EDHEC Junior Etudes

Business Services

EDHEC Junior Études is EDHEC’s consulting specialist. We primarily carry out research on marketing strategy (market surveys, satisfaction surveys, new product launch surveys, communication plans, business plans). We have a diverse roster of clients ranging from large corporations like Véolia, Bouygues and Danone, to SMEs and start-ups. Founded in 1969, EDHEC Junior Etudes is one of the leading junior entreprises (JEs) in terms of experience and quality, and is ISO 9001-certified. Each year, the association conducts over 60 surveys and generates over €250,000 on turnover. Lastly, the association has been investing heavily in ESR for several years and is now considered France’s foremost JE in terms of ESR. This status is notably visible in the association’s OxyJEne ESR fund which was launched last year with the goal of bringing together French JEs for investment sessions geared to financing ESR projects. 



02.07.2024 - Entrepreneurs
Champions journey - The Entrepreneur with Unyielding Resolve
After studying at Sciences Po and beginning her career spanning Latin America and Europe, Erell Tassin settled within the EDHEC Entrepreneurs incubator network at Station F to develop My Fenix, the startup she co-founded. Balancing her life as an…
28.06.2024 - PhD
Originality, Independence, Relevance… and more - The PhD in Finance thesis at EDHEC
The editorial of the June 2024 EDHEC PhD in Finance Newsletter is signed by Enrique Schroth, Professor of Finance and Academic Director of the PhD in Finance Programme, EDHEC Business School.
28.06.2024 - PhD
Discover the latest EDHEC PhD in Finance Newsletter
CLICK TO ACCESS THE JUNE 2024 PhD IN FINANCE NEWSLETTER We conducted two interviews: one with Professor Lukas Schmid (USC Marshall School of Business) who talks about his current research and another one with Xavier Fixaris, PhD (2022) who shares…