Patrick Longuet

Associate Professor

Main contributions

Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing
Expertise: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management


Professor Longuet has been working in the faculty until 2000. His company experience in Marketing makes him particularly appreciated by the students he coaches for project Management. He also provides advice for the working placement in Marketing and careers. He teaches many courses, to different programs, even on line, and more precisely : Market surveys and Communication. He has recently written a new case study, based upon the practice of Marketing in fast moving goods companies, in which students, working in teams, have to make a general marketing diagnosis. The emphasis is put on decision making and competitiveness. On the other hand, his research is dedicated to Food industry, and risk analysis in particular. In a context of recent crisis (such as Listeria in cheeses, Dioxine with Coca cola, benzene with Perrier, and ESB with red meat) the objectives are to better understand what are the processes implicated in the risk perception, what impact they have on the consumer attitudes and purchase, and above all, what can be efficiently done to face it. More and more, the focus is put on digital implications, particularly when a company wants to integrate social networks and new digital tools, to create the buzz effect or target Millenials for instance.

Publications of Patrick Longuet

20.06.2023 - Case study

PSG : Quel plan de communication pour attirer la génération future ?

Patrick Longuet

CCMP M2180, June 2023

01.01.2021 - Case study

Krys : Quelle communication pour cibler les Millenials sur un marché type seniors ? Application à la marque Krys

Patrick Longuet

CCMP M2143, January 2021

19.02.2020 - Case study

GRIMALDI FORUM MONACO Titre : Quelles actions de communication doit mener afin de se développer dans une optique RSE (sociétale et environnementale) ? Application au Palais des Congrès de Monaco

Patrick Longuet

CCMP M2085, February 2020

01.07.2019 - Case study

Savencia : comment recruter et séduire les Millenials via les réseaux sociaux?

Patrick Longuet

CCMP M2058, July 2019

01.09.2017 - Case study

Acuitis : digital or not digital ? Comment faire vivre une marque nouvelle sur le marché de l'optique & de l'audition ?

Patrick Longuet

September 2017