The EDHEC Foundation aims to support impactful projects at the School through its main strategic axes: diversity and social inclusion, research, pedagogical innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Promote Social Diversity
Let's work towards a meritocratic ideal

EDHEC has always worked to ensure that every young person with the potential and work ethic can have the merit to access their dream of a top-tier school. Today, EDHEC and its Foundation wish to go further by promoting social diversity, by strengthening its equal opportunity program EDHEC for All

The EDHEC Foundation would like to warmly thank the Crédit Mutuel Nord Europe Foundation for their constant support and valuable contribution to the EDHEC for All Scholarship Program for over 13 years, as a patron.


Encourage entrepreneurship
Let's support the EDHEC creative force

Entrepreneurship has always been at the heart of EDHEC's culture. Over the past 10 years, more than 370 startups have been launched thanks to EDHEC's three incubators in Paris - Station F, Lille, and Nice, creating 4,000 jobs. The Challenge 2021 ranking of the top 100 startups to invest in highlights 4 EDHEC startups (Famileat, Leafer, Sparkl Trafe, and

A powerful tool for recovering from a crisis, entrepreneurship is also a driver of transformation for our economy towards a sustainable model: the EDHEC incubator aims to become the first in France positioned on responsibility and support for overall performance.

Station F est symbolique de la nouvelle économie et de l’esprit start-up qui règnent aujourd’hui en France. Je suis heureux d'y être associé et j’ai la chance de pouvoir incuber une société à station F. Soutenir des start-up est un vrai privilège pour moi, car offrir aux autres, c'est s’enrichir soi-même.

Philippe Léopold-Metzger

Master EDHEC 1977, Donateur Cercle Or, Président de la Fondation EDHEC

Our objective


  • To strengthen our presence at Station F, the world's largest incubator: 200 positions by 2025 (created in 2017 with 40 positions

  • To provide enhanced tech support for our entrepreneurs to accelerate the development of their businesses

  • To establish an accelerator in California in partnership with Skydeck Berkeley


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Some EDHEC entrepreneurial success stories include:


Let's prepare our students for a complexified world.

Hybridization of knowledge, sustainable development, changing business models...

In the era of the new normal, EDHEC educates future leaders who are curious and have a strong general culture, and gives them the means to undertake and lead differently. This pedagogy involves access to new fields of knowledge, including social and human sciences.

It also involves significant investments in equipment and digital innovations aimed at optimizing, personalizing, and streamlining the learning experience.

Teaching should enable students to build a knowledge base and think through practice, in order to better explore, experiment, and decide. EDHEC has been a pioneer in its pedagogy by developing an innovative approach that places the company at the heart of the classroom and allows students to acquire skills and behaviors through their "Learning by Doing" experience.

Created 10 years ago, the Teaching Factory is a co-construction approach with 30 partner companies, 20 professors, and 2,200 students who work with managers on real-life cases.

Our objective

  • Creation of sectoral deepening and opening certificates in new disciplines
  • Creation of the Gaia Academy (learning from the best in sustainable development) 100% of students will experience a learning expedition (a week of immersion to explore the future of sustainable business) Big Data
  • Center for Business


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Nos étudiants savent pouvoir compter sur vous

Supporting research

Impacting companies

EDHEC has always believed that excellence in research is valuable when it is applied to the professional world, benefits society as a whole, and is accessible to students. Its historical positioning of "Research for Business" and the development of innovative areas of expertise enable EDHEC to offer collaborative projects to companies that have an impact on today's challenges: Sustainable Finance, Innovation, Diversity, Health, Tech & Humanities, etc. It is through the development of interdisciplinary initiatives that we will contribute to major societal challenges.

Notre objectif

  • Creation of the Chair in Health-Management in Innovative Health, in partnership with Bristol Myers Squibb
  • Creation of new chairs focused on major societal issues such as sustainable food, innovation in business models, etc.

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Responsable Mécénat Entreprises
+33 (0)1 87 89 91 86



02.07.2024 - Entrepreneurs
Champions journey - The Entrepreneur with Unyielding Resolve
After studying at Sciences Po and beginning her career spanning Latin America and Europe, Erell Tassin settled within the EDHEC Entrepreneurs incubator network at Station F to develop My Fenix, the startup she co-founded. Balancing her life as an…
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Discover the latest EDHEC PhD in Finance Newsletter
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