Denis Dauchy


EMBA Programme Director, Leadership Development Chair Affiliate Researcher, Management in Innovative Health Chair Research Associate

Main contributions

Harvard Business Review France (2014 ; 2015), ParisTech Review (2013), Revue Française de Gestion (2009), AIMS (1996)

Discipline: Strategy
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations
Expertise: Corporate strategy, Business model, governance


Denis Dauchy, PhD, is Professor of Business Strategy and Director of EDHEC's Executive MBA, with professional experience in business and consultancy. He teaches on EDHEC's MBA and MSc programs and is project manager or involved in executive education programs for industry majors. He also consults and is member of a group board. In his executive education and consulting activities, he interacts with top executives and high potentials on topics such as business strategy and modeling, complexity management and corporate governance. A second edition of his book 7 étapes pour un business model solide was brought out by Dunod in 2013. Denis regularly facilitates or organizes seminars abroad (Africa, India, China, Russia, elsewhere in Europe, etc.) for academic partners and corporate clients. He has attended the International Teaching Program (IMD Lausanne) and the Participants' Centered Learning Program (Harvard), and acts as an expert for the French Association Progrès du Management (APM). He holds a Doctorate in Management Science from the University of Lille 2.

Publications of Denis Dauchy

24.10.2024 - EDHEC publication

Quelle stratégie face au déclin d’un marché ?

Denis Dauchy

EDHEC VOX, October 2024

14.02.2024 - EDHEC publication

Efficacité, diversité, ouverture… pourquoi passer à une organisation en mode "plateforme" ?

Denis Dauchy

EDHEC VOX, February 2024

01.03.2018 - Book publication

7 étapes pour un business model solide : Construire et réinventer une activité économique (Stratégie d'entreprise)

Denis Dauchy

March 2018

05.02.2018 - Article in a non peer reviewed journal

Bienvenue dans l'ère de la déconcentration des actifs

Denis Dauchy

Blog HBR France, February 2018, Pages 1 - 2

10.01.2018 - Book publication

7 étapes pour un business model solide

Denis Dauchy

January 2018