
Fueling digital transformations for Accenture’s clients

What are the main highlights of your MiM years at EDHEC Business School? It was one of the best opportunities in my life to meet all the talents around the world. I still remember the case study…
Reading time :
6 Aug 2021

What are the main highlights of your MiM years at EDHEC Business School?

It was one of the best opportunities in my life to meet all the talents around the world. I still remember the case study project I had during Strategy class, the real simulation of consulting case cracking exercise helps me even today when it comes to a brand new project/industry.

Not to mention all the activities and parties I had with my classmates and friends of EDHEC, it made my MiM life incredibly fruitful.


Why France and EDHEC Business School?

France has always been a country that I wanted to visit and understand more in terms of its culture and history. Thanks to the French MiM system, I also got enough time to master French as my weapon for future job haunting and to plan my future career path.

EDHEC was my first choice because of its global reputation, solid corporate relations with global entities, and generous scholarships for the students. I did not want to live in Paris while studying. Lille’s perfect location, close to Brussels, London, Amsterdam, attracted me to apply EDHEC. Lille was my first “home” in France.

What are your missions at Accenture Interactive Paris?

My missions at Accenture Interactive combine digital transformation and web analytics. I help clients from different industries apply digital tools like Google Analytics, Data Studio and BigQuery, etc. to their digital environment, with trainings, workshops and personalised roadmap, I accompany them through the transition period and prepare them for the next generation digital strategy world.


How has your EDHEC Business education prepared you for your role?

My job involves a lot of coordination with my team and with our clients. The international environment and multiple group projects provided by EDHEC were good preparation for that. Besides the analytics hard skills and case study cracking skills, the ‘art’ of communication and teamwork spirit is the main takeaways that I have from EDHEC.


Any advice for international students willing to attend EDHEC?

Enjoy the time in the school to maximize your network, people are the most valuable gift that you can get from a school. Seize all the opportunities you can have to have different experiences and learn the language you need (if you want to stay in France, then it will definitely be French).

Never give up your dream because of some occasional frustration. Opportunities will come to you once you are ready.


Three words to sum up your EDHEC experience.

Make an impact!


Your best memory?

My best memory will definitely be all the friends I made during these years and the people who accompanied me during all the journey and through challenges. Life is short and I am glad that I have met so many good people in this essential period. Without them, I would not have been able to have my current life, nor stay in France.


What advice would you like to share with students and young graduates about career development?

Things happen for a reason, embrace all the challenges and opportunities during your life path. Some days were tough, and some days were sad. But something fun always came along. Take a deep breath and go for it with full enthusiasm, you will find the purpose of your hard work.  

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