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EDHEC is 4th in France according to 2023 business school ranking by Le Parisien

In the 2023 edition of its ranking of the best business schools in France, Le Parisien ranks EDHEC Business School in 4th place, a constant position since 2018.

Reading time :
17 May 2023
EDHEC is 4th in France according to 2023 business school ranking by Le Parisien

EDHEC Business School stands out by obtaining the highest score (5/5) on many criteria, particularly in terms of "attractiveness" and "insertion/salary". This last criterion was also highlighted in the Financial Times' Master in Management 2022 ranking, where the Careers service was ranked 4th worldwide and 1st in France.


The quality of the student experience on EDHEC campuses is valued through this ranking. In Lille, Nice or Paris, EDHEC's campuses offer each student the best conditions to flourish and succeed in their academic career.


The production of academic works is also highlighted in this ranking by Le Parisien 2023. EDHEC professors and researchers have published numerous research articles in leading international journals in finance, management, marketing and law - to name a few thematics.


Le Parisien also highlights the Talents Prepa programme, which is a personalized support initiative adapted to the pace of preparatory classes, set up in 2021 by EDHEC, and which prepares the students with scholarship for the entrance exams to the grandes écoles. This initiative is part of an overall programme to provide financial support to thousands of students via "EDHECFORALL", which, with a budget that has tripled in 10 years, aims to have 40% of students benefiting from it by 2025.

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