Marie-Catherine Mars

Associate Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - Marketing Nice

Management in Innovative Health Chair Research Associate

Main contributions

Revue Internationale PME (2008)

Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing
Expertise: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management


Marie-Catherine Mars, Ph.D, is Associate Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School. Before joining EDHEC, she worked as a marketing manager in the advertising and fashion industry. Her primary research areas revolve around customer experience, alternative consumption practices and marketing innovation. She teaches these subjects for undergraduate and graduate level students. She has received the 2016 AFM/CCMP Best Marketing Case Study award in 2016 and in 2017. She has authored many published case studies (CCMP/ Case Center) and co-authored marketing textbooks (Introduction au Marketing : une nouvelle approche de la consummation, Pearson France). She is an active member of the AFM and NACRA associations.

Publications of Marie-Catherine Mars

01.11.2023 - Book publication

Sustainable Fashion Employability Skills

Carey Lindsey, Esteban Galan, Marie-Cécile Cervellon, Paloma SOAGA, Pedro CORREIA, Marie-Catherine Mars

Glasgow, Scotland, November 2023

08.09.2023 - EDHEC publication

[Cas par cas #1] Marie-Catherine Mars : les stratégies de communication associées aux produits responsables

Marie-Catherine Mars

Management in Innovative Health Chair, EDHEC VOX, September 2023

20.01.2023 - Case study

SeventyOne Percent: from the beaches to the world** _Quelle stratégie de communication pour une marque de cosmétiques responsable et lifestyle ?_,

Marie-Catherine Mars, Mejia Victor

CCMP K0019, January 2023

19.02.2020 - Case study

Foamous®, parfum en mousse : développer une marque de parfums disruptifs sur le marché français*

Marie-Catherine Mars, Mejia Victor

M2072, February 2020

13.11.2018 - Case study

Nanoparticules et Solaires : Progrès ou Danger

Marie-Catherine Mars, Mejia Victor

CCMP M2023, November 2018

Derniers articles EDHEC Vox


To developp your brand successfully, you need a good feel for your market

  • Marie-Catherine Mars , Associate Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - Marketing Nice