George Tovstiga
Main contributions
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (2020), Knowledge Management Research & Practice (2020), Journal of Strategy and Management (2020)
Publications of George Tovstiga
Strategy Praxis
Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland, December 2023
Internationalisation of developing economy small and medium-sized enterprises: social capital and learning in Palestinian pharmaceutical firms
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, November 2020
Internationalisation of Developing Economy SMEs: Social Capital and Learning in Palestinian Pharmaceutical Firms
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Volume tbc, November 2020, Pages 1 - 10
COVID-19: A knowledge and learning perspective
Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Volume Special Issue, August 2020, Pages 1 - 7
Micro-level sectoral analysis of developing economies
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,, Volume ahead-0f-print, July 2019, Pages ahead-of-print - ahead-of-print