EDHEC DataViz Challenge: 10 days to submit your viz!

All students in Europe have now 10 days ... 10 days left to join the EDHEC DataViz Challenge! Students in Europe have until May 21st to submit their data visualization through the Challenge webpage…
Reading time :
11 May 2021

All students in Europe have now 10 days ... 10 days left to join the EDHEC DataViz Challenge! Students in Europe have until May 21st to submit their data visualization through the Challenge webpage.

Do not miss the opportunity to accelerate your learning, while supporting UNICEF!

What is the challenge?

EDHEC DataViz challenge is Europe’s first data visualisation (dataviz) competition for students, in partnership with UNICEF, Mazars and Tableau. The competition enables students to develop their data analytics and visualisation skills and secure career opportunities, while assisting UNICEF in its mission of defending children’s rights.

The objective of dataviz is to present masses of figures and raw data more intelligibly, by employing clear and interactive visual representations: charts, diagrams, pie charts, maps, friezes, etc. Faced with the need to process growing quantities of data, businesses are increasingly interested in dataviz as a powerful analytical and communication tool that makes complex data easier to understand.

EDHEC Business School is a center of expertise in data for business, notably in our top-ranked Global MBA and MSc. in Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. DataViz Challenge was created last year to enable students to acquire skills in this area. Organised in partnership with UNICEF, Mazars and Tableau, the Challenge takes place fully online and in English, and is open to all students enrolled at a business school or university in Europe.

Participating students must use open data compiled by UNICEF with a view to supporting the organisation’s global mission. The goal is to bring out the stories behind the data!

What are the criteria?

All participants are invited to submit their entries no later than 21 May on the DataViz Challenge homepage. The 10 best will then be selected according to the following criteria: Creativity (25 points), Beauty/Design (25 points), Analytical depth (25 points) and Overall evaluation (25 points). Their authors will be invited to take part in the online final on 18 June, when they will have the chance to present and defend their work.

The competition’s first prize is an interview for a data visualisation internship at UNICEF. In addition to top-3 and top-10 finalist prizes: coaching sessions with Mazars, an AI training programme (6 hours), a tech prize and complimentary tickets to the Paris Vivatech 2022 event.

How to tell a convincing story with data for UNICEF? This is the challenge we set for EDHEC DataViz Challenge participants all over Europe. Through the competition, we encourage students to develop their data analysis and data visualisation skills, expertise that is increasingly in demand with businesses. The Challenge is also an ideal means for employers to find their future talent

underlines Sandra Richez, Director of the EDHEC Global MBA programme.

Any advice?

We encourage all students in Europe to participate in this unique competition, whether from an engineering school, university, or any business school in Europe.

Get ready, you have 10 days to get vizzing and learn more about data visualization and UNICEF!

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