Audrey Megier
Affiliate Professor
Head of Communication Department of Robertet
Main contributions
Audrey Mégier is at the head of Communication Department of Robertet in Grasse, the world leading company specialized in natural raw materials for the fragrances and flavors industry. At 47, she has evolved in several roles of Marketing and Communication in the Fragrance & Flavors industry for more than 20 years. After graduating Grenoble Management School in 1998, she started her career at Pierre Fabre Inc, in California, as a product manager, developing new products in skincare and cosmetics sectors. She joined Mane, then Charabot and finally Robertet and has evolved in several roles of Marketing and Communication. She has an extensive knowledge of Fragrances and Beauty brands worldwide as she made strategic recommendations as she has been Marketing Director of Fragrance Division for more than 17 years. She is passionate by this sector and has given lectures at Edhec since 2012.