Jeanette Orminski

EDHEC Climate Institute Senior ESG & Sustainability Researcher

Main contributions

Discipline: Communication
Expertise: Online Social Networks, Sentiment Analysis, NLP, Social and Mass Media, Social Risks, Sustainability/ESG


Jeanette Orminski is a Senior ESG Researcher focused on public opinion and social impact factors in the infrastructure sector. Her experience spans the fields of public opinion, sustainability, and social network analyses. She received her PhD degree in Communication Science from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Focusing on the sustainability discourse on Twitter, Jeanette applied network analysis and machine learning approaches to identify opinion leaders on Twitter. Prior to joining EDHECinfra, she worked as a Data Scientist at the Munich Science Communication Lab analysing the topic of Planetary Health.

Publications of Jeanette Orminski

01.12.2023 - EDHEC publication

Highway to Hell

Noël Amenc, Frédéric Blanc-Brude, Abhishek Gupta, Bertrand Jayles, Jeanette Orminski, Darwin Marcelo

EDHEC-Infra, EDHECInfra Paper, December 2023

04.09.2020 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

#sustainablefashion – A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Fashion Discourse on Twitter

Jeanette Orminski, Edson C. Tandoc Jr., Benjamin H. Detenber

Environmental Communication, Volume 15, September 2020, Pages 115 - 132