Trained to develop operations and supply chain strategies
Dr. Sachin Kamble is Professor of Strategy (Operations and Supply Chain Management). Researcher and practitioner, he teaches the course on Digital transformation and industry 4.0 to the MSc in Strategy, Organisation & Consulting students. He tells us all about the learning outcomes of his course.

What can you tell us about your field of expertise?
My exposure to this field is through research, consultancy, teaching, and training. I have more than 22 years of experience in this field. Before joining EDHEC in 2020, I worked in India and completed over 25 consultancy assignments and numerous executive training programs on various operations and supply chain management topics. The companies involved multi-national and national players across different sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, cement, consumer products, shipping ports, newspaper printing, oil refineries, and textiles. We solved problems related to manufacturing, supply, and logistics for these companies. Apart from this practical exposure, I am an active researcher focusing on how new emerging technologies impact supply chains. I have published more than 60 articles in high-ranked international journals. I feel that the exposure to research, consultancy, and training has helped me to evolve as a good teacher.
How does your research nourish your teaching?
As already mentioned, it is not just the research but the exposure as a consultant and trainer that helps nourish my teaching. The interactions with industry practitioners help me to understand their problems. Research helps me to search for solutions to these problems. I try to discuss the ongoing industry problems in the class and link them with theoretical concepts. These discussions act as live cases for the class and help the students to comprehend better. The other benefit of this linkage is that it allows me to develop and keep the course updated with new concepts and emerging practices.
What are the main trends driving operations management & supply chain?
The main trends driving the supply chains today are the increased use of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, the increased focus on circular economy and sustainability, the increasing need for a more customized approach compared to meeting mass demand, the supply chain digitisation-with the use of the internet of things and cloud computing technologies, the increasing need for collaborations with your competitors- emergence of the platform economy, the resilient supply chains- all supply chains operate in an uncertain world and, supply chain visibility and transparency- made possible by blockchain-based technologies.
What are the main drivers of industry 4.0 for sustainable supply chain management?
In January 2021, I co-published an article in the Journal of cleaner production on this topic. Entitled Industry 4.0 adoption for sustainability in multi-tier manufacturing supply chain in emerging economies, it gives insights on the drivers and barriers of the industry 4.0 for sustainable supply chain management.
The main drivers of Industry 4.0 can be classified into different categories, namely, technological, economic, social, environmental, and organisational. The environmental, social and economic dimensions being the highest-ranked drivers for implementing the industry 4.0. Sustainable manufacturing implies optimum usage of resources (emission and waste reduction, energy consumption). By boosting transparency and retrofit existing manufacturing equipment with data-based products and services, industry 4.0 helps to reduce logistics costs, maximizing economic gains and long-term profitability. To face social challenges, related to Industry 4.O, firms need to arrange training tailored to the workers’ needs in order to increase their skills and also to develop individual incentives to augment their motivations.
Which are the key concepts the students will learn in your class?
The students learn concepts on process analysis, demand forecasting, operations planning, inventory management, project management, and quality management. The focus is on understanding the key issues and trends and seeking solutions.
Which are the key skills the students will gain in your class?
The students should be able to develop operations and supply chain strategies.
Which tools will your students learn to master?
Students will learn to master excel-based analytical tool, simulation, case studies and MS Projects.