Claire Grevet

Associate Professor

Main contributions

Discipline: Financial Analysis
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs
Expertise: Accounting and Finance, including market ethics


I first joined Edhec in 1998 as a practitioner through continued banking experience until 2004 when I definitively chose full-time teaching occupation. Since then I have been involved in financial statement analysis, management control, and in banking courses, including market ethics.
As far as my business career is concerned, from 1995 to 2004, I hold experience in various fields of control in diverse entities of the banking industry. I began my career as an auditor in the Banques Populaires Group, then at Thomson CSF. By joining the Credit Local de France in Paris and the Dexia Group in Brussels, I took on the responsibility for another variety of control applied to Assets and Liabilities Management and to Financial markets activities that include performance measurement, risk analysis, operational and strategic planning.