistant Professor


Yanina Rashkova holds a PhD from University of Cagliari (Italy). Before joining academia, she worked in international companies and voluntary associations across Europe. Her research interest is focused on the application of mindfulness in organizations to create more responsible organizational practices. She has co-authored several book chapters and academic articles, including in the Journal of Business Ethics, among others.


Marek Reuter (Germany) – Assistant Professor


Marek Reuter holds a PhD from the University of Innsbruck. He previously worked as an Assistant Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, and has also been a visiting scholar at HEC Paris and the Turku School of Economics. His research primarily focuses on the institutionalization and application of contemporary social and environmental accounting and control practices. His research approach is coined by qualitative methods and constructivist methodology. Marek Reuter teaches courses in the area of management control, cost accounting, and reflective thinking. He has broad experience in supervising theses on the Bachelor's and Master's level and is currently co-supervising a PhD thesis.


Amin Sofla (Iran) – Assistant Professor


Amin Sofla holds a PhD from Umeå School of Business, Economics, and Statistics. His teaching portfolio includes courses in Risk Management, Managerial Accounting, and Financial Statement Analysis. His research interests center on the individual aspects of organizations, with a particular emphasis on exploring the appointment and compensation of directors, CEOs, and engagement partners. He has published in international journals such as Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Finance Research Letters and Academy of Management Proceedings. Before joining EDHEC, he worked as a researcher and lecturer at KU Leuven. His professional background also includes roles as an internal and external auditor, as well as positions in financial management.


Antonella Tempesta Fernandez (Chile, Italia) – Assistant Professor


Antonella Tempesta holds a PhD from the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona. She is interested in culture, language studies and communication; she teaches courses in HR management, culture and communication to Bachelor and Master-level students, with a particular focus on communication skills and personal and professional development. She combines theoretical insights with active learning techniques such as immersive exercises, discussions, and case studies. In addition to her academic work - she has published in Acta Psychologica - she actively contributes to student awareness initiatives, recently leading sessions on addressing sexist and sexual violence in educational settings.


Ghassan Paul Yacoub (France) – Associate Professor


Ghassan Paul Yacoub holds a PhD from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) and is currently the Academic Director of the EDHEC Global MBA. His academic research focuses on the sources, capture of value and management of strategic, innovation and entrepreneurial processes within, outside and between companies. His research has been published in renowned international journals such as Organization, R&D Management, and International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. He has delivered talks to various audiences ranging from (under)graduate to MBA and Executive Education. Prior to his academic career, he worked as an M&A Investment Banker at advisory boutiques and at J.P. Morgan in London. His diverse experiences span across innovation, emerging technologies, finance, strategy, digital transformation, and entrepreneurship.


Jenny Zimmermann (Germany) – Assistant Professor


Jenny Zimmermann completed her PhD from the University of St. Gallen. During her PhD, she received a national scholarship for a research visit at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Heidelberg University and a Master’s degree in Physics and Management from Ulm University. Jenny’s research focuses on consumer behavior, with a particular interest in consumer responses toward autonomous technologies. Her work has, for instance, been published in MIT Sloan Management Review. At EDHEC, Jenny will teach the courses Future of Digital, Digital Marketing, and Understanding Consumers and Markets.

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