SUPPORT EDHEC's projects

The EDHEC Foundation aims to support the School's impact projects through its main strategic areas: diversity, research, teaching and entrepreneurship.

Diversity and inclusion 
Working towards a meritocratic ideal


EDHEC has always worked to ensure that every young person with potential and drive has the opportunity to achieve his or her dream of attending a Grande Ecole. Today, EDHEC and its Foundation wish to go further in their efforts to promote social diversity by consolidating its equal opportunities programme EDHEC For All.

EDHEC is very proactive in addressing the issues of diversity and social inclusion. 16% of students receive state scholarships on social criteria and the school hopes to reach 20% of scholarship students within three years and 25% shortly after.

of students benefit from an EDHEC for All scholarship

scholarships funded in 2019-2020,

i.e. 20% increase over the previous year

When I passed the entrance exams to attend EDHEC, I was faced with a dilemma: to go to university almost free of charge or to go into debt to pay the tuition fees and thus start my professional life already heavily in debt.
With the Crous scholarship and the EDHEC For All scholarship, I had no problem choosing EDHEC. So thank you to all the donors for their support!

Béla - EDHEC 2022


EDHEC 2022



The Foundation wishes to go further and remove the self-censorship that keeps young people from modest backgrounds away from a Grande Ecole by opening an impact scholarship fund that finances 50% of tuition fees. 
Initially, it will concern level 6 and 7 state scholarship holders, and will be consolidated by partnerships with secondary schools and preparatory classes and by large-scale mentoring projects. 


Target : 


students in 2025

The global market for talent is extremely competitive and the Foundation wishes to contribute to the recruitment of the highest potential students for EDHEC programmes. It is therefore working to facilitate the international mobility of students and promote the excellence of international candidates.

"The onus is no longer on the learner to adapt, but rather the school". Launched 10 years ago, the dual sport and study project allows high-level athletes to follow a degree programme at their own pace and from a distance. EDHEC wants to make this unique system the reference in higher education in terms of accessibility for young people with disabilities. The BBA Online will become the most inclusive training programme for sports enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, musicians and students with disabilities. 
EDHEC has the largest number of participants in the Olympic Games of any school or university in France, with 9 high-level athletes from the EDHEC Online BBA officially qualified (fencing, swimming, cycling, handball, rowing, etc.)


Target 2025 : 

/year over 3 years min. for one exclusive partner

/year over 3 years min. for 2 or more partners

/year to support at least 2 scholarship students

Les entreprises ne se sont jamais autant penchées sur la diversité de leurs collaborateurs (genre, orientation sexuelle, handicap…) et se pensent souvent beaucoup plus « inclusives » qu’elles ne le sont en réalité. La chaire étudie l’impact de la D&i sur la performance de l’entreprise et sur la perception qu’en ont ses collaborateurs. Son ambition est de concevoir un baromètre D&i global et un programme de mentoring « More Diversity in Finance » 


Ambition d’ici 2025 :

/ an sur 3 ans min. pour un partenaire exclusif

/ an sur 3 ans min. pour 2 partenaire ou plus


Research: serving the world's major challenges and transformations


EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute (ERCII) 
Finance and Climate Research Institute

Already a leader in finance, EDHEC aims to become a leader in green finance. The school has created the EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute (ERCII), a research institute on climate finance, based on the research conducted by the EDHEC-Risk Institute. It will quantify the impact of climate change on asset prices and assess the impact of financial decisions on the fight against climate change. 
Its creation follows the launch of a unique programme in Europe, the MSc in Climate Change & Sustainable Finance, in partnership with Mines Paristech. 


over 3 years

/year for a Chair

Health Chair - Management in Innovative Health

Beyond the current health crisis, which is accelerating awareness of a major transition, the health sector is in full evolution thanks to progress in medicine and technology, artificial intelligence and new patient expectations. Research will focus on improving prevention, through the use of data and connected objects, and on innovation allowing access to new business models.


Target : 

/year over 3 years min. for exclusive sponsorship

/year over 3 years min. for multiple sponsors

/year Research programme (including students if desired)

Future of Food Chair 

The Chair will train future managers and entrepreneurs in the profound transformations of agri-food companies, with the aim of improving the nutrition of a growing population while protecting the planet. 
It will support students in decoding the transitions and in the search for solutions in all dimensions of the value chain: production, supply chain, e-commerce, marketing, health and nutrition policies, energy and environmental impact, etc. 
The students will acquire the skills to build careers in the sector through joint construction with companies. They will take part in an immersion programme on the new Hectar agricultural campus and raise awareness among young people in schools in the region through the organisation of a festival. 


Target : 

/year over 3 years min. for exclusive sponsorship

/year over 3 years min. for multiple sponsors

/year“Future of food" research and education project

Tech, data & humanities research centre

Through interdisciplinary research, this centre will aim to strengthen the integration of humanities and social sciences in the field of technology and artificial intelligence.
To question the meaning and ethical implications of this major technological disruption represented by artificial intelligence.

Pedagogy: preparing our students for a complex world


In the era of the new normal, EDHEC trains future leaders who are curious and have a solid general culture, and gives them the means to undertake and manage differently. This pedagogy involves access to new fields of study, particularly in the social sciences and humanities. 

It also involves major investments in equipment and digital innovations aimed at optimising, personalising and making the learning experience more fluid.


Creation of advanced sector-specific training certificates
(humanities, journalism, design, social sciences, neurosciences, etc.), both face-to-face and online. 


Introduction of training certificates for new disciplines
(humanities, journalism, design, social sciences, neurosciences, etc.), both face-to-face and online. 


Creation of the Gaia Academy
Learn from the best in sustainable development. Cycle of courses given by experts and inspiring personalities. Example: The Economy in the Age of Scarcity, by a member of Jean-Marc Jancovici's Think Tank. 


Création de l’Académy Gaia
Apprendre des meilleurs en développement durable. Cycle de cours donnés par des experts et personnalités inspirantes. Exemple : L’Économie à l’ère de la rareté, par un membre du Think tank de Jean-Marc Jancovici.


100% of students will experience a Learning Expedition
An immersion week to explore the future of business in terms of sustainable development (master class, excursions, interaction with the actors of the transformation, studies of ecosystems and good practices).


Big Data Centre for business
Provision of a dedicated high-performance, fast computing service for teacher researchers and students. The purchase of equipment and data, with the support of a dedicated engineer, will enable students and professors to integrate the most advanced data for excellent applied learning, particularly on issues of artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data.

Target : 

in 2025

Entrepreneurship : reinventing the future


Entrepreneurship has always been at the heart of the EDHEC culture. In 10 years, more than 370 start-ups have been created thanks to the three EDHEC incubators in Paris - Station F, Lille and Nice, and have in turn created 4,000 jobs. The Challenge 2021 ranking of the 100 start-ups to invest in highlights 4 EDHEC start-ups (Famileat, Leafer, Sparkl Trafe and 

Entrepreneurship is a powerful way out of the crisis and a lever for transforming our economy towards a sustainable model: the EDHEC incubator aims to become the first in France to focus on responsibility and support for global performance.


The Foundation will support :


  1. Increased presence at Station F, the world's largest incubator: 200 work stations by 2025 (created in 2017 with 40 work stations)
  2. Enhanced tech support for our entrepreneurs to accelerate the development of their business
  3. The establishment of an accelerator in California in partnership with Skydeck Berkeley

A few EDHEC entrepreneurial success stories :

Target : 

in 2025



21.02.2025 - Master
Empowering Future AI Leaders: EDHEC & Orange Launch Ethical AI Start-Up Challenge
EDHEC’s Master in Management – Data Science & AI for Business and Orange launch the Ethical AI Start-Up Challenge, shaping future leaders in responsible AI innovation.
19.02.2025 - Master
How to Secure a Spot in a Top Finance Graduate Programme
Discover how to boost your chances of joining a top finance graduate programme with expert tips on applications, CVs, interviews, and networking.
14.02.2025 - Master
Exploring EDHEC’s MSc in Marketing Management: Luxury & Fashion, and Entertainment & Services Specialisations
Discover EDHEC’s MSc in Marketing Management with specialisations in Luxury & Fashion and Entertainment & Services. Gain hands-on experience with top brands!