Oïkos Lille

Diversity, Solidarity and Humanitarian

Oikos Lille is the Lille branch of the Oikos International network, whose objective is to sensitise individuals to sustainable development issues, and promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social entrepreneurship at EDHEC and elsewhere. Having decided to focus on these last two aspects, Oikos Lille offers EDHEC students and the inhabitants of Lille a programme of conferences, films, debates and meetings with entrepreneurs. Belonging to this association, means promoting CSR and developing your professional network by meeting numerous social entrepreneurs, while also joining the extensive Oikos International family and having the chance to meet and exchange with many other nationalities!



03.07.2024 - EDHEC
"Experience plays a key role in fencing": Aliya Luty, fencer
Tales of sport: a series of testimonies in which EDHEC students – high-level athletes or those engaged in competitive sport – share their passion for their respective sports. They also tell us how their sports activity combines with their studies.
03.07.2024 - EDHEC
“I help students by listening and providing my expertise on the professional world”. Bérangère Deregnaucourt, Career Advisor at EDHEC
[Job mode 2/2] In this series of interviews, EDHEC Business School’s career advisors explain their role and how the School helps students put together their career plans.     As a general career advisor at EDHEC, based on the Lille campus,…
03.07.2024 - EDHEC
“My role is to ensure students’ career choices match their values and interests, and respond to market requirements” Ruxandra Tosun, Finance Career Advisor, EDHEC Career Centre
[Job mode 1/2] In this series of interviews, EDHEC Business School’s career advisors explain their role and how the School helps students put together their career plans.   Ruxandra Tosun is a career advisor at EDHEC, specialised in finance and…