Fourth edition of the Tremplin Diversité et Inclusion event
EDHEC Business School hosted the fourth edition of the Tremplin Diversité & Inclusion on its Lille campus in February. This one-day event was devoted to raising awareness of inclusion and diversity issues, particularly in the professional context, among the 650 Pre-Master students attending.
Organised by the School’s Diversity & Inclusion Chair, the 2023 edition gave students the chance to work on case studies focused on inclusion in the workplace and devised by the companies partnering the Tremplin: Auchan Retail, Ubisoft, Vinci, Mazars, Sopra Steria, Stellantis.
During the day, students were split into working groups and tasked with considering measures to facilitate the day-to-day challenges faced by neurodivergent employees. The most innovative ideas will be presented by the teams of finalists to companies during the final of the Tremplin in Lille on 10 March. The programme for the final includes a conference on neurodiversity led by Julie Dachez, doctor and researcher in social psychology, aimed at familiarising Pre-Master students with the specifics of invisible handicaps.
The Tremplin Diversité et Inclusion extends EDHEC Business School’s commitment to initiatives enabling students to better understand the challenges currently facing society, such as the fight against gender-based violence, through the “Gender-Based Violence: Act and Stop it!” educational initiative, or the climate crisis, via the “La fresque du climat” workshop.