
Only a few days left to support the EDHEC For All scholarship programme!

EDHEC For All scholarship programme It is still time to act! Providing equal opportunities and diversity is a priority here at EDHEC. Thanks to the loyal and generous support of donors, our year-end…
Reading time :
20 Dec 2018

EDHEC For All scholarship programme

It is still time to act!


Providing equal opportunities and diversity is a priority here at EDHEC.

Thanks to the loyal and generous support of donors, our year-end campaign for the EDHEC For All scholarship programme almost reaches its objectives.


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Watch the story of Capucine who got into EDHEC two years ago thanks to an EDHEC For All scholarship.




We need your support. Your donations are essential to allow more ambitious students like Capucine to pursue their studies. Every gift matters!

One last thing: if you are a resident abroad, you can benefit from tax deductions from your country of residence.


I contribute to diversity and benefit from tax deductions


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