
March 20 & 21 - Register to the 16th Financial Risks International Forum

The Institut Louis Bachelier, in cooperation with the Fondation du Risque, the Europlace Institute of Finance and the Louis Bachelier "Finance and Sustainable Growth" Laboratory, is organizing in Paris its 16th Forum on "Finance & Society". Anja Duranovic, Emmanuel Jurczenko, Irene Monasterolo, Mirco Rubin and David Zerbib of the EDHEC Business School and/or of the EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute will intervene or have their paper presented during these 2 days.

Reading time :
2 Mar 2023

This year’s forum will focus on the theme “Finance & Society”, aiming to discuss the interactions between finance and society, and the contributions of financial innovations, regulation, green finance and financial technology to our society. Finance interacts with all parts of our daily lives, politics and the economy. Numerous economic theories have emphasized the crucial role played by the financial sector to our society: managing risks, allocating capital, providing price signals, reducing agency issues, benefitting economic development. But economists’ views are not necessarily shared by society at large and it is difficult to restore trust, despite advances in regulation and the development of sustainable finance.


This 16th edition is organized by the Institut Louis Bachelier, in cooperation with the Fondation du Risque, the Europlace Institute of Finance and the Louis Bachelier "Finance and Sustainable Growth" Laboratory.


  • Venue: Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de la Région Paris Ile de France. 27, avenue de Friedland, 75008 Paris, France.



Our speakers and their papers

All along these 2 days, members of the EDHEC Finance community will intervene to present their research, and some will have their co-authors present their papers.


March 20, 2023


3 pm - 5 pm: Session "Physical Risks and Adaptation Finance"



5.30 pm - 7 pm: Session "Investor's preference for ESG"


March 21, 2023


2.15 pm - 3.30 pm: Session "Volatility and tail risk"

  • Tail Risk Systemic Factors”. Thomas Giroux* (CREST), Erwan Koch (EPFL), Christian-Yann Robert (ENSAE) and David Zerbib (EDHEC, EDHEC-Risk Climate)


4 pm - 6 pm: Session "Climate Risk of Portfolios"

  • Chairman: Emmanuel Jurczenko (EDHEC)



* speakers


More about the members of EDHEC


EDHEC ILB Forum 2023



Anja Duranovic

EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute Research Assistant


Emmanuel Jurczenko

Director of EDHEC's Graduate Finance Programmes


Irene Monasterolo

Professor of Climate Finance, EDHEC Business School & Research Programme Director, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute (Impact of Finance on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation)


Mirco Rubin

Associate Professor, EDHEC Business School


David Zerbib

Associate Professor, EDHEC Business School & Affiliate Member, EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute


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