
(France Culture) Primeiro Comando da Capital : the entrepreneurs of Brazilian crime

Press review - Listen to the interview in French with Bertrand Monnet, Senior Lecturer at EDHEC and holder of the Criminal Risks Management Chair, on France Culture's "Entendez-vous l'éco" programme.

Reading time :
19 Apr 2023
(France Culture) Primeiro Comando da Capital : les entrepreneurs du crime brésilien

On 19 April 2023, Bertrand Monnet (EDHEC) was the guest of Tiphaine de Rocquigny, alongside Gabriel Feltran (CNRS), for the 3rd programme in the series on Le capitalisme en bande organisée.

This interview is introduced on as follows: "In a cocaine market that is constantly expanding (production doubled between 2014 and 2020, reaching 1982 tonnes), Brazil is a pivotal country. It offers an attractive transit point between the cocaine-producing countries of Colombia and Bolivia and the Atlantic seaboard, where the drugs can be transported by container ship to European ports.

Brazilian criminal organisations are well aware of the potential. Brazil's most powerful organisation, the Primeiro Comando da Capital (First Capital Commando, PCC), has had a monthly turnover of around 50 million dollars in recent years, driven by the sale of crack cocaine.

What is the nature of the PCC, somewhere between a brotherhood and a criminal network? How has this network managed to establish itself as the regulator of illegal markets throughout Brazil?

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