Anne Witt


EDHEC Augmented Law Institute Researcher

Main contributions

Common Market Law Review (2012, 2018, 2023); Antitrust Bulletin (2019, 2021, 2022); Journal of Competition Law & Economics (2022); Concurrences (2020); European Competition Journal (2016; 2012); Hart Publishing, Oxford (2016); European Law Review (2012)

Discipline: Law
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs
Expertise: EU and US antitrust law, internal market law, digital platform regulation


Anne Witt is a Professor of Law and a member of the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute.  She gained her first law degree from the University of Freiburg im Breisgau, an LLM from the University of Virginia (Fulbright scholar), and a PhD from the University of Kent.  She is admitted to the bar in Germany. She previously worked for the University of Leicester, and was a visiting research fellow at the European University Institute (2015) and an Emile Noël Research Fellow at NYU Law School (2019). Her key research and teaching interests lie in the area of competition law and the digital economy.  Select papers are available on SSRN.

Publications of Anne Witt

08.04.2024 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Meta v Bundeskartellamt–data-based conduct between antitrust law and regulation

Anne Witt

Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, Volume 12, April 2024, Pages 345 - 351

24.10.2023 - EDHEC publication

Meet Anne C. Witt, a Law Professor marching to her own beat

Anne Witt

EDHEC Augmented Law Institute, EDHEC VOX, October 2023

01.06.2023 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

The Digital Markets Act - Regulating the Wild West

Anne Witt

Common Market Law Review, Volume 60, June 2023, Pages 625 - 666

01.01.2023 - Chapter publication

Data, Privacy and Competition Law

Anne Witt

Mohr Siebeck, January 2023

03.11.2022 - EDHEC publication

La nouvelle législation européenne "Digital Markets Act" suffira-t-elle à encadrer les GAFAM ?

Anne Witt

EDHEC Augmented Law Institute, EDHEC VOX, November 2022