Video games put to the test of parity

The survey explores how women are represented in video games. Based on an analysis of 51 of the world's best-selling games, the study highlights an inequality of representation between male and female characters.



Since 2006, video games are recognized as the 10th art by the French Ministry of Culture. With 3.75 billion gamers, or 47% of the world's population (Statista, 2023), video games surpass cinema, television and music in terms of audience. Les jeux vidéo ont une influence indéniable sur la société et les mentalités. the world of video games continues to be overwhelmingly male dominated and often hostile to women (women are underrepresented in the video game industry and they are victims of sexist harassment campaigns such as #Gamergate in 2014).

However, recent figures show that as many women as men play video games (Statista, 2023). However, female characters are still a minority in game narratives. They reflect gender stereotypes: they are very often confined to subordinate roles, highly sexualised and only marginally involved in dialogue.


As an extension of its work on diversity and inclusion in video games, the Chair aims to help improve the representation of women in video games and the way they are perceived. The Chair has designed a test to assess the degree of parity in scripted games.


To pass the test, the video game script must answer the following five questions in the affirmative:

  1. Are there as many speaking female characters as male characters?
  2. Are female characters named as much as male characters?
  3. Do male and female characters have equal speaking time?
  4. Is it possible to embody (to play) as many male and female characters?
  5. Are jobs and status assigned equally to male and female characters?



The conclusions of this test are clear. None of the 51 video games passes the test, despite significant disparities between the different games analysed.