Read the 15th issue of our EDHEC Vox newsletter
This month, in the #EDHECVox newsletter "Reducing gender inequalities at work: Is this the best we can do?", our professors and researchers present their latest scientific work, which provides different points of view on this subject, reflecting the complexity and variety of the issues at stake.
EDHEC Vox, our knowledge-sharing platform, aims to contribute to public debate, encourage critical thinking and develop innovation within companies.
These articles and interviews are part of an active dissemination policy of the knowledge produced in a wide range of fields: sustainable finance, digital, entrepreneurship, ethics, leadership, law, management, marketing, strategy, etc.
If this issue had been prepared last year, its title would probably have been more positive. But let's not turn a blind eye: the latest reports from the HCE or the Cour des comptes, to name but a few, point to a clear slowdown in improvements, policies and ambitions in terms of gender inequalities in general, and at work in particular.
What do our reseachers' latest work say on the subject?
In this newsletter, they offer different points of view, reflecting the complexity and variety of the issues at stake. Numerous regulations clearly make it possible to score points, either directly, for example through quotas, or indirectly, on the subjects of sexual and gender-based violence. But our contributors say that it is prejudices, behaviour, everyday choices, in short individual transformations and corporate cultures, and everything in between, that make the (real) difference.
In the fields of health, culture and research, in terms of leadership, economic inequality and violence: not stopping there means never ceasing to want to understand, learn, equip and evolve. That's what this issue is all about, so happy reading!
In English - "Reducing gender inequalities at work: Is this the best we can do?"
En français - "Réduire les inégalités de genres au travail : pourquoi il ne faut pas s’arrêter là"
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