
Uncovering the unmatched value of the MSc in Marketing Management with Jeremie

Want to learn more about our MSc in Marketing Management? Meet Jeremie Joyeaux, a student of the programme. After earning his bachelor's degree and gaining experience in digital advertising and management consulting, Jeremie realised the importance of marketing in business strategy and sought specialised marketing management skills through a Master of Science. He shares insights into EDHEC's top-ranked Master in Marketing, and how the programme has surpassed his expectations.

Reading time :
28 Feb 2024
Jeremie Joyeaux - MSc in Marketing Management


What specifically about EDHEC’s MSc in Marketing Management programme made it stand out as your preferred choice?

EDHEC's MSc in Marketing Management programme stood out to me for several reasons. Its comprehensive curriculum covers the latest trends and practices in the marketing field, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the challenges of the modern business world. Additionally, the programme's focus on real-world application, through case studies and projects with industry leaders, provides practical experience that is invaluable in developing a deep understanding of marketing strategies. This alignment with my career aspirations and interest in hands-on learning made the programme an ideal choice for me.


How did you tailor the MSc in Marketing Management programme to your needs?

To tailor the MSc in Marketing Management programme to my specific needs, I am focusing on gaining expertise in agile transformations and product ownership, areas that are increasingly critical in modern marketing environments. The programme offers to acquire certifications in Leading SAFe® by Scaled Agile and as a Professional Scrum Product Owner by There are opportunities to engage in case studies and consulting projects, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings.

Furthermore, I've had the opportunity to receive the "INSIDE LVMH" certificate. This certificate offers a deep dive into the world of luxury brand management, providing insights into the strategies and operations of one of the world's leading luxury conglomerates. It has been instrumental in enhancing my understanding of the luxury sector, a key area of interest in my marketing career. The knowledge and perspective gained from this certification are invaluable in meeting my specific educational and professional aspirations within the luxury market.


What concentration did you choose?

I chose the Luxury and Fashion concentration within the MSc programme, aligning with my interest in the luxury sector. This specialisation covers crucial topics like Luxury Strategy & Innovation and Global Luxury Operations, providing a comprehensive understanding of the luxury market. My choice was driven by a desire to integrate my marketing expertise with the unique aspects of the luxury industry, preparing me for a fulfilling career in this exciting and dynamic sector.


How does the programme meet your expectations? 

The MSc in Marketing Management programme at EDHEC has not only met but exceeded my expectations. The diverse international community of students from various continents offers a rich cultural exchange, enhancing the learning experience. Academically, the courses are engaging and practical, challenging students to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts. The integration of corporate case studies in the curriculum provides a unique opportunity to work on actual marketing problems, presenting solutions to boards and managers. This blend of cultural diversity and practical application has significantly enriched my educational experience.



Can you share the case studies and projects you worked on and how these practical experiences enhance your learning and skills?

The programme offers ample opportunities for practical application of marketing concepts through projects and case studies with leading companies. Collaborating on challenges posed by companies and brands like LVMH, L'Oréal, Club Med, and Carrefour has been incredibly insightful. These experiences have not only deepened my understanding of marketing strategies but also honed my skills in analysing and implementing effective solutions in real business scenarios. The recent collaboration with a sustainable jewellery startup, Maison Courbet, is particularly enlightening, offering a unique perspective on sustainable practices in the luxury sector.



What do you like the most about how the courses are taught?

The teaching approach in the MSc in Marketing Management programme is highly engaging and practical. The courses often involve projects with well-known companies, providing real-world experiences that are invaluable for understanding the complexities of marketing. The mix of professors and lecturers, who bring a wealth of experience from the business world, adds depth to our learning. The focus on presentations and group work enhances our communication and teamwork skills, preparing us for the collaborative nature of the marketing industry.


If you had to pitch the MSc in Marketing Management, what would you say?

I'd emphasise its comprehensive approach to equipping students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The programme expertly integrates market research, strategic thinking, and ethical decision-making in marketing. It prepares students to not only excel in the marketing industry but also to make impactful contributions to business and society. The programme's cutting-edge content and close ties with industry leaders ensure that graduates are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of the modern marketing landscape.


3 words to describe your EDHEC experience.

Innovative: Each day at EDHEC brings new challenges and opportunities to explore and apply cutting-edge marketing concepts.
Diverse: The multicultural environment at EDHEC enriches the learning experience, offering a broad range of perspectives and ideas.
Empowering: EDHEC has been instrumental in equipping me with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make a meaningful impact in my future marketing career.




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