
A Detailed Insight into EDHEC's Multicultural Experience and Career Development Opportunities

Zhang Mengjie graduated with a bachelor's degree in Economics and Management from Université Paris Cité. In 2023, she joined EDHEC’s MSc in International Finance programme. In the friendly and multicultural environment at EDHEC, she not only enriched her internship experiences but also deepened her academic knowledge. At the same time, she actively utilised EDHEC's career resources, gaining a deeper understanding of the finance industry and clarifying her career plans. Here, she is happy to share more details about student life.

Reading time :
25 Oct 2024
Zhang Mengjie - MSc in international finance


Before joining EDHEC, what did you study during your undergraduate years?


I studied Economics and Management at Université Paris Cité. This programme covered the fundamentals of economics and management, including econometrics, accounting, and taxation. These courses sparked my interest and laid a solid foundation for my later choice of International Finance as my graduate major.

During my undergraduate studies, I actively participated in internships to gain practical experience, particularly in areas I was interested in, such as asset management, marketing, and financial management. These internships strengthened my future career direction.


Could you briefly explain why you chose to join EDHEC?


Several key factors influenced my decision to join EDHEC.

First, my undergraduate studies were taught in French, allowing me to master a new language. Therefore, I wanted to continue my graduate studies at a business school in France.

After considering my academic background, internship experience, and personal interests, I firmly chose the finance field. EDHEC's finance programmes are highly regarded in the industry, and its career guidance center offers top-tier employment services, with excellent feedback from previous graduates. Without a doubt, EDHEC was my ideal choice.


Why did you choose your current Master’s programme?


Initially, I was torn between the Master in Management - Finance track and the MSc programme. The Master in Management programme offers a one-year professional immersion experience, giving students more time for internships to enhance their professional skills in preparation for future full-time jobs.

The MSc programme, on the other hand, lasts one and a half years and focuses on fast-paced, intensive learning. Given my existing foundation in French and internship experience, I decided to opt for one of the MSc in Finance programme.

I initially applied for the MSc in Corporate Finance & Banking. During the application process, the admissions advisor suggested I transfer to the MSc in International Finance programme, informing me that I could choose my specialisation (e.g., corporate finance or financial markets) in the second semester. At that time, my understanding of the finance industry was still limited, and I wasn’t particularly clear about my future career path (such as the primary or secondary markets). The flexibility and diversity of the MSc in International Finance deeply attracted me, offering broader career choices for the future.


What was your first impression of EDHEC when you arrived?


My first impression of EDHEC was one of professionalism and friendliness. Before arriving, I had already received several emails from the school, providing detailed information for a smooth transition, including admissions, visa, accommodation, and team-building activities. The international student office at EDHEC responded to emails very quickly, making me feel as though I had joined a warm family.

Additionally, my classmates come from diverse backgrounds: half with business backgrounds, the other half engineers. They come from all corners of the world, and the cultural exchange is exactly what I was looking forward to.

Every day, I receive many emails from the EDHEC Career Center, full of rich content. I can schedule appointments for resume revisions and mock interviews. In September, shortly after starting the programme, I participated in a mock recruitment interview, which included group role-playing exercises and timed individual interviews.

The school frequently holds recruitment fairs with a wide variety of content. Every week, there are online and offline corporate presentations and alumni career path sharing sessions. In September, October, and January, two major recruitment forums and one on-site interview event are held in Nice and Paris. Corporate managers and campus recruiters attend these events to interact with students and even offer on-the-spot job application opportunities.

Additionally, there are visits to corporate headquarters in London and Paris, where managers from different departments provide detailed insights into their work. Sometimes, global leaders share their career journeys, and time is left for networking with alumni and top business schools.

This experience made me appreciate EDHEC's strong professional background and support system, filling me with anticipation for my future career development.


Could you talk about your academic experience in the programme so far?


So far, my academic experience in the programme has been very enriching. I'd like to highlight some of the classes I enjoyed, the professors, and the areas I'm good at and wish to delve deeper into.

Most of my courses are taught by professors who are either corporate executives or founders, with years of professional experience. The course content is practical and comprehensive. The MSc programme is quite fast-paced, with many foundational concepts only briefly mentioned. Therefore, for students with a weaker foundation in finance, spending more time on the basics will help them quickly catch up with the course pace.

In the second semester, I chose the Financial Markets track, so I particularly enjoy courses related to financial markets, such as Portfolio Management and Fixed Income Securities. In class, the professor is humorous and engaging, guiding us through both theory and practice, teaching how to allocate assets and set different benchmarks and goals. This hands-on experience has deepened my understanding of financial markets and made me excited for future learning and employment.


How has your life experience abroad been so far in the programme?


Our programme is located at the EDHEC Nice campus, which is beautifully situated, right across from a private airstrip and the azure coastline, giving a very relaxing vibe. My residence is in the city center, and it only takes about 30 minutes to get to the school by tram, making transportation quite convenient.

The campus itself is well-equipped, with a student cafeteria, a restaurant, and a coffee shop. Various student clubs regularly organize activities, such as the Women in Finance club, surfing, and skiing, offering plenty of opportunities to meet new friends and challenge myself. The gym, though small, offers dance, boxing, and fitness classes, meeting my exercise needs.

 There are also various sports clubs to join, like soccer, sailing, and basketball. These activities not only enriched my extracurricular life but also helped me adapt to the new environment. The school also provides counseling services and even offers two relaxation massages per month to help relieve study stress.

One event worth mentioning is the school's frequent hot-topic forums. I attended a three-day sustainability event focused on marine ecological protection. The event began with a vegetarian lunch, followed by games and debates, and culminated with a beach clean-up, which was an incredibly inspiring hands-on experience.

Overall, life at EDHEC Nice has brought me many new experiences and personal growth.


How have you changed since joining the programme?


Since joining EDHEC, my outlook and mindset have significantly broadened.

 The rich resources and various activities offered by EDHEC have deepened my understanding of the finance industry. By participating in career forums in London and Paris, I personally experienced the working environments of international financial institutions and exchanged ideas with alumni and professionals from diverse backgrounds. This not only expanded my career horizons but also gave me a clearer understanding of the different segments within financial markets. For instance, I now have a deeper understanding of the differences between primary and secondary markets, and I’ve clarified the direction I want to focus on in the future.


Do you have any advice for Chinese students considering applying to your programme?


I suggest that students take advantage of their free time to pursue internships in fields they are interested in to help clarify their career goals. This will enable them to make more targeted choices when selecting their programs and enhance their professional skills.

 At the same time, improving your English or French language skills is essential.

After joining EDHEC, make full use of the career resources available, such as the guidance from the Career Centre, the various career forums, and company visits, as these will greatly benefit your career development.

Also, actively participate in school clubs and extracurricular activities to meet friends from around the world. Most importantly, maintain an open and positive mindset, as this will help you adapt to study abroad life better.





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