


Reading time :
1 Sep 2020

Nanthida Kaewradee graduated from the French International School in Hong Kong in 2016, before embarking on the EDHEC International BBA programme, Global Business track. After studying for four years in France, the United States and Singapore, in 2020, she decided to continue her education at EDHEC Business School by studying for an MSc in Marketing Management. Here, she looks back on her very international undergraduate journey.

Nanthida Kaewradee EDHEC


I was lucky enough to have travelled and lived in several countries from a very young age. As a result, I always knew that I wanted to continue discovering the world and new cultures in university. When I discovered EDHEC’s undergraduate International BBA programme and its Global Business track, I knew it was the choice for me, combining international experience with work experience straight out of high school. I was also attracted by the range of programmes EDHEC had to offer and the opportunity to continue studying for a specialised master's degree after my bachelor’s degree. Even then, I knew I wanted to enrol in the MSc in Marketing Management, where I am now.


After spending five years in China, three of them in Hong Kong, I was somewhat apprehensive on coming to EDHEC for my first year. However, the school’s strong community spirit and warm atmosphere quickly made me feel at home and at ease. The first year of the BBA enabled me to learn the fundamentals of international business and prepared me for the years to come at UCLA Extension (Los Angeles) and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).


In 2017, I left to complete the second year of my BBA in Los Angeles, at UCLA Extension. My year was divided into several classes, depending on our course choices, giving us the chance to study with students from all over the world and to learn from exceptional teachers. I particularly enjoyed the Global Marketing and Strategy course taught by Professor Nance Rosen, the first female CMO of a multinational firm (Coca-Cola).

The major strengths of the Global Business track are your immersion in a host country and the formation of a professional network from a very young age. In Los Angeles, for instance, EDHEC Country Manager Patricia Vinant helped us throughout the year. Thanks to her, we learned about the business world in the United States by visiting US companies, such as Google. Our induction into the US was further enhanced by meeting American and international students at events on the UCLA campus and through volunteer activities. My integration into the US culminated in a seven-month internship at Veniceball, an events company specialising in the sports industry. This internship allowed me to develop my management skills while putting into practice what I had learnt at EDHEC and UCLA Extension.


NTU Singapour

Nanthida sur les marches de la bibliothèque de Nanyang Technological University Singapour


In January 2018, as part of the last year of my BBA, I went to study at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. The courses there focus primarily on finance and marketing, with a programme conceived especially for EDHEC students in partnership with NTU. Though the Global Business group is very close-knit, that did not prevent us from mixing with local students both in class and through extracurricular activities. Singapore is a very attractive city, attracting many international students with whom we could exchange different life stories.


On leaving Singapore in January 2020, I returned to France to complete my internship as a communications officer at EDF in Paris. Then, in September 2020, I enrolled in the MSc in Marketing Management at EDHEC Business School. My EDHEC International BBA degree and the quality of my internships gave me the opportunity to study on this programme, which is ranked ninth in the world by QS.


My years studying for the International BBA at EDHEC were very rewarding and among my greatest memories. The programme allowed me to acquire an extraordinary degree of open-mindedness and adaptability in just four years. It was a unique experience that will make me stand out in the international jobs market. I am extremely grateful to all of the people who helped me – the teaching staff, my colleagues and classmates.

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