Videos & Podcasts
View recordings and listen to discussions from EDHEC experts covering a range of topics in climate finance.

Speaker Series - Climate Finance - Marcin Kacperczyk
Marcin Kacperczyk presented his pioneering research on Net-Zero Portfolios (NZP). He discussed how these portfolios, designed to reach zero carbon exposure by a target date, are aligning investor incentives with climate goals and impacting the transition strategies of carbon-intensive companies.
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Speaker Series - Biodiversity Risk - Stefano Giglio
Drawing from his groundbreaking research, Professor Giglio introduced innovative measures to track biodiversity risk, demonstrating how this pressing issue influences equity pricing and decision-making in today's financial landscape...
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Short-term climate stresses and long-term expectations: Are markets asleep at the wheel?
The Actuary has invited Riccardo Rebonato, EDHEC-Risk Climate Scientific Director, to talk about his research on the use of standard climate scenarios to create short-term stresses for financial markets and...
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New MOOCs: Climate Change and Sustainable Investing | EDHEC Business School
When it comes to climate change, everything is intertwined and connected. The climate change problem raises a number of scientific and engineering challenges, but economics and finance ...
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Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC venture)
Scientific Portfolio proudly carries EDHEC's impactful academic heritage and aspires to provide investors with the technology they need to independently analyze and construct equity portfolios from both a financial and extra-financial perspective.
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Speaker Series - Carbon Pricing - Bob Litterman
EDHEC Business School hosted Robert Litterman, the co-developer of the Black-Litterman Global Asset Allocation Model, a key tool in investment management, who delivered a talk on Carbon Pricing...
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Impact Investing
Decades of falling real yields pushed most assets’ valuations to record highs and starting yields to record lows. The discount rate shock of 2022 cheapened mainly bonds and left especially private asset ...
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Sustainable bond investing
Laurens Swinkels covers the differences and similarities of different types of sustainable bonds, their pricing and expected returns compared to conventional bonds, and the risks of greenwashing....
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Estimating coporate carbon emissions with machine learning
As of 2022, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reporting and auditing are not yet compulsory for all companies. We propose a machine learning-based model to estimate scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions of companies ...
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